博乐仁 (Roland Busch)
当下,我们身处一个深刻变革与重大机遇并存的时代。人口变化、国际贸易格局演变、气候变化等大趋势正在深度重构全球经济。与此同时,科技的飞跃正带领人类进入一个前所未有的世界。在这里,汽车可以自动驾驶,机器人(18.750, -0.37, -1.94%)可与人类并肩协作,工业设备可以用人类语言交流。以西门子的实践为例,得益于数字技术的飞速迭代,现实与数字世界从未如此紧密地融合在一起。
期待与各位在今年年会中交流观点、碰撞思想,孕育创新动力(4.190, -0.18, -4.12%),共赴未来发展。

Message from the Co-Chair
Roland Busch
Chairman of the Managing Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG
Distinguished guests and fellow delegates,
It is my privilege to serve as the Co-Chair of the 2025 China Development Forum and I would like to extend my sincere welcome to all of you. Each year, CDF is one of the key events in my calendar. I believe many of my peers at multinational companies feel the same.
For 25 years since its establishment, CDF has become THE most important platform for high-level exchanges and collaboration between Chinese policymakers and leaders from the international business and academic communities on the major topics on China's economic and social development. I would like to express my appreciation to the Development Research Center of the State Council, and the China Development Research Foundation, for shaping the 2025 agenda and convening more diversified delegates.
Following four decades of rapid growth, China’s role in the world economy is remarkable: it is the second largest economy in the world, it accounts for one third of the world’s manufacturing, and it is driving global innovation and collaboration. Looking ahead, how to continue the growth story of China, and expand our global economic collaboration? That is why we get together in China to discuss – as the theme of this year’s Forum puts it -- “Unleashing Development Momentum for Stable Growth of Global Economy”.
We now live in an age of profound changes that also come with great opportunities. Megatrends including demographic shift, international trade dynamics and climate change are deeply transforming the global economy. At the same time the phenomenal advancement of science and technology is ushering us into a world unimaginable before, where cars can self-drive, robots work hand-in-hand with workers and machines can speak human language. Take what we do at Siemens for example: Digital technologies are evolving at such a pace that the real world has never been combined with the digital world so closely before.
With disruptive technologies, esp. AI, we can take everything we do to the next level. With our domain know-how and high-quality industrial data, Siemens is working with AI forerunners worldwide to make our customers more resilient, more competitive, and more sustainable – in all industries.
To fully unleash growth potentials for the global economy, we need to work together. We applaud China’s continued efforts to expand high-level opening-up and contribute to a level playing field. Multinational companies have been part of China’s success story, benefitting from and contributing to the economic growth. We will embark, together, on the road of even closer cooperation for shared prosperity in the new era.
Looking forward to engaging with you at the CDF 2025, exchanging insights, and co-creating innovations to achieve growth together.
Xièxiè. Thank you all! Wish us a successful CDF 2025! Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the CDF!

Roland Busch
Chairman of the Managing Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG

平越南输中国韩国球迷怒了韩国球迷无法接受时隔两年再输中国 收起平越南输中国韩国球迷怒了韩国球迷无法接受时隔两年再输中国
- 2025年03月23日
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- 2025年03月22日
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- 2025年03月23日
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投资研报 扫码订阅
冯矿伟今天 03:04:07
横盘了 -
趋势起航今天 03:01:45
这行情指数没怎么跌,但个股已经很惨烈了。看看平均股价指数就知道了 -
数字江恩今天 02:59:57
今天大盘+双创,其实就在上周五低点震荡,但国政2000+微盘股指数880823明显回踩,个股涨跌比不佳 -
徐小明今天 02:59:13
【盘中直播】前一阵子个股强,现在弱,正常 -
东方红陈晨今天 02:57:20
短线情绪还在低迷的状态运行,高标的风险释放才开始,还没有结束,大板块的高位股机器人(sz300024)已经走下神坛,高位的数据中心也慢慢下来,高低切是主要方向了,短期内不能逆转这种倾向,大盘不会有什么大跌的动作,神秘资金做阵,你想杀跌太难了,你只能阴跌,缓慢下跌,控制风险是第一的,那就是降低仓位。同时布局低位股,基本面扎实的个股,才是未来对抗风险的选择。千万别追涨。 -
趋势领涨今天 02:56:25
【化工板块震荡拉升湖北宜化(sz000422)涨停】湖北宜化(sz000422)涨停,此前中毅达(sh600610)11天5板,川金诺(sz300505)、长青股份(sz002391)、正丹股份(sz300641)、怡达股份(sz300721)、六国化工(sh600470)、云天化(sh600096)等涨幅靠前。 -
雪球年大今天 02:55:08
现在看指数已经感受不到市场的情绪,分化严重,微盘股跌幅已经扩大至2.5%。 -
冯矿伟今天 02:55:06
绿盘震荡中 -
趋势起航今天 02:52:43
该防守的时候我们就防守好,不是说每天都要交易。 -
数字江恩今天 02:51:05