無樂|Blank Joy 呈现: Byetone+法兰克福头盔+Kyoka

無樂|Blank Joy 呈现: Byetone+法兰克福头盔+Kyoka
2024年06月18日 18:26 摩登天空



6月21日Blank Joy将德国电子音乐和视觉艺术大师 Byetone (Olaf Bender) 带到了中国,除了艺术家的身份,他还是享誉国际的德国实验电子音乐厂牌 Raster-Noton的创始人,另一位创始人是同为世界级的电子音乐大师 Alva Noto,早在2005年12月,Raster-Noton就与中国乐迷更熟悉的现代音乐大师坂本龙一Kangding Ray推出了特別企画『ic uc wc』,教授日后一系列名满天下的氛围电子作品,最早就起始与这时期开始的《Insen》和《Vrioon》两张专辑。

当晚,除了Byetone (Olaf Bender),还有知名先锋电子乐队法兰克福头盔、知名唢呐演奏家胡晨韵、新媒体艺术家Bing(冯冰心)、以及日本实验电子重磅才女Kyoka,也将加入我们的活动中。



{音乐现场Live Event}


Artist Introduction:



/ Bender

Byetone (Olaf Bender),德国知名电子音乐家和视觉艺术家,享誉国际的实验电子音乐厂牌 Raster-Noton >的联合创始人之一。自20世纪90年代以来,Byetone一直活跃在电子音乐的前沿,以其独特的声音设计和视觉表现,影响着全球电子音乐和视觉艺术的创作方向。

作为业界标杆,Byetone在电子音乐领域持续创作,《Death of a Typographer》《Plastic Star》两张代表作如惊雷般面世成为了极简主义电子乐的里程碑。同时还为Modeselektor和VCMG、法兰克福头盔乐队等艺人制作混音,并与Carsten Nicolai组成双人组合Diamond Version,发行了多张EP和专辑。Byetone的禀赋不仅体现在音乐上,他将自己的极简微声融入了时尚、设计、新媒体艺术等多个领域,曾与Rick Owens等时装设计大师紧密合作,还凭借与包括池田亮司、Scanner等12位实验电子乐鬼才的合作作品《20' to 2000》夺得了奥地利电子艺术中心颁发的金尼卡奖。




Byetone (Olaf Bender) is a renowned electronic musician and visual artist from Germany, and one of the co-founders of the internationally acclaimed experimental electronic music label Raster-Noton. Active since the 1990s, Byetone has been a prominent figure at the forefront of electronic music, influencing global electronic and visual art with his unique sound design and visual presentations.

As an industry benchmark, Byetone continues to create influential works in the electronic music field. His notable albums, "Death of a Typographer" and "Plastic Star," emerged as milestones in minimalist electronic music. Additionally, he has produced remixes for artists like Modeselektor, VCMG, and Frankfurt Helmet Band, and formed the duo Diamond Version with Carsten Nicolai, releasing several EPs and albums. Byetone's talents extend beyond music; he integrates his minimalist micro-sound into fashion, design, and new media art. He has collaborated closely with fashion designers such as Rick Owens and won the Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica award for his collaborative work "20' to 2000" with 12 experimental electronic music artists including Ryoji Ikeda and Scanner.

His music is characterized by a minimalist, abstract, and cold style, full of rationality and aggression. Heavy bass is a key element in his exploration of musical forms, and he skillfully uses symmetrical, precise combinatory structures in his compositions.

Even in mesmerizing stage visual arts, Byetone excellently showcases his minimalist aesthetics. Under the aurora, highly precise geometric patterns and intertwining lines reflect his obsession with structure and proportion, and also convey a rock attitude rooted in East Berlin. 

Byetone has constructed a vast universe where sound experimentation intersects with visual art, creating a layered, pixelated world of order and abstraction.

法 兰 克 福头 盔

Frankfurt Helmet

法兰克福头盔(Frankfurt Helmet)是由“AV大久保”前鼓手 胡娟(Romna)与武大哲学博士、吉他手 大飞 组成的合成器音乐组合。他们的音乐融合了氛围感和冷峻机械的节奏,形成了自己独特的风格。目前,他们的创作活动主要聚焦在探索电子音乐与数字媒体艺术表达的各种可能性。



Frankfurt Helmet is a synthesizer music duo formed by former AV Okubo drummer Hu Juan (Romna) and Wuhan University philosophy PhD and guitarist Da Fei. Their music blends atmospheric sounds with cold, mechanical rhythms, creating a unique style. Currently, their creative activities focus on exploring the possibilities of electronic music and digital media art.

Frankfurt Helmet prefers machine-like, cold tonal colors. In their view, these tones offer more order and regularity, becoming more dehumanized. However, the artists do not adhere to a fixed methodology in their creations. To form unique contrasts and blends, they also incorporate randomly generated, softer, and more beautiful sounds into their songs. They continuously experiment and integrate independent electronic music with modern dance, digital art, and installation art.

This excellent avant-garde duo is actively involved in top-tier music live performances and new media art exhibitions in China. They also have a close collaboration with another talented new media artist, Bing (Feng Bingxin). The spectacular cross-media interactive stage brings more possibilities for live performances, as the artists strive to create more cross-disciplinary collaborations and artistic expressions in various fields.


Kyoka是一位来自日本的实验电子音乐家,她自幼学习钢琴,在对古典音乐的学习期间也对录音设备产生了浓厚兴趣。在东京求学的期间,她以购入一台Roland MC-505为契机开始制作音乐,最终走上了电子音乐创作的道路。



Kyoka is an experimental electronic musician from Japan. She began learning the piano at a young age and developed a keen interest in recording equipment during her studies in classical music. While studying in Tokyo, she purchased a Roland MC-505, which marked the beginning of her journey into electronic music production.

Kyoka's musical style is characterized by chaotic yet direct arrangements and rough, heavy bass sounds, creating an experimental but danceable fractured pop beat. Her music blends traditional Japanese culture with Western influences, often using fragmented and repetitive sound elements. By employing simple piezo microphones and homemade pulse wave oscillators, she creates a unique and unpredictable sound texture.

As the first female artist signed to the renowned German experimental electronic music label Raster-Noton, Kyoka has gained extensive performance experience while continually innovating her sound aesthetics. In recent years, she has developed a strong interest in the relationship between neuroscience, music theory, and composition, making repeated experimentation with new musical structures the core of her activities. Through unique sound design and improvisation, she constantly pushes the boundaries of electronic music.


Collaborating Artists



Hu Chenyun is a well-known suona player from the Shanghai National Orchestra, a national first-class actor, and a student of the Famous suona player Professor Liu Ying. She is proficient in various wind instruments, including the saxophone, and has an accurate grasp and perfect interpretation of traditional and modern works. In her recent performances, Hu Chenyun is attempting to blend suona with rock, electronic music, ACG, and other cultures, giving new vitality and infinite possibilities to this folk instrument.


Bing 是一位数字媒体领域的图像创作者,致力于通过数字互动与视觉艺术的结合,探索行为和体验给作品概念和形式表达上带来的可能性。从平面设计到计算机艺术,她沉迷于构建系统,在克制中失控,在混乱与秩序间找一个精准的出口,然后通向更加宽广的诗意。

Bing is an image creator in the digital media field, dedicated to exploring the possibilities that behavior and experience bring to the conceptual and formal expression of works through the combination of digital interaction and visual art. From graphic design to computer art, she is obsessed with building systems, finding a precise outlet in the balance between control and chaos, and then leading to a broader poetic expression.



沪西文化艺术中心 3层





Detailed Information:


Click to view the workshop tweet



- Location: Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate General Shanghai




- QR Code for workshop registration:


Supported by Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate General Shanghai


無樂 Blank Joy 是一个聚焦于国际文化交流的音乐厂牌,希望让音乐回归音乐本身,用体验、交流、合作的策划,举办多样性的线下音乐演出。我们致力于展示与推广全世界有才华的艺术家,并为艺术家和观众之间建立沟通的桥梁,让所有参与者都能够更深入了解艺术家的艺术表达和创作逻辑。

扎雅 ZAYAGAN 是一家音乐传媒公司,总部位于中国上海,它作为音乐传播媒介,不断拓展及探索当代艺术与传统人文文化融合的边界。通过不断策划与国内外知名艺术家的合作活动以明确其核心价值:用音乐与艺术链接世界。

**Blank Joy** 

Is a music label focused on international cultural exchange, aiming to bring music back to its essence. Through the planning of diverse offline music performances, Blank Joy emphasizes experience, exchange, and collaboration. We are dedicated to showcasing and promoting talented artists from around the world, creating a bridge between artists and audiences. This allows all participants to gain a deeper understanding of the artists' expressions and creative logic.


Is a music media company headquartered in Shanghai, China. As a medium for music dissemination, it continuously explores the boundaries of integrating contemporary art with traditional cultural heritage. By organizing collaborative events with renowned artists both domestically and internationally, ZAYAGAN strives to establish its core value: linking the world through music and art.


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