
2024年05月06日 16:00 中婴网

随着90 后、95 后妈妈成为育儿主力军后,科学育儿与精细化喂养的理念愈发深入。艾瑞咨询《中国家庭科学育儿洞察白皮书》1报告指出,我国的育儿观念经历了传统育儿、宠溺育儿、科学育儿,到如今已经演化为精细化育儿:在科学育儿的基础上,更注重对孩子多方面能力的精细化培育。




科学营养矩阵16:DHA + ARA+胆碱

优量DHA(80 mg/ 100 g)17和ARA(95 mg/ 100 g)结合胆碱 、更有添加其他关键营养成分,牛磺酸核苷酸 、25种维生素和矿物质18。







2.《2024 新生代妈妈奶粉喂养白皮书》

3. “乳铁熠生链”指乳铁蛋白,益生菌动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12与益生元短链低聚半乳糖(scGOS)和长链多聚果糖(IcFOS)的组合。


5. “高活”指动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12具有高耐酸性, JungersenM, Wind A, Johansen E, Christensen JE, Stuer-LauridsenB, Eskesen D. The Science behind the Probiotic Strain Bifidobacterium animalissubsp. lactis BB-12(®). Microorganisms. 2014 Mar 28;2(2):92-110.


7.指经过计算,每罐800g的爱他美悠熠3段添加不少于240亿CFU的动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12 。Tan-Lim CSC, Esteban-IpacNAR, Recto MST, Castor MAR, Casis-Hao RJ, Nano ALM. Comparative effectiveness of probiotic strains on the prevention of pediatric atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and network META-analysis. PediatrAllergy Immunol. 2021 Aug;32(6):1255-1270. doi: 10.1111/pai.13514. Epub2021 May 15. PMID: 33811784.

8. 根据国家卫健委2022年第4号(关于《可用于食品的菌种名单》和《可用于婴幼儿食品的菌种名单》更新的公告)及其解读文件,动物双歧杆菌Bb-12被更名为动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12,2011年原卫生部首次发布的《可用于婴幼儿食品的菌种名单》(卫生部公告2011年第25号)中包含动物双歧杆菌Bb-12

9. 已有超过400份已发表的科学文献对动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Bb-12进行了阐述,https://www.theprobioticsinstitute.com.cn/zh/chr%20hansen%20probiotics/bb%2012

10. 爱他美悠熠3段标签显示的益生元含量≈0.8g/100ml。临床实验中含0.8g/100ml的试验组为高量试验组。Moro, G., et al. Dosage-Related Bifidogenic Effects of Galacto-and Fructooligosaccharidesin Formula-Fed Term Infants. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2002, 34(3), 291–295.

11. “自护益生元”指短链低聚半乳糖(scGOS)和长链多聚果糖(IcFOS)的益生元组合。

12 .爱他美悠熠3段标签标示的乳铁蛋白含量是85mg/100g,是临床研究中乳铁蛋白添加量的2.2倍。Chen K, Chai L, Li H, et al. Effect of bovine lactoferrin from iron-fortified formulas on diarrhea and respiratory tract infections of weaned infants in a randomized controlled trial[J]. Nutrition, 2016, 32(2): 222-227.

13 .HaarmanM, Knol J. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of fecal Lactobacillus species in infants receiving a prebiotic infant formula[J]. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2006, 72(4): 2359-2365.

14 .相关摘要已发表于欧洲儿科胃肠病、肝病学及营养学学会年会(ESPGHAN 2023:June 2023 -Volume 76 -Issue S1 : Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (lww.com))Effects of prebiotic-supplemented formula on gut microbiome development in Chinese children from 0-24 months: a multicenter decentralized clinical trial during the covid-19 pandemic

15 .ArslanogluS, Moro G E, Boehm G, et al. Early Neutral Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Supplentationreduces the incidence of some allergic manifestations in the first 5 years of life[J]. J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents, 2012, 26: 49-59.

16. Mun, J.G., Legette, L.L., Ikonte, C.J., et al.Cholineand DHA in Maternal and Infant Nutrition: Synergistic Implications in Brain and Eye Health[J].Nutrients, 2019, 11(5):1125.

17. 优量DHA指DHA含量超过0.30%总脂肪酸量(具体DHA含量见营养成分表),符合EFSA(欧洲食品安全委员会) 的专业意见。Scientificsubstantiation of a health claim related to docosahexae-noicacid(DHA) and arachidonic acid(ARA)and visual development pursuant to Article14.

18. 25种维生素和矿物质指悠熠3段营养成分表中23种必需维生素/矿物质+2种可选择成分(硒、锰)

19. 指SN-2结构脂帮助关键营养素的吸收, López-López, A., et al . (2001).The influence of dietary palmitic acid triacylglycerideposition on the fatty acid, calcium and magnesium contents of at term newborn faeces. Early Human Development, 65, S83–S94.

20. 指配料基粉中的生牛乳源自新西兰

21. Kennedy K, FewtrellM S, Morley R, et al. Double-blind, randomized trial of a synthetic triacylglycerol in formula-fed term infants: effects on stool biochemistry, stool characteristics, and bone mineralization[J]. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1999, 70(5): 920-927.

22. 100%乳糖设计: 指在爱他美悠熠3配方设计中不添加乳糖以外的其他糖作为能量来源。


24.焕发活性屏障:Shamir R, Elburg R, Knol J, Dupont C. (2015). Essential Knowledge Briefing: Gut Health in Early Life: Significance of the GutMicrobiota and Nutrition for Development and Future Health. Wiley. https://www.essentialknowledgebriefings.com/introducing-the-gut-health-in-early-life-educational-series/


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