
2024年07月02日 10:08 闪电新闻


In the height of summer, the vast farmlands and thriving industries coexist harmoniously in Weifang, while beautiful villages shine alongside with new farmers, creating a vibrant atmospherethroughout the region. The China-Latin America and Caribbean Agricultural Ministers’ Forum kicked off in Weifang, China’s Shandong Province.


Since the early stages of reform and opening up, Weifang has been at the forefront of agricultural industrialization in the country, pioneering a path that has become essential for modernizing China’s agriculture. Today, with the Weifang National Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening-up and Developmentgaining momentum, Weifang is still leading the way in advancing agricultural modernization. Weifang has always been a model for nationwide development in agriculture, rural area and farmers.


Weifang boasts a rare combination of high-end agriculture and advanced manufacturing as its main industries. The agricultural output value in Weifang is comparable to that of its manufacturing sector. As a major national base for agricultural product processing and export, Weifang has developed eight major industry clusters: grain, vegetables, livestock and poultry, flowers, seedlings, fruits, seeds, and agricultural machinery. Among these, the output value of full industry chain of vegetables, livestock and poultry, agricultural machinery, and flowers exceeds 100 billion yuan each. Weifang also excels in platform building and brand development, having hosted a series of international agricultural forums and exhibitions, such as the International Conference on Salt-affected Soils, the ASEAN-China Digital Agriculture Forum, and the first World Expo on Digital Agriculture. This demonstrates its capability and experience in hosting international conferences.


As a national hub for agricultural opening-upand development, Weifang has over 120 registered export bases for specialty agricultural and sideline products, and more than 220 registered poultry farms for export. It takes the lead nationwide in the export volumes of green onions, ginger, citric acid, agricultural machineryand poultry, with vegetable export volume, poultry meat export value, and total agricultural machinery output value accounting for one-eighth, one-sixth, and one-fourth of the national total, respectively.


Notably, Weifang has maintained close economic and trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Leading enterprises such as Weichai Lovol, Rainbow Chemical, Hengan Paper, and Sunway Stock Farming have expanded their businesses overseas, establishing a presence in over 20 Latin American countriesand regions, including Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Their businesses cover various fields, including agricultural machinery, pesticides, agricultural products, and food. In 2023, trade between Weifang and Latin America reached 23 billion yuan, with agricultural import and export value totaling 5.76 billion yuan.


On August 31, 2018, the State Council approved the establishment of the Weifang National Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening-up and Development. Embracing its role as a major agricultural city, Weifang has transformed its resource and policy advantages into a competitive edge for China's agricultural opening-up in the new era.


Weifang has optimized and introduced 35 customs supervision measures, achieving the objective of prompt customs clearance upon declaration for exported food and prompt customs clearance upon inspection for fresh agricultural products. The comprehensive processing time for import and export business has been reduced from over 10 working days to as little as 2 hours, resulting in an average cost reduction of 30% for enterprises. Currently, Weifang has over 700 agricultural export enterprises, with the agricultural products reaching 141 countries and regions. In 2023, its agricultural export value reached 14.79 billion yuan, exceeding 10 billion yuan for five consecutive years.


Focusing on deepening international cooperation and exchange, Weifang's overseas "circle of friends" continues to expand. The city has over 200 foreign-invested agricultural enterprises, and international cooperation parks such as the China-Japan-South Korea Modern Efficient Agriculture Industrial Park and the China-Uruguay Beef Cattle Industrial Park have been established here. World-renowned enterprises like COFCO, Yili, and New Hope Liuhe have invested and established businesses in Weifang, and the CP Food’s 3.6 million laying hens project in Weifang has become the largest integrated and most complete safety-focusedecological full-industry chain project in the country.


Drawing on advanced international technologies, Weifang has established national-level innovation platforms such as the Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences. It has also introduced and transformed technologies such as Dutch greenhouse construction and Italian factory-based seedling cultivation. In addition, nine internationally renowned seed companies, including Syngenta, Seminis and Yuksel, have set up experimental stations in Weifang. Driven by the national agricultural comprehensive pilot zone, the number of seed research and development companies in Weifang has grown to 44, obtaining 228 new seed variety rights. Additionally, the city has built the largest shrimp germplasm resource bank in the country and thelargest vegetable germplasm resource bank in Shandong, with a domestic market share of over 70% for vegetable varieties.


The National Vegetable Quality StandardsCenter and the National Livestock and Poultry Slaughter Quality Standards Innovation Center have been established in the Weifang National Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening-up and Development. The seven full-industry chain vegetable standards developed by the National Vegetable Quality Standards Center have filled a domestic gap, which have beenadopted by 27 provinces and regions nationwide. The ISO international standard for chicken slaughter, developed by the National Livestock and Poultry Slaughter Quality Standards Innovation Center, is the first international standard in the poultry slaughter field led by China, marking a "zero to one" breakthrough.



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