
2020年11月05日 18:24 第一财经广播



史蒂夫·霍夫曼,在硅谷人称“霍夫船长”,他是创始人空间(Founders Space)的董事长兼CEO,世界领先的创业孵化器和加速器之一。同时,他也是一位天使投资人、八月资本(August Capital)有限合伙人、连续创业者、以及多本获奖畅销书的作者,包括中信出版的《让大象飞》和《穿越寒冬》。

疫情之前硅谷著名孵化器Founders Space创始人史蒂夫·霍夫曼(Steve Hoffman)有一大半的时间呆在中国,活跃在不同城市进行演讲和培训,帮助政府、企业高管和创业者更好地创新。这次他在峰会论坛上说“我经常和中国的创业者在一起工作,我可以告诉你们,他们是世界上最具创新精神的人


史蒂文·霍夫曼,是硅谷重量级创业教父、天使投资人、《福布斯》杂志排名第一的创业孵化器Founders Space创始人,数以百计的硅谷初创企业创始人以及美国大企业的高层管理人员都对其顶礼膜拜。在全球22个国家有超过50个的合作伙伴,被福布斯和Inc. Magazine共同评为十大孵化器之一。




It’s my pleasure to be speaking at the Voice of the Future - Global Enterprise Innovation Practice Summit in Shanghai.


My name is Steve Hoffman, but in silicon valley they call me Captain Hoff because I am the captain and chairman of Founders Space, one of the world's leading start-up incubators and accelerators and I am also author of the bestselling book Let the Elephant Fly, which is all about the process of radical innovation. My new book Through the Winter, which tells entrepreneurs everything they need to know to build successful businesses, even in difficult times.

我叫Steve Hoffman,在硅谷,他们都叫我霍夫曼船长,因为我是Founders Space公司的创始人,Founders Space是世界领先的创业孵化器和加速器之一,同时我也是畅销书《让大象飞》的作者,这本书全面剖析了激进创新的实践过程及方法论。我的新书《穿越寒冬》向创业者们分享了企业成功的关键要素,特别是穿越寒冬的法则。


Thank you for being with us today.


How do you view the Chinese style of innovation? What are the unique innovation advantages in China?



The Chinese style for innovation is different than other countries, especially western.


I'm here in silicon valley. And I will tell you that entrepreneurs here sometimes, they just dream up an idea and they follow that they don't even ask if it's practical. In China, what I see is most entrepreneurs are very focused on the bottom line. They wanna make money. They want to do something that will impact the market. So they are very practical.


A lot of people say Chinese are innovative, but that's not true. Chinese are very innovative. So I work with Chinese entrepreneurs all the time. And I will tell you that are the most innovative people in the world.


But they innovate in a slightly different way.


Innovation in China is rooted in a group mentality, a group culture innovation. In the west is more individualistic. People tend to take their own path. They tend to try things because they're passionate about them not merely because it's a good business idea.


There's advantages and disadvantages to each. In China, you get the advantage that you start with things that have a higher probability of succeeding. But in the west, people go off in crazy directions that nobody can predict that some of the things totally fail. A lot of them, most of them. But those that breakthrough tend to be very new because everybody thought it was impossible and this person went ahead and did it anyway. That is the biggest key difference.


China has a number of advantages. And the biggest one is the number of students graduating instead. So science, engineering, technology, mathematics, students are China is graduating so many of these more than any country in the world.most of them coming back to China and then innovate ing on top of that.


In China is a huge, huge market. So if you look at China, the biggest market in the world,If you get a hit in China, it's automatically unicorn.


if you're in China, you're lucky. You have so many resources. You have such potential, and you also have this huge market. The last thing I wanna say is China offers really generous government support.


China's government has a lot of money. And they're putting a huge amount of this into helping entrepreneurs. So that gives entrepreneurs a big leg up. All these advantages come together, making China one of the most innovative countries in the world.



Innovation is not only scientific research, more importantly, the successful application of technologies in industry and society. What are the key breakthrough factor when innovated?



What there is a called an innovation loop and it'll loop is the steps entrepreneurs go through as they discover what they need to know to actually take their market and their products to the next level.


They gather data. And once they have data, they age their idea. They don't keep it the same. And they keep changing and adjusting until they hit it just right, that is the core of the innovation process.


It's always gathering more data. That is the way to steer a course to success.



Under the epidemic and capital strain, how can startups turn crisis into opportunity?



There're always shifts the markets. Now some of them are short term changes. Others can be very long term or permanent changes. You need to analyze what type of changes are impacting your business. And that should Guide you on how to change your business.


First of all, look at your competitors. How are they changing? What techniques are they using to actually survive difficult times or even make money called times? Even more importantly, go to your customers if you need ideas on how to innovate, how to change your business, to adapt to changing circumstances, your customers are the first people you need to talk to because they're business has probably been impacted.

if you can help your customers solve their problems, then you have to actually make a lot of money because they're gonna come to you.


So the key to navigating difficult times is actually now as partners with your customers, with your strategic partners, all of you together should be working together to figure out where to go next. You by creating value in this loop, you can actually become vital.

when the world changes out, there are new opportunities that you can take advantage of that you may not have otherwise even seen.


And those opportunities can be enormous. In fact, they can totally remake your business, give you a new edge and a new direction.



Thank you very much for your insightful sharing.



Thank you, grace, for your excellent questions. Now on to new economy, new future.

感谢Grace的精彩提问。“报时新经济 聆听新未来”


作者:Grace谷昕容 秦川


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