
2024年05月07日 07:21 CGTNculture
【茶艺博览会上的一次“砚”遇】文房四宝,即笔、墨、纸、砚,是记载、传承中华文明的瑰宝。其中砚不止可受墨汁浸润,集雕刻、国画艺术于一体的歙砚石还可用于布置茶室,提升品茗意趣。让我们跟随记者的镜头,走进第十六届北京国际茶业及茶艺博览会,一起欣赏各种独具匠心的歙砚石珍藏品吧。The "Four Treasures of Study," namely a writing brush, ink stick, paper and ink slab, were highly sought after by Chinese ancient scholars. Today, ink slab artisans are better known for their ingenuity and skills in combining this particular craft with tearoom decorations. Let's take a closer look at these innovative tearoom adornments.


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