
2024年04月28日 03:23 英文巴士

Video Message from ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin on ICT Day


25 April 2024


April 25th is Girls in ICT Day!


This year, we’re focused on leadership and how the international community can support women and girls everywhere to become leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Leadership is so much more than holding a job title or a position of power. It’s about harnessing the power of ideas and innovation… and the ability to navigate change with confidence, whether you’re a student, entrepreneur, or head of state.


Our shared digital future needs women leaders who are not just technologically skilled, but visionaries with a voice to advocate for a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world – online and offline.


As we continue to witness unprecedented digital transformation with the rise of AI and other emerging technologies… we simply cannot afford to keep leaving half the world’s population behind.


Right now, just 21% of all ICT Ministers are women. And only 32 out of 165 ICT regulators are led by a woman. In the highest positions of government, gender equality will not be reached for another 130 years. In the private sector, women technologists occupy l less than a third of positions and face a pay gap of 21%. Just 22% of AI workers globally are women. And the hiring rate of women in tech leadership roles has stalled. When we look at C-suite roles in STEM, just one in eight is held by a woman.

目前,只有21%的ICT部长是女性。165个ICT监管机构中只有32个由女性领导。 在政府的最高职位上,还要130年才能实现性别平等。 在私营部门,女性技术人员占据不到三分之一的职位,面临21%的薪酬差距。全球只有22%的人工智能工作者是女性。技术领导职位的女性招聘率停滞不前。当我们观察科学、技术、工程和数学领域中的高管职位时,只有八分之一由女性担任。

I think it’s high time to turn all of this around.


To all the young girls out there: the tech sector needs you. Your ideas, creativity, and perspectives are essential if gender equality is to become a reality. We need you to step into leading roles, to challenge stereotypes, and to contribute to building a digital future that benefits everyone.

各位年轻女性们,技术行业需要你们。 要使性别平等成为现实,你们的想法、创造力和观点必不可少。我们需要你们发挥领导作用,挑战陈规陋习,为建设一个人人受益的数字未来做出贡献。

To the international community: let’s empower and encourage more young women than ever to step up into the world of SETM. Let’s invest in their education, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities so that they can not only succeed but thrive as digital trailblazers.


Let’s celebrate, support, and inspire our girls on Girls in ICT Day – and every day – because they are the leaders of our digital tomorrow.



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