
2024年04月30日 11:24 英文巴士

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Jazz Day


30 April 2024


“Jazz speaks for life [...] When life itself offers no order and meaning, the musician creates an order and meaning from the sounds of the earth which flow through his instrument”. This is how the great Dr Martin Luther King Jr described jazz at the 1964 Berlin Jazz Festival.


Sixty years later, in a world plagued by fragmentation and division, his words still ring true.


This 30 April, when we observe International Jazz Day (IJD), we will be celebrating more than a musical genre. We will be celebrating humanist values. We will be celebrating a commitment to freedom, to liberation and to combating racism and division in all their forms.


This year, once again, UNESCO is teaming up with the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz to make IJD very special. More than 100 countries will be hosting hundreds of events and concerts, in addition to numerous master classes and talks.


The whole world will be dancing to the rhythm of jazz and all eyes will be on Africa – more specifically, on Tangier, Morocco. For on the occasion of IJD 2024, the “pearl of the Strait”, which left a lasting impression on jazz legend Randy Weston, will be leading the international festivities, culminating with a performance by master Gnawa musician Abdellah El Gourd.

届时,全世界都将随着爵士乐的节奏舞动,而最吸引全球目光的当属位于非洲的摩洛哥丹吉尔。这座拥有“海峡明珠”美誉的城市,曾经对爵士乐传奇人物兰迪·韦斯顿产生过重大影响。今年,丹吉尔将主办国际爵士乐日的庆祝活动,而格纳瓦音乐大师阿卜杜拉·古尔德(Abdellah El Gourd)的表演,将是庆祝活动的压轴之作。

These celebrations in Tangier, on African soil, will also allow us to shine the spotlight on the African roots of jazz, as well as on its contemporary reinventions, such as the compositions of Nigeria’s Femi Kuti, which combine jazz, reggaeton and Afrobeat, or Ethio-jazz, born in the jazz clubs of Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia.

在非洲土地上的丹吉尔举办庆祝活动,也让我们能够致敬爵士乐及其当代创新的非洲裔根源,如尼日利亚人费米·库蒂(Femi Kuti)将雷击顿(reggaeton)和非洲节拍与爵士乐融合的作品,或是诞生于埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴爵士乐俱乐部的埃塞俄比亚爵士乐。

Beyond this international day, UNESCO also supports the music industry in Africa yearround. For the Organization, the African continent is a strategic priority. First of all, UNESCO promotes the diversity of African music, which is central to local – regional and national – identities. Moroccan Gnawa music, Congolese rumba and Cabo Verdean morna are all inscribed on theRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and each tells a story of dialogue and of encounters between cultures and continents.


To promote the diversity of African music, this year UNESCO is collaborating with the organizers of the Anoumabo Urban Music Festival (Festival des Musiques Urbaines d’Anoumabo – FEMUA), which is taking place from 14 to 19 May in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The festival will celebrate the rich variety of music found in Africa: from zouglou to coupé-décalé, and from rap to Afrobeat and reggae. On the sidelines of FEMUA, UNESCO is also planning a regional forum on a crucial issue: the fair remuneration of artists in Africa in the digital era.


Ensuring better remuneration of musicians and artists and better safeguarding of their rights also means taking action to bolster, through legal measures, their status and social protection. This is the aim of work done by the Organization in 22 African countries within the framework of the UNESCO-Aschberg Programme for Artists and Cultural Professionals.


On this day, UNESCO thus wishes not only to express its love of jazz, but also to reaffirm its concrete commitment, in the field, to supporting the jazz musicians who sweep us off our feet every day. Jazz is more than a type of music; it is a philosophy, a commitment. Jazz is a call to foster the values of humanity and peace, and it is up to us to heed that call.



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