
2024年12月28日 14:00 上海徐汇发布
来自日本的石附健一是崇明区东禾九谷开心农场的专家总顾问。为农场带来先进的稻米种植技术的同时,在上海的生活和工作让他收获了更多的友谊,更深层次地了解中国人和中国人的文化。一起来看看他和中国稻米博士刘厚清是怎么一起过端午节的吧!Ishizuki Kenichi, the Chief Consultant and Japanese expert of Shanghai Donghejiugu Oxygen Land Co.,LTD. in Chongming District, has introduced advanced rice growing techniques to the farm. His life and work in Shanghai have enriched his friendship and deepened his understanding of Chinese culture. Let's take a look at how he and Chinese rice expert Liu Houqing spent the Dragon Boat Festival together! #我和上海##ShanghaiMyCity#


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