“I fall in love with songs, books

“I fall in love with songs, books
2019年10月30日 11:32 FANCY

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​

“I fall in love with songs, books, and sunsets more often than I fall for people.” ​


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