跟智利美食推荐官猫妹妹“发现智利” 发现家门口的智利产品

跟智利美食推荐官猫妹妹“发现智利” 发现家门口的智利产品
2021年09月22日 12:31 视讯世界

Discover Chile with Mao meimei, the "Chilean Food Promoter", and discover Chilean products at your doorstep!

智利出口促进总局联手人气主播猫妹妹“发现智利(Discover Chile)”,现场测评几十种智利产品,带大家走进家门口的菜市场,一起踏上Discover Chile之旅,“偶遇”近在咫尺的智利特色。

ProChile Beijing in collaboration with the top KOL in China: Mao Meimei, evaluated dozens of Chilean products within a journey of Discover Chile to "encounter" the Chilean products at our doorstep.

本次“开箱智利”的主播猫妹妹,是拥有4500万粉丝的快手食品类第一主播,更是快手美食带货记录的创造者。猫妹妹以VLOG的形式,带我们从酒店开启Discover Chile的旅程。开箱测评了几十种享誉全球的智利特色产品,包含智利国酒皮斯科酒、帝王蟹、橄榄油、葡萄酒、核桃、三文鱼、贻贝、果泥等,让观众充分领略了智利产品的独具匠心与丰富多样。继开箱环节之后,猫妹妹也带着更多期待,出门寻找更多来自智利的“惊喜”。

The host of Discover Chile, Mao Meimei, is the NO.1 Kuaishou food Kol with 45 million followers, and the creator of Kuaishou food selling records. In the form of a VLOG, Mao Meimei took us on a Discover Chile journey from the hotel. Dozens of Chilean products with global reputation were unboxed and evaluated, including Pisco, king crab, olive oil, wine, walnuts, salmon, mussels, fruit puree, etc., allowing the audience to fully appreciate the uniqueness and richness of Chilean products. Following the unboxing session, Mao Meimei also went out with more expectations to find more "surprises" from Chile.


The second stop was a food market in Beijing. Mao Meimei found Chilean wine and pisco, Chilean dried blueberries, which are very popular among children, Chilean meat with high nutrition and cost effectiveness, Chilean seafood that can be easily cooked at home, and other kinds of commonly imported Chilean food at different stores. In fact, Chilean products have become inseparable from Chinese people's lives, especially at the level of pursuing product quality and healthy lifestyles, achieving a deeper integration with residents' lives to a greater extent.


At the end of the trip to the market, Mao Meimei received a mysterious invitation. The Ambassador of Chile, Mr. Luis Schmidt, invited Mao Meimei as a guest to the Embassy of Chile in China to learn more about the culture and charm of Chile.

在智利共和国驻华大使馆,智利驻华大使馆商务参赞娜塔女士热情接待了猫妹妹。参观大使馆的过程中,繁多的智利商品再次映入眼帘。这些来自“地球上最远国家”的特色产品,令猫妹妹大开眼界。一番交流过后,路易斯·施密特先生与猫妹妹热情合影,并为她颁发了“智利美食推荐官”荣誉证书。临别前,将现场20只装有智利产品的“Discover Chile”幸运礼盒,赠送给观看猫妹妹vlog并留言的幸运粉丝,将这份跨洋而来的独特心意,分享给每一位喜爱智利产品与文化的伙伴。

At the Embassy of Chile in China, Ms. Natalia Cortes, the Trade Commissioner warmly received Mao Meimei. During the visit to the embassy, a wide range of Chilean products once again came into view. These special products from the "farthest country on earth" are an eye-opener for Mao Meimei. After some exchanges, Mr. Luis Schmidt took a picture with Mao Meimei and awarded her the honorary certificate of "Chilean Food Recommender". Before parting,20"Discover Chile" lucky boxes with Chilean products were given to the lucky fans who watched the vlog of Mao Meimei, sharing this unique intention of coming across the ocean to every friend who loves Chilean products and culture.

本次“发现智利(Discover Chile)”囊括了智利葡萄酒、肉类、海鲜、水果、干果、零食等各类享誉全球的产品,从外形、口感、品牌、性价比等角度,诠释了智利产品的多维优势与多元化的竞争力。随着不断深入开展的贸易合作与日益丰富的文化交流,让人们在家门口就可以买到健康、安全、美味、真诚的智利产品,享受好产品带来的生活品质提升。

"Discover Chile" vlog includes Chilean wine, meat, seafood, fruits, dried fruits, snacks and other products that are renowned worldwide, interpreting the multidimensional advantages and diversified competitive power of Chilean products from the perspectives of appearance, taste, brand and cost performance. With the ever-deepening trade cooperation and increasingly rich cultural exchanges, people can buy healthy, safe, delicious and sincere Chilean products at their doorsteps and enjoy the improved quality of life brought by good products.


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