Bilingual | 江苏多位健儿将亮相巴黎奥运会

Bilingual | 江苏多位健儿将亮相巴黎奥运会
2024年06月27日 17:16 新华日报


With only one month until the Paris Olympics, several athletes from Jiangsu Province have been confirmed to be part of Team China, including former Olympic and world champions.

张雨霏 Zhang Yufei



Zhang Yufei, who won two golds and two silvers at the Tokyo Olympics, will lead China’s swimming team. She is expected to participate in the women’s butterfly, freestyle, and relay events.

The province’s athletes Zhang Changning and Gong Xiangyu, Rio Olympic champions, are in the women's volleyball team. As key members, their performance in Paris will be highly anticipated.

石宇奇 Shi Yuqi


Shi Yuqi and He Bingjiao, who competed at the Tokyo Olympic Games, will participate in the men's and women's singles badminton events, respectively. Shi is currently the world number one in men’s singles, while He reached the semi-finals in this year's Badminton Asia Championships.


Among the Team China members announced, Jiangsu stands out for its traditionally competitive events. The gymnastics team includes Sun Wei, who competed at the Tokyo Olympics and contributed to the team’s bronze medal win.


The Chinese fencing team comprises 24 athletes, including four from Jiangsu. Wang Yuting, the women’s foil team champion at the Hangzhou Asian Games, has secured a spot in both team and individual events in Paris.

盛李豪 Sheng Lihao




Furthermore, young athletes from Jiangsu have also made it to China’s roster for the Paris Olympics. Sheng Lihao won a silver medal in his Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020 at the age of 16. Wang Zisai, 18 years old, was the winner of the 2023 Trampoline Gymnastics World Cup Series.

Dong Zhihao, 19, will make his Olympic debut in the swimming competition. In addition, 19-year-old Qi Xiangyu also earned a spot in the breaking event at the Paris Olympics.


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