1. Why might the gift bag given to Selina Freitag have been seen as inappropriate?
A. It was intended as a formal compensation for her victory.
B. It included items unrelated to her performance.
C. It highlighted the organizers' lack of investment in women's sports.
D. It failed to match the monetary prize awarded to male winners.
Men's Winner in World Cup Ski Event Gets Over $3,000 Prize While His Female Counterpart Is Given Towels and Shampoo
A female ski jumper was given a gift bag with personal hygiene products for winning first place at a World Cup ski jumping event while her male counterpart received a cash prize.
Selina Freitag, 23, competed at the Two-Night Ski Jumping Tour in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, at the end of December. When she finished in first place in qualifying, she received a bag containing shampoo, lotion and towels.
The winner in the male division, Jan Hoerl, received 3,000 Swiss francs (about $3,290), according to CNN.
Freitag opened up about the experience in an interview with German broadcaster BR24, saying, "It was like, 'Here, we unfortunately didn't have 500 euros left over.' I don't want to complain too much about it, but you can see the differences."
PEOPLE reached out to the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, as well as reps for the Two-Night Jumping Tour and Selina Freitag, but did not immediately receive a response.
In a statement to CNN, the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, also known as FIS, confirmed that female winners of qualifying events do not receive a cash prize.
The organizing body told the outlet that the gift bag also included a voucher for wellness treatments. They insisted that the prize “was certainly well intentioned, but it is understandable that it may have generated frustration and given a bad impression if seen as formal compensation for the victory. This was not the case."
FIS added that women's ski jumping brings in less interest and revenue than its male counterpart.
Her Sport — an organization whose mission is to use sport to empower, inspire and educate women and girls — weighed in on the issue on social media, saying it "highlights the inequalities that still exist in sport to this day."
"Selina's achievement deserves to be celebrated with the same respect and rewards as her male counterparts," Her Sport continued.
The organization criticized any mention of "revenue generation," writing that "revenue doesn't grow in a vacuum. It starts with investment and commitment to bridging the gap. Without equity as the foundation, it's easy to make excuses for why things can't change."
In December 2021, German broadcaster DW News reported that women's ski jumping was growing in popularity. That year, the outlet wrote that FIS gave about €67,000 per individual competition to the winning male ski jumpers during the World Cup season, while women only received €24,000 per event.
At the time, Freitag said of the discrepancy, "There has always been a lot said, but still too little done."
The ski jumper has competed at the World Cup level since the 2018-2019 season. At the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, she placed 22nd in the women's individual event and ninth in the mixed team event.
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Men's Winner in World Cup Ski Event Gets Over $3,000 Prize While His Female Counterpart Is Given Towels and Shampoo
A female ski jumper was given a gift bag with personal hygiene products for winning first place at a World Cup ski jumping event while her male counterpart received a cash prize.
ski jumping
ski jumping /ˈskiː ˌdʒʌm.pɪŋ/ 表示“跳台滑雪”,英文解释为“a sport in which a person on skis moves very fast down a specially made steep slope that turns up at the end, and jumps off from the bottom of it, landing on a lower level”
hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ 不可数名词,表示“卫生;保健法”,英文解释为“the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease”,如:food hygiene 食品卫生,personal hygiene 个人卫生。
counterpart一词经常出现,counter-表示“相反的;对立的;相应的”(opposite; against; in return; corresponding),和part一起就是“对立的,相应的事物”,从而表示“职位相当的人;作用相当的事物”,英文解释为“Somene's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.”
Selina Freitag, 23, competed at the Two-Night Ski Jumping Tour in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, at the end of December. When she finished in first place in qualifying, she received a bag containing shampoo, lotion and towels.
12月底,23岁的塞丽娜·弗莱塔格(Selina Freitag)参加了在德国加米施-帕滕基兴(Garmisch-Partenkirchen)举行的双站跳台滑雪巡回赛。当她在资格赛中获得第一名时,她收到了一个装有洗发水、润肤露和毛巾的礼包。
qualify /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪ/ 1)表示“(使)具有资格,(使)合格”,英文解释为“to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.”举个🌰:She hopes to qualify (as a teacher) at the end of the year. 她希望在年底获得(教师)资格。
🎬电影《合伙人》(The Company Men)中的台词提到:只靠我的薪水我们不可能再成功申请房贷 We're not going to be able to qualify for another house on just my salary.
2)表示“达标;获得参赛资格”,英文解释为“to be of a high enough standard to enter a competition; to defeat another person or team in order to enter or continue in a competition”举个🌰:He failed to qualify. 他未能获得参赛资格。
shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ 表示“香波;洗发剂;洗涤剂”,英文解释为“a liquid used for washing hair, or for washing particular objects or materials”如:an anti-dandruff shampoo 去头屑洗发剂。
lotion /ˈləʊ.ʃən/ 表示“护肤油,润肤露”,英文解释为“a liquid that you put on your skin in order to protect it, improve its condition, or make it smell pleasant”如:suntan lotion 防晒油。
The winner in the male division, Jan Hoerl, received 3,000 Swiss francs (about $3,290), according to CNN.
据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,男子组获胜者扬·霍尔(Jan Hoerl)赢得了3000瑞士法郎(约合3290美元)的奖金。
franc /fræŋk/ 表示“法郎(欧元流通前法国、比利时和卢森堡的标准货币单位,也为非洲许多前法国殖民地国家使用)”,英文解释为“the standard unit of money used in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg before the introduction of the euro, and also used in Switzerland and in many African countries”
Freitag opened up about the experience in an interview with German broadcaster BR24, saying, "It was like, 'Here, we unfortunately didn't have 500 euros left over.' I don't want to complain too much about it, but you can see the differences."
PEOPLE reached out to the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, as well as reps for the Two-Night Jumping Tour and Selina Freitag, but did not immediately receive a response.
《人物》(PEOPLE)杂志联系了国际滑雪和单板滑雪联合会(International Ski and Snowboard Federation,FIS)以及赛事组织方及塞丽娜·弗莱塔格,但未能得到回应。
In a statement to CNN, the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, also known as FIS, confirmed that female winners of qualifying events do not receive a cash prize.
The organizing body told the outlet that the gift bag also included a voucher for wellness treatments. They insisted that the prize “was certainly well intentioned, but it is understandable that it may have generated frustration and given a bad impression if seen as formal compensation for the victory. This was not the case."
outlet /ˈaʊt.let/ 或者outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店,a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。
此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。
📍美式英语里还可以表示“电源插座(同 power point)”。
voucher /ˈvaʊ.tʃər/ 表示“代金券,票券”,英文解释为“a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to pay less than the usual price for them”举个🌰:The voucher is valid between July and December and entitles you to ten percent off all overseas flights. 该代金券在7月至12月间有效,凭此券所有国际航班可享受9折的优惠。
📍coupon表示“优惠券,折价券;赠券,礼券”,英文解释为“A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free.”
well intentioned
well intentioned /ˌwel ɪnˈten.ʃənd/ 表示“出于好心的,本意良好的”,英文解释为“wanting to have good effects, but sometimes having bad effects that were not expected”举个🌰:[ before noun ] Well-intentioned development projects can have unintended negative effects on population control. 出发点很好的开发项目可能会给人口控制带来意想不到的负面影响。
FIS added that women's ski jumping brings in less interest and revenue than its male counterpart.
Her Sport — an organization whose mission is to use sport to empower, inspire and educate women and girls — weighed in on the issue on social media, saying it "highlights the inequalities that still exist in sport to this day."
“她体育”(Her Sport)是一家致力于通过体育赋能及激励女性和女孩的组织,该组织在社交媒体上对此事发表了看法,称“这凸显了体育领域至今仍然存在的不平等现象。”
empower /ɪmˈpaʊər/ 表示“给(某人)做…的权力;授权;使自主;增加(某人的)自主权;使控制局势”,英文解query释为“to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something”举个🌰:This amendment empowers the president to declare an emergency for a wide range of reasons. 这一修正案授权总统可在一系列情形下宣布进入紧急状态。
empowered /ɪmˈpaʊ.əd/ 形容词,表示“自信的,可掌控自己命运的”,英文解释为“confident and in control of your life”举个🌰:It's important that girls feel empowered and in control of what happens to them. 重要的是,女孩子要感到自己有能力并能控制自己的命运。
weigh in
此前在“我不能呼吸了”美国警察暴力执法致黑人死亡文中出现过,表示“(在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用”,英文解释为“to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help”举个🌰:We all weighed in with our suggestions. 我们都提出了建议。
📺美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第6季第5集中谢尔顿就说到:Care to weigh in? 可以理解为想参与讨论,想说点什么吗(To put your opinion into a matter or situation),字幕组将其解释为:有何高见?
📺还是《生活大爆炸》第7季第9集中提到:Can I weigh in here? 所以我能插一句吗?
📺还有如第7季第21集中也提到了:And yet you get to weigh in. 可是你还有话语权啊。
"Selina's achievement deserves to be celebrated with the same respect and rewards as her male counterparts," Her Sport continued.
The organization criticized any mention of "revenue generation," writing that "revenue doesn't grow in a vacuum. It starts with investment and commitment to bridging the gap. Without equity as the foundation, it's easy to make excuses for why things can't change."
in a vacuum
vacuum /ˈvæk.juːm/ 作动词,表示“用吸尘器清扫”,英文解释为“to use a vacuum cleaner to collect dust, dirt, etc.”
作名词,1)表示“真空”,英文解释为“A vacuum is a space that contains no air or other gas.”举个🌰:Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising. 风是由热空气上升产生真空而引起的空气流动。
2)表示“空缺”,英文解释为“If someone or something creates a vacuum, they leave a place or position that then needs to be filled by another person or thing.”举个🌰:His presence should fill the power vacuum that has been developing over the past few days. 他的出现应该能填补过去几天中形成的权力空缺。
3)vacuum /ˈvæk.juːm/ 表示“真空吸尘器(同vacuum cleaner)”
短语:in a vacuum /ˈvæk.juːm/ 表示“似在真空中;与世隔绝”,英文解释为“kept separate from other people and activities”举个🌰:No artist works in a vacuum - we are all of us influenced by others. 没有哪个艺术工作者可以脱离现实——我们都受到他人的影响。
In December 2021, German broadcaster DW News reported that women's ski jumping was growing in popularity. That year, the outlet wrote that FIS gave about €67,000 per individual competition to the winning male ski jumpers during the World Cup season, while women only received €24,000 per event.
2021年12月,德国广播公司DW News报道称,女子跳台滑雪运动越来越受欢迎。当年,该媒体报道称,国际滑雪和单板滑雪联合会在世界杯赛季期间,每场单项比赛跳台滑雪男子组冠军都能获得约6.7万欧元的奖金,而女子组只能获得2.4万欧元的奖金。
At the time, Freitag said of the discrepancy, "There has always been a lot said, but still too little done."
discrepancy /dɪˈskrep.ən.si/ 表示“不一致,出入,差异”,英文解释为“a difference between two things that should be the same”举个🌰:There is some discrepancy between the two accounts. 这两份账单之间有一些出入。
The ski jumper has competed at the World Cup level since the 2018-2019 season. At the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, she placed 22nd in the women's individual event and ninth in the mixed team event.
- 词汇盘点 -
ski jumping、 hygiene、 counterpart、 qualify、 shampoo、 lotion、 francs、 outlet、 voucher、 well intentioned、 empower、 weigh in、 in a vacuum、 discrepancy
- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -
A ski jumping champion, empowered by a hygiene sponsor, redeemed francs vouchers for shampoo and lotion. Weighing in on discrepancies, her well-intentioned counterpart argued outlets should qualify promotions, not act in a vacuum.
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