
2024年02月25日 21:35 猛犸君侯
【43分钟英字完整版】【纪录片.Ch4.荒野求生.奥巴马特辑.Bear.Goes.Wild.with.Barack.Obama.2015】贝爷(Bear Grylls)带领奥巴马勇闯阿拉斯加荒野冰原,呼吁大众关注气候变化。奥巴马饮下由雪水泡成的茶,又吞下熊咬过的三文鱼。长片很难发出,全片、合集请私信咨询Bear Grylls takes President Barack Obama on an adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. Bear and President Obama journey across a glacial outwash and through a dense forest on their way to Alaska's famed Exit Glacier, where they see the effects of climate change first-hand. Bear gives the President a true taste of the Alaskan wilderness, as we see the two men cooking bear-gnawed, half-eaten salmon and chatting around their campfire.#微博纪录片联盟# ,#一起上大学# , #英语#


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