
2024年05月22日 11:47 保险保万一

岁月匆匆,人生如戏。我们都在为生活奔波,为梦想努力。在这漫长的旅途中,我们不得不面对一个共同的话题——养老。Time flies, life is like a play. We are all rushing towards life and striving for our dreams. In this long journey, we have to face a common topic - retirement.)

而“养老净支出”,则是一个我们无法回避的话题。("Net expenditure on elderly care" is a topic that we cannot avoid.)

何为“养老净支出”?简而言之,就是我们在晚年生活中,所需花费的金钱与我们能够获得的收入之间的差额。这个差额的大小,直接关系到我们晚年生活的质量。(What is "net expenditure on elderly care"? In short, it is the difference between the money we need to spend in our later years and the income we can earn. The magnitude of this difference directly affects the quality of our later life.)

养老,是每个人都要经历的人生阶段。它或许遥远,又或许近在眼前。随着社会的快速发展,社保制度逐渐完善,为老年人的生活提供了一定的保障。(Retirement is a stage of life that everyone must go through. It may be far away, or it may be close in front of us. With the rapid development of society, the social security system is gradually improving, providing certain guarantees for the lives of the elderly.)

社保,作为我们日常生活中的一项重要保障,其实质是为了确保我们在退休、生病或失业等情况下,能够有一定的经济来源,维持基本的生活水平。而养老金,作为社保体系中的一部分,更是直接关系到我们退休后的生活质量。(Social security, as an important guarantee in our daily life, is essentially to ensure that we have a certain source of income and maintain a basic standard of living in situations such as retirement, illness, or unemployment. And pension, as a part of the social security system, is directly related to our quality of life after retirement.)


社保,仅仅是一个基本的保障,想要过上更为安心、舒适的晚年生活,我们或许需要更多的准备。Social security is just a basic guarantee. If we want to live a more secure and comfortable old age, we may need to be more prepared.)

商业保险走进了我们的视野。它如同一把雨伞,为我们遮挡风雨,为我们提供一份额外的保障。或许有人会问,为何要选择商业保险?因为它不仅仅是一份保单,更是一份对未来的规划。它让我们在年老时,能够有足够的资金去享受生活,去追寻那些年轻时未曾实现的梦想。Commercial insurance has entered our field of vision. It is like an umbrella, shielding us from wind and rain, and providing us with an additional guarantee. Perhaps some people may ask, why choose commercial insurance? Because it is not just a policy, but also a plan for the future. It allows us to have enough funds in old age to enjoy life and pursue dreams that were not realized when we were young.)

想象一下,当我们步入晚年,没有了工作的压力,没有了生活的琐事,我们可以去游历名山大川,去感受大自然的鬼斧神工;我们可以去学习新的知识,去弥补年轻时的遗憾;我们还可以与亲朋好友相聚,共度美好时光。这一切,都需要有足够的资金支持,而商业保险正是我们实现这一切的重要保障。Imagine, as we enter our old age, without the pressure of work or the trivialities of life, we can travel to famous mountains and rivers to experience the wonders of nature; We can learn new knowledge to make up for the regrets of our youth; We can also gather with family and friends to spend beautiful times together. All of this requires sufficient financial support, and commercial insurance is an important guarantee for us to achieve all of this.)

当然,我们也不能忽视社保的作用。它是国家给予我们的基本保障,让我们在年老时能够享受到基本的生活待遇。然而,我们也应该明白,社保只是基础,想要过上更好的生活,我们还需要自己去努力、去规划。Of course, we cannot ignore the role of social security. It is the basic guarantee provided by the country, allowing us to enjoy basic living conditions in old age. However, we should also understand that social security is just the foundation. To live a better life, we still need to work hard and plan for ourselves.)

在这个充满变数的世界里,我们无法预知未来,但我们可以为未来做好准备。让我们在年轻的时候,就为自己规划一个美好的晚年生活吧!让商业保险成为我们养老路上的得力助手,让我们的晚年生活更加安心、舒适、精彩!(In this world full of variables, we cannot predict the future, but we can prepare for it. Let's plan a beautiful old age for ourselves when we are young! Let commercial insurance become our trusted assistant on the road to retirement, making our later years more reassuring, comfortable, and exciting!)


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