【中英双语】佛山顺德大良:华盖生辉 崇文尚善

【中英双语】佛山顺德大良:华盖生辉 崇文尚善
2023年02月08日 20:25 羊城派

Daliang Street in Shunde District, Foshan City is renowned as the "land of fish and rice" in the Pearl River Delta region. It boasts an old street, Huagai Road, with distinctive Lingnan features. In its prime, the bustling atmosphere of Huagai Road was compared to the Famous Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival from the Song Dynasty.


Huagai Road, with a history of hundreds of years, is located in the heart of Daliang Street and is lined with arcade buildings from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, showcasing the unique Lingnan western architecture. Department stores and specialty shops line both sides of the street, and during festivals, lanterns and decorations add to the festive atmosphere.


The historical significance of Daliang Street is deeply intertwined with the city's development, adding fashion, prosperity, and charm to its rich cultural heritage. Experience the charm of this centuries-old commercial port street by watching the video.



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