
2024年10月18日 00:11 脑科学世界

帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD) 是全球第二大神经退行性疾病,在65岁以上的中老年人群中患病率约为2%, PD病人典型的病理特征是中脑黑质脑区随衰老而出现多巴胺神经细胞的渐进性退变死亡,且伴有病理性α-synuclein蛋白聚集形成的路易氏小体。绝大多数PD病人属于散发性PD,也有约10%的PD患者是由于基因突变而致病。PINK1Parkin基因的突变可因基因功能缺失导致早发型常染色体隐性遗遗传性PD。PINK1为一种蛋白激酶,Parkin是一种E3连接酶。基于大量体外实验的传统理论认为:PINK1激酶可在Ser65位点磷酸化激活Parkin,二者共同通过线粒体自噬清除受损线粒体,保护神经细胞。虽然目前有超过3300篇PINK1、Parkin研究的相关论文,但并没有一篇报道在生理状态下的哺乳动物体内PINK1可磷酸化激活Parkin共同参与线粒体自噬的证据。而且,PINK1/Parkin敲除的小鼠及猪模型均不能模拟PD病人脑中神经细胞退变死亡的重要病理特征,限制了在动物体内对PINK1和PARKIN功能的研究可行性。

考虑到非人灵长类模型与人类更为接近,李晓江团队历经六年时间于2019年建立了世界首例PINK1基因打靶猴模型并证明了PINK1缺失在灵长类脑中可导致神经细胞死亡 (Yang et al., Cell Res 2019)。随后,该团队的杨伟莉研究员进一步发现PINK1蛋白在生理状态下的灵长类脑中特异性表达,且通过独立于线粒体自噬的其它重要激酶功能维持灵长类神经细胞存活(Yang et al., Protein Cell 2022;Chen et al., Zool Res, 2024),提示了同一致病蛋白在不同物种中的表达和功能具有种属差异。然而,PINK1的经典底物Parkin在灵长类脑中的功能如何仍不清楚,亟待探究。

2024年10月15日,暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院杨伟莉、李世华李晓江团队在Journal of Clinical Investigation在线发表题为Deficiency of Parkin causes neurodegeneration and accumulation of pathological α-synuclein in monkey models的研究论文该研究利用CRISPR/Cas9技术建立了不同年龄的Parkin缺失猴模型,发现Parkin缺失对猴大脑早期发育中的神经细胞存活无明显影响,但随年龄增长会造成猴中脑黑质多巴胺神经细胞的明显变性及死亡、纹状体部位多巴胺合成减少及病理性pS129-α-syn聚集(图1和图2),成功模拟了PD病人脑中的重要病理特征,这与Parkin敲除的小鼠模型及猪模型无法模拟PD病人脑中神经细胞退变死亡的重要病理形成鲜明对比,提示利用非人灵长类动物模型研究Parkin功能的重要性和必要性。

有研究报道Parkin Ser65突变同样可造成PD发生。大量体外研究发现PINK1可在Ser65位点磷酸化激活Parkin,但由于PINK1蛋白在生理状态下的小动物脑内及常见细胞系中因表达较低而检测不到,因此尚无生理状态下的体内证据证明PINK1介导Parkin的磷酸化。而该团队前期研究发现PINK1激酶在灵长类脑中特异性丰富表达,在本研究中进一步发现敲除PINK1基因可明显减少磷酸化Parkin(pS65-Parkin)表达并伴随出现由pS129-α-syn蛋白聚集而成的路易氏小体,该研究首次揭示了在生理状态下的动物体内PINK1可磷酸化Parkin的证据, 且Parkin 磷酸化的减少与pS129-α-syn蛋白的聚集相关。这为携带PINK1及Parkin突变的PD患者在临床上具有相似的表型提供了新的分子机制。

图1(A)猴脑注射AAV病毒载体表达CRISPR/Cas9敲除Parkin基因。(B, C)免疫组化染色证明在Parkin基因打靶后猴脑黑质区多巴胺神经细胞(TH)出现明显退变死亡,且在年老(25岁)猴中的神经细胞死亡更为严重。(D)电镜结果显示,Parkin敲除可造成猴中脑黑质神经细胞的退变死亡及髓鞘退化。(E)FDOPA PET结果显示敲低猴脑黑质Parkin可显著减少纹状体部位多巴胺的水平。

图2. Parkin敲除可造成猴中脑黑质出现病理性pS129-α-syn聚集。(A)免疫组化染色显示Parkin敲除可在猴黑质中造成pS129-α-syn表达增加,且随着衰老这种蛋白聚集更为显著。(B)高倍镜图显示毒性α-synuclein蛋白形成路易小体。(C)对A图的聚集体进行统计。(D)在老年(25岁)猴脑黑质神经细胞的胞内及胞外均有病理性pS129-α-syn聚集体形成。

为了进一步验证PINK1介导的Parkin磷酸化在猴脑中的重要功能,该研究对野生型Parkin蛋白的Ser65位点进行突变(S65A)使得其不能被PINK1磷酸化。结果发现,过表达野生型PINK1和Parkin均可通过增加Parkin磷酸化水平而减少老年猴脑中病理性α-synuclein蛋白的聚集,从而发挥神经保护作用。而过表达不能被PINK1磷酸化激活的Parkin突变体 (S65A) 则不能有效清除α-synuclein蛋白的毒性作用。此外,该研究也在散发性PD患者脑组织中验证了在猴脑中的现象,发现散发性PD患者脑中磷酸化Parkin水平表达下调,且在正常衰老的猴脑中可溶性Parkin磷酸化蛋白的表达也出现明显下调,提示衰老可能是引发磷酸化Parkin功能下调从而介导脑功能异常的一个重要因素(图3)。综上,该研究利用灵长类动物模型揭示了PINK1激酶介导的Parkin蛋白磷酸化在衰老和PINK1、Parkin基因突变引发的PD中的重要保护作用,为PD的临床治疗提供了新的潜在靶点。

图3. 磷酸化Parkin在PD病理中的重要机制模型。衰老、PINK1和Parkin基因突变均可导致磷酸化Parkin的减少, 从而导致包括毒性α-synuclein蛋白的累积及神经细胞死亡。

值得注意的是,与PINK1缺失猴模型不同,Parkin缺失对猴大脑早期发育中神经细胞功能未见明显影响,这可能是由于PINK1作为上游激酶还参与调节其它重要底物。比如,该团队还利用新鲜野生型猴脑组织进行蔗糖密度梯度离心法分离不同亚细胞器,发现PINK1和Parkin蛋白具有不同的亚细胞定位(Liu et al, Neural Regen Res 2024),也提示PINK1、Parkin蛋白除了通过Parkin磷酸化发挥功能之外,可能还有各自独立的功能。



Aaron Gitler(美国斯坦福大学)

这是一项重要的新研究,利用非人灵长类动物模型提出了帕金森病(PD)病理机制的新见解。虽然Parkin基因的突变导致PD,但表达突变Parkin的小鼠甚至猪的模拟未能模拟PD中的多巴胺能神经元损失。本文的作者利用CRISPR基因编辑技术制备的Parkin突变猴模型克服了这一障碍。值得注意的是,缺乏Parkin的猴子在6岁时出现多巴胺能神经元损失。然后,他们利用这一新型猴模型展示了另一个与PD相关的基因PINK1在猴子大脑中磷酸化Parkin,并且这一关键的磷酸化对于清除α-突触核蛋白聚集体至关重要。由于小鼠和猪大脑中难以检测到PINK1蛋白表达, 研究哺乳动物中PINK1的功能一直受到限制,但由于PINK1在猴大脑中明显表达,作者能够利用这一现象来研究PINK1/Parkin在PD病理机制中的作用。作者巧妙的制备一个无法被PINK1磷酸化的Parkin突变体, 有力地表明了PINK1对Parkin的磷酸化在清除α-突触核蛋白及防止PD神经退行性变中的绝对必要性。总体而言,这些发现令人兴奋,因为它们将三个与PD相关的基因(Parkin、PINK1和α-突触核蛋白)连接成一个功能通路,并提供了一个重要的新型猴模型来研究PD及测试新的治疗策略。

This is an important new study that harnesses the power of non-human primate models to provide novel insights into Parkinson’s disease. Mutations in the parkin gene cause Parkinson’s disease but efforts to model parkin deficiency in mice or even pigs have not produced dopaminergic neuron loss mimicking the human situation. The authors in this paper have overcome this obstacle by generating parkin mutant monkeys using CRISPR gene editing. Remarkably, parkin-deficient monkeys develop dopaminergic neuron loss at 6 years of age. They then harness this novel monkey model to show that another Parkinson’s disease gene PINK1 phosphorylates parkin in the monkey brain and that this key phosphorylation event is important to regulate parkin’s ability to clear aggregates of the alpha-synuclein protein.   Studying PINK1 in mammals had been hampered by lack of detectable expression in mice and pig brains but because it is expressed well in monkey brain the authors could use this observation to model its role in pathogenesis. Using a clever approach to make a parkin mutant that is unable to be phosphorylated, the authors convincingly showed that parkin phosphorylation by PINK1 is absolutely required for its ability to protect against alpha-synuclein pathology and neurodegeneration. Collectively, these findings are exciting because they connect three Parkinson’s disease genes (parkin, PINK1, and alpha-synuclein) into a functional pathway and they provide a powerful new monkey model to study disease and hopefully test new therapeutic strategies.


Dimitri Krainc(美国西北大学神经病学系主任)

通过开发一个Parkin缺失的猴子模型,这项研究填补了小鼠模型未能复制人类帕金森病神经退行性变所留下的空白。该模型提供了一个更准确的系统来研究帕金森病的进展以及测试治疗干预措施。 研究结果还揭示了Parkin磷酸化在α-突触核蛋白调节中的机制作用,为Parkin功能缺失对神经退行性过程的贡献提供了证据。这一机制性的新见解对于理解帕金森病在分子水平上的发展和进展至关重要。研究表明,旨在恢复Parkin磷酸化的干预措施可能成为减轻α-突触核蛋白积累的有前景的治疗策略,并进一步减缓帕金森病中观察到的神经退行性变。这对旨在阻止或减缓帕金森病进展的药物开发具有重要意义。


By developing a parkin-deficient monkey model, this study fills a gap left by rodent models that failed to replicate human PD neurodegeneration. This model provides a more accurate system to study the progression of PD and to test therapeutic interventions.

The findings also shed light on the mechanistic role of parkin phosphorylation in the regulation of α-synuclein, adding evidence to the idea that loss of parkin function contributes to the neurodegenerative process. This mechanistic insight is critical for understanding how PD develops and progresses at the molecular level.

The study suggests that interventions aimed at restoring parkin phosphorylation could be a promising therapeutic strategy for mitigating α-synuclein accumulation and, by extension, the neurodegeneration observed in PD. This has significant implications for drug development aimed at halting or slowing PD progression.

In summary, this paper makes a significant contribution by providing the first in vivo evidence linking parkin phosphorylation to age-dependent neurodegeneration in a primate model, offering new therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease.


David C. Rubinsztein(英国剑桥大学医学研究院和英国痴呆研究院)


This paper from Weili Yang, Xiao-Jiang Li, and Shihua Li’s labs is a tour de force focused on knockouts of the ubiquitin ligase Parkin in monkeys. In humans, mutations of Parkin and its kinase PINK1 cause autosomal recessive forms of Parkinson’s disease.  This paper raises a number of interesting and important issues for Parkinson’s disease research. It shows age-dependent effects of Parkin knockout – no obvious phenotypes are seen when Parkin is depleted in developing monkey brains but this results in neurodegeneration in adult brains, with suggestions of age-dependent effects. This strongly highlights the importance of considering ageing factors and processes in our studies of neurodegeneration. While loss of PINK1 in monkeys also causes neurodegeneration, this appears to act in developing brains, raising the possibility that the biologies of PINK1 and Parkin loss may not be identical – while this may because these are enzymes which will impact other substrates, this is interesting to see in a non-human primate. Parkinson’s disease manifests with dramatic cell death in the substantia nigra (SN) although there is also some cortical loss, which may account for cognitive signs. Interestingly, in this model, SN neurons were much more vulnerable to Parkin depletion. Perhaps their most interesting finding is that Parkin protects against the accumulation of alpha-synuclein in these models – the buildups of this protein are a hallmark of sporadic Parkinson’s disease and excess alpha-synuclein resulting from gene duplications is sufficient to cause PD. My impression from the literature was that maybe PINK1 and Parkin deficiencies were impacting neuronal health through mechanisms independent of alpha-synuclein – however, the elegant experiments in this study clearly show that these proteins are somehow connected.  This, along with other key findings from this paper, provides new insights that will provide fuel for important follow-on experiments.


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