

《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会(ISA)的旗舰期刊,旨在发布与国际研究中重要的理论、实证和规范主题相关的领先学者研究。本刊发表的文章以某种有意义的方式参与了跨越国家边界的政治、经济、社会或文化进程,旨在提供解释性难题的答案、展示原创性研究、探索国际理论中的主题,或以其他方式介入学科辩论。尽管本刊文章通常具有政策含义——我们鼓励作者阐明这些含义,但与它们的学术目的相比,这些含义是次要的。
Anarchy as Architect: Competitive Pressure, Technology, and the Internal Structure of States
The WTO as Multilateral Diffusion Hub: Institutional Learning in WTO Disputes and the Design of Preferential Trade Agreements
Anarchy and Empire: World-Conquerors and International Systems
Outsourcing Empire: International Monetary Power in the Age of Offshore Finance
When in Debt, Appoint Women? A Re-Examination of Aid, Debt, and the Inclusion of Women in African Cabinets
Tribalocracy: Tribal Wartime Social Order and Its Transformation in Southern Syria
Human Rights Promotion and Democratic Allies
Alliances and Civil War Intervention
Transnationalism and Populist Networks in a Digital Era: Canada and the Freedom Convoy
Preferential Trade Agreements and Leaders’ Business Experience
作者:Morgan MacInnes,加拿大多伦多大学政治学博士候选人;Ben Garfinkel,牛津大学研究员,人工智能治理中心(GovAI)主任;Allan Dafoe,英国牛津大学牛津马丁人工智能治理倡议高级顾问兼访问学者,谷歌DeepMind前沿安全与治理主任兼首席科学家。
The internal institutional structures of states greatly impact their citizens’ welfare. However, states are not at complete liberty to adopt any internal form. Competitive pressure arising from anarchy limits the range of viable domestic institutions to those that do not impose a significant disadvantage. We argue that technological change can alter the relative competitiveness of different state forms and, by extension, improve or degrade human welfare. We empirically support this argument through a macrohistorical survey of competitively significant technologies. We conclude that the true costs of international anarchy are greater than commonly appreciated, as competitive pressure may force states to evolve into forms detrimental to the welfare of their inhabitants. Moreover, the adoption of state forms that improve human well-being is often driven by technological change as much as human agency. Finally, the invention of seemingly beneficial technologies may decrease human well-being by improving the competitiveness of inegalitarian state forms.
作者:Kenneth T Stiller,牛津大学国际关系系博士候选人。
Institutions are not created in a vacuum—but how do extant institutions influence design choices? Leveraging fragmentation in the global trade order, this paper stresses the relevance of experience and argues that the institutional influence of the World Trade Organization (WTO) extends beyond its jurisdiction through its centrality as multilateral diffusion hub: When states negotiate preferential trade agreements (PTAs), previous dispute settlement experiences in the WTO shape the design of dispute settlement mechanisms (DSMs). National bureaucracies undergo institutional learning processes when participating in multilateral trade disputes and subsequently conclude PTAs with DSMs that are similar to the institutions of the WTO, thus fostering their—decentralized—spread to the network of PTAs. The learning effect is particularly pronounced for states with low bureaucratic capacity. Employing a novel, unitary conceptualization of DSMs in terms of complainant rights shows that the results of this diffusion process generally entail increased levels of complainant rights in PTAs. Importantly, institutional learning is more than mere emulation: States also adapt institutional design to individual context by considering the prior dispute experience of their trading partners. A dual empirical strategy and interviews with PTA negotiators corroborate the learning effect and its relevance during PTA negotiations.
作者:Andrew Phillips,澳洲昆士兰大学政治科学与国际研究学院国际关系与战略学副教授,特别关注大国竞争与不对称暴力如何推动世界政治的变革性变化;J. C. Sharman,英国剑桥大学政治与国际研究系教授,其研究主要分为两大方向:其一聚焦于全球洗钱、腐败及避税天堂的监管问题;其二则涉及近代早期世界的国际关系以及国际体系的历史演变。
Why are some international systems characterized by stable multipolarity while elsewhere conquest produces universal empires? We explain this variation through contrasting the conventional story of the consolidation of multipolar anarchy in Europe against the Ottoman conquest of the Near East and the Manchu conquest of greater China. Both the Ottomans and the Manchus developed the capacity for systemic conquest via hybridizing steppe and sedentary military techniques. Furthermore, both surmounted the legitimation gradient of conquest. The Ottomans and Manchus used cultural statecraft to prevent balancing coalitions and encourage bandwagoning and collaboration. Cultural statecraft comprised strategies of co-opting preexisting symbols of imperial rule and employing multivocal legitimacy strategies to sequentially appeal to multiple segmented audiences. In Europe, both military obstacles and religious confessional ideational divisions frustrated would-be conquerors. Multipolar anarchy is thus a contingent outcome in international politics rather than a constant, which can be extinguished by militarily powerful and culturally agile “world conquerors.”
作者:Andrea Binder,德国柏林自由大学研究员,研究专注于国际政治经济学和人道主义政治。
Offshore finance allows foreign banks to create US dollars under the laws of an offshore jurisdiction. How and why does this affect international monetary power? Conceptually, I argue that offshore finance bifurcates across borders the shared power of the state and banks to create money, combining the US dollar with mostly English law. Empirically, I demonstrate that more US dollars are created offshore outside US jurisdiction than onshore within it. Offshore finance increases liquidity, at higher risk, and leads to a cross-border entanglement of issuing country, offshore financial centers, borrowers, and global banks. In short, offshore finance changes the power inherent in money. Consequently, international monetary power has become the ability to get access to offshore dollars in combination with the capacity to determine international liquidity and to set, select, or circumvent the related rules. It is constrained by the hierarchically organized social credit relations that money consists of. The international monetary power of the United States has become an instance of indirect rule with global banks having been delegated the prerogative of US dollar creation. As is common with indirect rule, it entails a difficult balancing act between geographical reach and centralization of power.
作者:Marijke Breuning,美国北德克萨斯大学政治学荣誉教授;Seyma Akyol, 美国北德克萨斯大学政治学助理教授;Sung Min Yun,美国北德克萨斯大学政治学研究生。
Are more aid-dependent and indebted countries more likely to include women in their cabinets? Several studies have suggested that such countries seek to please donors and lenders. Focusing on Africa, we test whether leaders respond to international incentives and, specifically, signal donors and lenders that they value gender equality in political decision-making. Although leaders have more direct control over the gender composition of the cabinet than the legislature, our analyses do not show that aid dependence and indebtedness result in more women in either the cabinet or the legislature. We operationalize aid dependence and indebtedness as a proportion of recipient gross national income, which we argue better reflects the aid and loan recipients’ vulnerability to external pressure. Using regression analysis techniques and multiple robustness checks to evaluate our panel data, our findings remain consistent with arguments that African states have stronger bargaining positions than the foreign aid literature has acknowledged.
作者:Abdullah al-Jabassini,美国约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院(SAIS)欧洲分校客座教授,维也纳中欧大学CIVICA博士后研究研究员。
This article introduces a new phenomenon in the study of civil war: tribal wartime social order. The proposed theory of tribalocracy, or tribal rule, integrates insights from civil war studies, anthropology, and sociology to provide a nuanced account of social order and its transformation in tribal warzones. Drawing on extensive fieldwork in the Hauran region in southern Syria, the proposed theory explains how endogenous rebel groups, seeking to maximize a wide range of benefits rendered by tribal shaykhs, refrain from establishing a new form of order. Instead, they co-opt, reassert, and operate under a pre-existing order in reserve. In so doing, rebels rule minimally, leaving most of the local affairs in the hands of civilian actors closely monitored by tribal shaykhs. Given the fluid and volatile nature of wartime order, the proposed theory offers a compelling explanatory framework to account for the transition in the forms of wartime social order from a civilian model to one dominated by rebels. The theory and empirical results expand our understanding of the localized and kinship-based forms of solidarity, the origins of rebel organizations, the source of wartime social order, civilian agency, and the roles played by tribal shaykhs under rebel rule.
作者:Yasuki Kudo,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校政府系博士生。
Do military alliances promote human rights? Scholars and practitioners generally believe they do not because states form alliances largely to advance their strategic interests and thus are not interested in members' domestic policies. I claim that some states may care about their allies' human rights practices. Specifically, democracies are concerned that alliance relationships with rights-abusing governments harm their reputation, and thus urge their allies to improve human rights. However, this rights-promoting motivation is constrained because democracies also need to preserve alliance partnerships with governments that may rely on repression for their internal security. Empirical analyses of alliance relationships between democracies and autocracies provide support for this argument. Autocracies with a powerful democratic ally implement relatively advanced human rights protection; however, this association becomes weaker as the risk of domestic conflict becomes higher. These findings suggest the importance of considering democratic allies in the international promotion of human rights.
作者:Jesse C Johnson, 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校政府系副教授,研究兴趣集中在国际安全与合作领域,同时工作聚焦于军事联盟政治;Brett Ashley Leeds, 美国莱斯大学政治学教授,主要研究国内政治如何影响国际冲突与合作以及国际制度;Burcu Savun,美国匹兹堡大学政治学教授,专攻国际关系。
Governments have a number of structural advantages over rebel groups in civil wars, one of which is their greater ability to make credible international commitments. Governments can use foreign policy commitments to incentivize other states to provide them military support or deny support to their rebel groups. We analyze international intervention in civil conflicts between 1975 and 2017 and find that some kinds of alliances are associated with pro-government intervention, but all alliances are not equal. Alliances with consultation commitments are associated with interventions that provide materiel, training, intelligence, and/or other forms of non-troop support, while defense pacts are associated with both troop and non-troop support. Members of nonaggression and neutrality pacts are not more likely to intervene to support the government but are less likely to provide support to anti-government forces. We argue that alliances are not simply proxies for common interests; they sometimes involve specific bargains designed to aid a government in defeating rebels. Our evidence suggests that these agreements are successful at incentivizing the intended behavior. Governments use international security policy to protect the status quo domestically as well as internationally, and this affects our understanding both of civil wars and of alliance politics.
作者:Jean-Christophe Boucher, 加拿大卡尔加里大学政治学系助理教授;Lauren Rutherglen, 加拿大卡尔加里大学公共政策硕士候选人;So Youn Kim,加拿大卡尔加里大学公共政策学院数据分析师。
摘要:自二十一世纪第二个十年以来,全球右翼民粹主义运动的增长和成功非常显著。实际上,欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和北美的民粹主义政党在选举中取得了巨大成功,塑造了一个在政治领域内由人民发起并为人民服务的运动。民粹主义运动在多大程度上在跨国层面影响其他国家类似的计划?研究表明,跨国民粹主义强调 “人民” 是一个 “横向的、基于成员身份的群体,其成员身份以国家间的进出逻辑为前提,这使得民粹主义的国内运动能够参与并共享一项全球意识形态议程” 。本文旨在理解并衡量民粹主义在多大程度上已成为一场跨国运动,并确定民粹主义是如何通过线上政治参与跨越国界传播的。为探究这一问题,本文在2022年1月至2月加拿大自由车队运动期间,收集了超过670万条X/推特的数字追踪数据。自由车队获得了成千上万公民的支持,揭示了民粹主义意识形态能够在国际边界间无目的地传播的能力。本文使用了一种应用于文本分析的深度学习模型来执行分类任务,以测量运动期间的民粹主义叙事。
The growth and success of right-wing populist movements globally has been remarkable since the early 2010s. Indeed, populist parties in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America have received tremendous electoral success, shaping a movement for the people and by the people within the political sphere. To what extent do populist movements influence other such programs across national borders? Research has suggested that globalization has facilitated the spread of populist ideology. Transnational populism emphasizes the “people” as a “horizontal, membership-based collective with membership premised on an in/out logic between nations, allowing populist national movements to engage and share a global ideological program. This paper seeks to understand and measure to what extent populism has become a transnational movement and identify how populism moves across national borders through online political participation. To explore this question, we collected over 6.7 million digital trace data on X/Twitter during Canada’s January–February 2022 Freedom Convoy movement. Receiving support from thousands of citizens, the Freedom Convoy revealed the ability of populist ideology to move aimlessly across international borders. We used a deep-learning model applied to text analysis to implement a classification task to measure populist narratives during the movement.
作者:Nicola Nones,加拿大多伦多大学蒙克全球事务与公共政策学院博士后研究员。
Many theories attempt to explain the determinants of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) and their design. Existing accounts, however, focus almost exclusively on structural or domestic factors and ignore individual leaders. In this paper, I develop and test novel theoretical claims regarding executive leaders’ prior career in business and their trade cooperation policy once in office. I construct a new dataset on the heads of the executive’s business managerial experience and test my main claims in a time-series-cross-sectional setting covering 185 countries from 1948 to 2009. To establish causality, I rely on an instrumental variable strategy and leverage exogenous transitions due to sudden deaths or terminal illness in office. The results show that businesspersons-turned-politicians are more likely to enter PTAs and are more likely to sign deeper PTAs. The relationship is further investigated in an illustrative case study of the 1988—Canada trade deal. The substantive effect of business experience is comparable to that of established factors in the literature, such as regime type, and is robust to numerous tests, specifications, subsamples, and measurements of business experience.
审校 | 赖永桢
排版 | 杨语灵
本文源于《国际研究季刊》(ISQ)Vol.68, No. 4, December 2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。

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