
2019年11月27日 10:09 美傲弗教育

作者:Jonathan Ababiy

高中:Blaine High School

目标院校: The University of Minnesota


At age 6, I remember the light filled openness of the house, how the whir of my mother’s vacuum floated from room to room. At 9, I remember how I used to lounge on the couch and watch Disney cartoons on the sideways refrigerator of a TV implanted in a small cave in the wall. At 12, I remember family photographs of the Spanish countryside hanging in every room. At 14, I remember vacuuming each foot of carpet in the massive house and folding pastel shirts fresh out of the dryer.

我还记得 6 岁那年,光线填满宽敞的房间,我母亲手中吸尘器的嗡嗡声从一个房间飘到另一个房间。我还记得 9 岁那年,我常常懒洋洋地躺在长沙发上,看迪士尼卡通片,电视机有过道内的冰柜那么大,放在墙上的一个山洞大小的内嵌空间里。我还记得 12 岁那年,每个房间都挂着在西班牙乡间拍的家人照片。我还记得 14 年那年,我在偌大的房子里一点点地给地毯除尘,折叠刚刚烘干的色彩柔和的衬衫。

I loved the house. I loved the way the windows soaked the house with light, a sort of bleach against any gloom. I loved how I could always find a book or magazine on any flat surface.


But the vacuum my mother used wasn’t ours. We never paid for cable. The photographs weren’t of my family. The carpet I vacuumed I only saw once a week, and the pastel shirts I folded I never wore. The house wasn’t mine. My mother was only the cleaning lady, and I helped.


My mother and father had come as refugees almost twenty years ago from the country of Moldova. My mother worked numerous odd jobs, but once I was born she decided she needed to do something different. She put an ad in the paper advertising house cleaning, and a couple, both professors, answered. They became her first client, and their house became the bedrock of our sustenance. Economic recessions came and went, but my mother returned every Monday, Friday and occasional Sunday.

大约 20 年前,我的父母以难民的身份从摩尔多瓦来到美国。我母亲做过许多种兼职工作,但我一出生,她就认定自己需要做点不一样的事情。她在报纸上登了一份提供房屋保洁服务的广告,一对同为教授的夫妇联系了她。他们成了她的第一个客户,他们的房子成了我们维持生计的基石。经济衰退来了又去,但我母亲每逢周一和周五都要回到那里,有时周日也过去。

She spends her days in teal latex gloves, guiding a blue Hoover vacuum over what seems like miles of carpet. All the mirrors she’s cleaned could probably stack up to be a minor Philip Johnson skyscraper. This isn’t new for her. The vacuums and the gloves might be, but the work isn’t. In Moldova, her family grew gherkins and tomatoes. She spent countless hours kneeling in the dirt, growing her vegetables with the care that professors advise their protégés, with kindness and proactivity. Today, the fruits of her labor have been replaced with the suction of her vacuum.

她整日戴着天青色的乳胶手套,操着蓝色的胡佛 ( Hoover ) 吸尘器,给仿佛有几英里长的地毯除尘。她擦过的所有镜子没准可以堆叠成那种由菲利普 · 约翰逊 ( Philip Johnson ) 打造的亮闪闪的摩天大楼。这对她来说并不新鲜。吸尘器和手套或许有些新鲜,但这份工作并非如此。在摩尔多瓦,她家里种有黄瓜和西红柿。她曾花无数个小时跪在泥土里,以教授指导学生的用心程度、以仁慈和积极主动的态度侍弄她的蔬菜。现在,她劳作的蔬果被吸尘器取而代之。

The professors’ home was a telescope to how the other (more affluent) half lived. They were rarely ever home, so I saw their remnants: the lightly crinkled New York Times sprawled on the kitchen table, the overturned, half-opened books in their overflowing personal library, the TV consistently left on the National Geographic channel. I took these remnants as a celebrity-endorsed path to prosperity. I began to check out books from the school library and started reading the news religiously.

透过那两位教授的房子,可以一窥 ( 更富裕的 ) 另一半人的生活。他们很少待在家,于是我便观察他们留下的痕迹:摊在厨房桌子上稍稍发皱的《纽约时报》,满当当的私人图书馆中翻到一半倒扣过去的书,总是停留在国家地理频道的电视。我把这些痕迹当成由名人代言的通往繁荣之路。我开始从学校的图书馆往外借书,并经常阅读新闻。

Their home was a sanctuary for my dreams. It was there I, as a glasses-wearing computer nerd, read about a mythical place called Silicon Valley in Bloomberg Businessweek magazines. It was there, as a son of immigrants, that I read about a young senator named Barack Obama, the child of an immigrant, aspiring to be the president of the United States. The life that I saw through their home showed me that an immigrant could succeed in America, too. Work could be done with>.

他们的家是为我的梦想提供庇护之处。在那里,我这个戴着眼镜的电脑迷从《彭博商业周刊》 ( Bloomberg Businessweek ) 上知道了一个名叫硅谷的神秘地方。在那里,我这个移民的儿子读到了一个名叫贝拉克 · 奥巴马 ( Barack Obama ) 的年轻参议员立志做美国总统的消息——他也是移民之子。我从他们家看到过的生活告诉我,在美国,移民也可以成功。工作可以用双手来完成,也可以用头脑来完成。它让我对一种社会资本有了深刻的概念,我知道在美国可以使用这种资本。两位教授让我看到了他们取得成功的要素,我这一生都在试图做出自己的反应。

Ultimately, the suction of the vacuum is what sustains my family. The squeal of her vacuum reminds me why I have the opportunity to drive my squealing car to school. I am where I am today because my mom put an enormous amount of labor into the formula of the American Dream. It’s her blue Hoover vacuums that hold up the framework of my life. Someday, I hope my diploma can hold up the framework of hers.




这篇文章的闪光点在于这不是一个简单的白手起家的故事。文章作者作为一个移民者身份的儿子,他没有被眼前的困难击败,而是设法去应对困难。他对语言的运用,以及他对自身阶级地位的哲学性反思,将这篇文章的立意从“我很贫穷” 提高到了 “我与众不同的经历成就了现在的我”。


Slowly,my mother's gingham apron began to look more likemetal armor


作者:Caitlin McCormick

高中:The Gregory School

目标院校: Barnard College


When it comes toservice workers, as a society we completely disregard the manners instilled inus as toddlers. For seventeen years, I have awoken to those workers, toclinking silverware rolled in cloth and porcelain plates removed from the ovenin preparation for breakfast service. I memorized the geometry of place matsslid on metal trays, coffee cups turned downward, dirtied cloth napkins disposed on dining tables. I knew never to wear pajamas outside in the publiccourtyard, and years of shushing from my mother informed me not to speak loudlyin front of a guest room window. I grew up in the swaddled cacophony of morning chatter between tourists, professors, and videographers. I grew up conditioned in excessive politeness, fitted for making small talk with strangers.


I grew up inabed and breakfast,in the sticky thickness of the hospitality industry. And for a very long time Ihated it. I was late to my own fifth birthday party in the park because a guestarrived five hours late without apology. Following a weeklong stay in whichsomeone specially requested her room be cleaned twice a day, not once did sheleave a tip for housekeeping. Small-business scammers came for a stop at theinn several times. Guests stained sheets, clogged toilets, locked themselvesout of their rooms, and then demanded a discount.


There exists between service workers and their customers an inherent imbalance of power: Wemeet sneers with apologies. At the end of their meal, or stay, or drink, we letpatrons determine how much effort their server put into their job. For most ofmy life I believed my parents were intense masochists for devoting their existences to the least thankful business I know: the very business that taughtme how to discern imbalances of power. Soon I recognized this stem of injusticein all sorts of everyday interactions. I came to understand how latent racism,sexism, classism and ableism structure our society — how tipping was only asynonym for “microaggression.”


I becamepassionate. Sometimes enraged. I stumbled upon nonprofits, foundations, andpolitical campaigns. I canvassed for Senate candidates, phone-banked forgrass-roots action groups, served as a board member for the Women’s Foundationof Southern Arizona, reviewed grant applications for nonprofits and organizedevents for the nearby children’s hospital. I devoted my time to the raw grit ofhelping people, and in the process I fell irrevocably in love with a new typeof service: public service. At the same time, I worked midnight Black Fridayretail shifts and scraped vomit off linoleum. When I brought home my first W-2,I had never seen my parents so proud.

我变得狂热起来。有时还很愤怒。因为偶然的机缘,我加入了非营利组织、基金会和政治运动。我给参议员候选人拉票,给草根行动团体接听电话,担任南亚利桑那州女性基金会(Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona)的董事会成员,审核非营利组织的经费申请,还为附近的儿童医院组织活动。我把自己的时间投入到帮助别人的历练之中,在这个过程中,我义无反顾地爱上了一种新型的服务:公共服务。与此同时,我也做着黑色星期五的夜班零售工作,清理油毡毯上的呕吐物。当我把自己的第一份工资单拿回家时,从没见父母那么自豪过。

The truth, Irecently learned, was that not all service is created equal. Seeing guestsscream at my parents over a late airport taxi still sickens me even as I spendhours a week as a volunteer. But I was taught all work is noble, especially thework we do for others. Slowly, my mother’s gingham apron began to look more likemetal armor. I learned how to worship my parents’ gift for attentive listening,easily hearing the things guests were incapable of asking for — not sugar withtheir tea, but somebody to talk with while they waited for a conference call. Ienvied their ability to wear the role of self-assured host like a second skin,capable of tolerating any type of cruelty with a smile. Most of all, I admiredmy parents’ continuous trust in humanity to not abuse their help. I realizedthat learning to serve people looks a lot like learning to trust them.


开篇作者不谈服务工作的正面,相反大谈现实中服务工作的糟糕情况,引人好奇,别处心裁。中间作者结合自己的成长经历,说出了为什么开篇就提出的对服务工作的厌烦。就像 娓娓道来的一个故事一样,让人哭笑不得。随后作者写出自己的转变,对服务工作的热爱与付出,列出自己的实践活动打动主考官。结尾很水到渠成,作者已发生转变,对公共服务的理解也更加深刻,也能让人相信他是真正热爱这一行业。







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