展会规模:第十七届“消博会”(CICGF 2018)将于2018年6月9日至12日举办,展览面积12万平方米,设中东欧国家商品、文具礼品及装饰品、家居用品、厨卫用品、一带一路进口商品及外贸服务5大展区。
展品分类:1.中东欧国家特色产品:食品及农产品、手工艺品、礼品、保健品、家居用品;2. 文具礼品及装饰用品:玩具、文化用品、办公用品、体育及旅游休闲用品、礼品及赠品、装饰工艺品、节日用品、户外休闲用品等;3. 家居用品:家居用品、家居装饰、家用纺织、家具、浴室用品、园林用品、铁石制品、编织品、小家电等;4. 厨卫用品:清洁用品、餐厨用具、家电、厨房电器、整体厨房和厨柜及厨房用品、集成吊顶、日用陶瓷、个人护理用品、卫浴设备、五金件等;5. 一带一路进口商品:进口食品及农产品、进口工艺品、进口保健品、进口家居用品等。
17th China International Consumer Goods Fair
Date:June 9th - 12th, 2018
Venue:Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center
Fair Overview:China International Consumer Goods Fair (CICGF), co-sponsored by Ministry of Commerce PRC and Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, is one of the four largest import and export fairs in China, which is held in the famous port city of Ningbo in June every year.
Fair Scale:The 17th CICGF (CICGF 2018) will be held from June 9 to 12, 2018. With a total exhibiting area of 120,000sqm, the 17th CICGF will be divided into 5 sections: CEEC Products section, Stationeries, Gifts and Ornaments Section, Household Articles Section, Kitchenware Section, Imports from the Countries along the Belt and Road Section, and Foreign Trade Service Section.
Product Catagory:1.CEEC Products Section: Food and Produce, Artworks, Gifts, Health Care Products, Household Articles. 2. Stationeries, Gifts and Ornaments Section: Toys, Stationeries, Office Supplies, Sports, Travel and Recreational Products, Gifts and Premiums, Ornamental Artworks, Holiday Supplies, Outdoor Leisure Products, etc. 3. Household Articles Section: Housewares, Home Decorations, Household Textiles, Furniture, Bathroom Products, Gardening Products, Stone/Iron Supplies, Knitting Products, Household Electrical Appliance, etc. 4. Kitchen and Sanitary Products Section: Sanitary Articles, Kitchenware, Household Appliances, Electrical Appliances For Kitchen Use, Integrated Kitchen, Cupboard, Integrated Suspended Ceiling, Ceramics for Daily Use, Personal Care Products, Bathroom Fittings and Accessories, etc.5. Imports from the Countries along the Belt and Road Section:Foods and Produce, Artware, Health Products, Household Articles, etc.


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