#真财实料#【匈牙利总理政治事务办公室副国务秘书:对中国电车增加关税是个错误】 匈牙利总理政治事务办公室副国务秘书马顿·乌格罗斯迪日前接受采访时,对欧盟将中国电动汽车的最高关税上调至45.3%的决定提出了异议。他指出,欧盟的这一决策至少存在两处错误,并强调此举可能对欧洲电动汽车的竞争力以及欧盟的绿色转型造成负面影响。Márton Ugrósdy, deputy state secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary, said the EU's recent decision to hike tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles was a mistake. He said there will be negative impacts on European EV competitiveness as well as the EU's green transition, in a recent interview with the Global Times. #BizFocus