【《大国产业链》纪录片明日上映|钢铁森林里竟然藏着一个白鹭栖息地 】CGTN纪录片 《大国产业链:一件衣服是怎样“链”成的》(China's Industrial Chains: Threads of Resilience)11月26日即将全球首播。在探寻服装产业链的路上,CGTN记者王天禹意外发现了一处藏在石化基地里的观鸟胜地。白鹭为何选择在炼化厂“安家”?企业为了保护白鹭做了哪些努力?11月26日,和CGTN记者王天禹一起踏上旅程,从一滴油到一件衣服,寻找中国纺织服装产业链背后的故事。#链博会2024#Egrets fly among the refining towers of the Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company. Why do egrets choose here as their breeding ground? How does Sinopec protect the habitat of these birds?Mark November 26 on your calendar for the premiere of "China's Industrial Chains: Threads of Resilience." Follow CGTN's Wang Tianyu and take a closer look at China's textile and garment industry, and unravel the threads that connect China's industrial past, present and future.