
2024年11月28日 18:16 CGTNGlobalBusiness
#真财实料#【匈牙利官员:绿色转型不可或缺,期待中欧紧密合作】匈牙利总理政治政策主任欧尔班·鲍拉日,在他的新书《骠骑突击:匈牙利互联互通战略》中文版发布会上,接受CGTN记者孙尚怡采访时表示,绿色转型对欧洲至关重要,他希望中欧能加强相关领域的合作。Green transition is a necessity for Europe, and a growing electric vehicle and related industries can strengthen closer China-EU cooperation, Balazs Orban, the political director to the Hungarian prime minister, told CGTN's Sun Shangyi at the launch of the Chinese edition of his new book "Hussar Cut: The Hungarian Strategy for Connectivity."


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