
2024年12月01日 14:28 CGTNGlobalBusiness
#真财实料#【萨摩亚总理菲娅梅:中国倡议着眼大局、惠及各国】萨摩亚是太平洋岛国中最早与中国签署“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录的国家之一。萨摩亚总理菲娅梅近期在接受总台采访时表示,中国提出的全球倡议是为了创造机遇,和各国共同应对挑战,而不是替别人做什么,这种方式令人赞叹。Samoa was among the first Pacific Island nations to signed MOU with China on participating the Belt and Road Initiative. Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa praised China's approach in addressing global issues, highlighting its focus on creating opportunities and addressing challenges collaboratively, rather than acting on behalf of others, during a recent interview with CMG. #BizFocus


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