
2018年08月07日 20:49 高途财经资讯

CFA协会已公布2019年CFA 考试考纲。喊了一年多的“Fintech来了”,真的来了!




2019年CFA 一级考纲解读

2019年CFA 一级考纲的变动整体不大,只有两个科目发生了变动。Financial Reporting and Analysis删除了一个reading, Portfolio Management新增了一个关于Fintech 的reading。不过从考纲表述看,这个新增的Fintech难度有限,内容和FRM二级考试Current issues要求阅读的几篇论文高度重叠。


1. Studying session 13 PortfolioManagement (2)

Reading43. Fintech in Investment Management:

考点a: describe “fintech”

考点b: describe Big Data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning;

考点c: describe fintech applications to investment management;

考点d: describe financial applications of distributed ledger technology.


1. Study Session 6 Financial Reporting andAnalysis (1)

Reading22. Financial Reporting Mechanics 整个reading.


a. Describe how business activities areclassified for financial reporting purposes;

b. Explain the relationship of financialstatement elements and accounts, and classify accounts into the financialstatement elements;

c. Explain the accounting equation in itsbasic and expanded forms;

d. Describe the process of recordingbusiness transactions using an accounting system based on the accountingequation;

e. Describe the need for accruals andvaluation adjustments in preparing financial statements;

f. Describe the relationships among theincome statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and statement ofowners’ equity;

g. Describe the flow of information in anaccounting system;

h. Describe the use of the results of theaccounting process in security analysis.



根据CFA 协会最新公布的2019年CFA 二级考纲,考纲发生变化的科目为4门,分别为道德、数量、财务报表分析与固定收益。

1.道德:删除3个Reading, 新增2个考点。


Reading3 CFA Institute Research Objective Standards;

Reading4 The Glenarm Company;

Reading5 Preston Partners; Reading 6 Super Selection


2019Reading 3 Application of the Code and Standards, 共2个考点。

考点a: evaluate policies and practices for a firm and an individual inrelation to the CFA Institution Code of Ethics and Standards of ProfessionalConduct;

考点b:explain the appropriate action to take inresponse to conduct that violates the CFA Institute Code of Ethics andStandards of Professional Conduct.



2019Reading 6 Fintech in Investment Management

考点a: describe “fintech”

考点b: describe Big Data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning;

考点c: describe fintech applications to investment management;

考点d: describe financial applications of distributed ledger technology.


2019Reading 8 Multiple Regression and Machine Learning, 新增3个考点。

考点p: distinguish between supervised and unsupervised machine learning;

考点q: describe machine learning algorithms used in prediction,classification, clustering, and dimension reduction;

考点r: describe the steps in model training.

【Machine Learning机器学习是这几年非常热门的概念,首次出现在二级数量中】



2019Reading 17 Analysis of Financial Institutions, 共6个考点。

考点a: describe how financial institutions differ from other companies;

考点b: describe key aspects of financial regulations of financial institutions;

考点c: explain the CAMELS (capital adequacy, asset quality, management,earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity) approach to analyzing a bank, includingkey ratios and its limitations;

考点d: describe other factors to consider in analyzing a bank;

考点e: analyze a bank based on financial statements and other factors;

考点f:describe key ratios and other factors to consider in analyzing aninsurance company.

4.固定收益: Credit AnalysisModels 部分考点发生了合并与改写。


考点a: explain expected exposure, the loss given default, theprobability of default and the credit valuation adjustment;

考点b: explain credit scores and credit ratings;

考点c: calculate the expected return on a bond given transition in itscredit rating;

考点d: explain structural and reduced-from models of corporate creditrisk, including assumptions, strengths, and weaknesses;

考点e: calculate the value of a bond and its credit spread, givenassumptions about the credit risk parameters;

考点f: interpret changes in a credit spread;

考点g: explain the determinants of the term structure of credit spreadsand interpret a term structure of credit spreads;

考点h: compare the credit analysis required for securitized debt to thecredit analysis of corporate debt.


考点a: explain probability of default, loss given default, expectedloss, and present value of the expected loss and describe the relativeimportance of each across the credit spectrum;

考点b: explain credit scoring and credit ratings;

考点c: explain strengths and weaknesses of credit ratings;

考点d: explain structural models of corporate credit risk, including whyequity can be viewed as a call option on the company’s assets;

考点e: explain reduced form models of corporate credit risk, includingwhy debt can be valued as the sum of expected discounted cash flows after adjustingfor risk;

考点f: explain assumptions, strengths, and weakness of both structuraland reduced from models of corporate credit risk;

考点g: explain the determinants of the term structure of credit spreads;

考点h: calculate and interpret the present value of the expected loss ona bond over a given time horizon;

考点i: compare the credit analysis required for asset-backed securitiesto analysis of corporate debt.


根据CFA 协会最新公布的2019年CFA 三级考纲,考纲发生变化的科目为4门,分别为职业伦理、资产配置、固定收益、权益与交易、监控、调整。




原考点b: explain the ethical responsibilities required by the Code ofEthics and the Standards of Professional Conduct, including the sub-sections ofeach standard.

修改为b: explain the ethical responsibilities required by the Code ofStandards, including the sub-sections of each standard.


原考点b: recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violationsof the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

修改为b: recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violationsof the Code and Standards.


原考点a: evaluate professional conduct and formulate an appropriateresponse to actions that violate the Code of Ethics and Standards ofProfessional Conduct;

修改为a: evaluate professional conduct and formulate an appropriateresponse to actions that violate the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standardsof Professional Conduct.

原考点b: formulate appropriate policy and procedural changes needed toassure compliance with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

修改为b: formulate appropriate policy and procedural changes needed toassure compliance with the Code and Standards.


R5:Overviewof the Asset Management Industry and Portfolio Management

a:describe the structure of the asset management industry;

b:discuss a portfolio management process that supports achieving asset ownersobjectives;

c:discuss the elements of effective investment governance.

R6:Professionalism in Investment Industry and Portfolio Management

A:describe professions and how they establish trust;

B:explain professionalism in investment management;

C. Describe expectations of and challengesfor investment management professionals.



原R18: Introduction to Asset Allocation

A:describe elements of effective investment governance and investment governanceconsiderations in asset allocation;


原R20: Market Indexes and Benchmarks

A:distinguish between benchmarks and market indexes;

B:describe investment uses of benchmarks;

C:compare types of benchmarks;

D:contrast liability-based benchmarks with asset-based benchmarks;

E:describe investment uses of market indexes;

F:discuss tradeoffs in constructing market indexes;

G:discuss advantages and disadvantages of index weighting schemes;

H:evaluate the selection of a benchmark for a particular investment strategy.


在原Reading 24 CreditStrategies 修改为Reading 25 Fixed-Income ActiveManagement: Credit Strategies, 无实质影响。


B:explain how to execute a carry trade;

G:discuss inter-market curve strategies;

4.权益: 变动很大,几乎全部改写。


原R25 Equity Portfolio Management


R26Introduction to Equity Portfolio Management

A:describe the roles of equities in the overall portfolio;

B:describe how an equity manager’s investment universe can be segmented;

C:describe the types of income and costs associated with owning and managing anequity portfolio and their potential effects on portfolio performance;

D:describe the potential benefits of shareholder engagement and the role anequity manager might play in shareholder engagement;

E:describe rationales for equity investment across the passive-active spectrum.

R27Passive Equity Investing

A:discuss considerations in choosing a benchmark for a passively managed equityportfolio;

B:compare passive factor-based strategies to market-capitalization-weightedindexing;

C:compare different approaches to passive equity investing;

D:compare the full replication, stratified sampling, and optimization approachesfor the construction of passively managed equity portfolios;

E:discuss potential causes of tracking error and methods to control trackingerror for passively managed equity portfolios;

F:explain sources of return and risk to a passively managed equity portfolio.

R28:Active Equity Investing: Strategies

A:compare fundamental and quantitative approaches to active management;

B:analyze bottom-up active strategies, including their rationale and associatedprocesses;

C:analyze top-down active strategies, including their rationale and associatedprocesses;

D:analyze factor-based active strategies, including their rationale andassociated processes;

E:analyze activist strategies, including their rationale and associatedprocesses;

F:describe active strategies based on statistical arbitrage and marketmicrostructure;

G:describe how fundamental active investment strategies are created;

H:describe how quantitative active investment strategies are created;

I:discuss equity investment style classifications.

R29Active Equity Investing: Portfolio Construction

A:describe elements of a manager’s investment philosophy that influence theportfolio construction process;

B:discuss approaches for constructing actively managed equity portfolios;

C:distinguish between Active Share and active risk and discuss how each measurerelates to a manager’s investment strategy;

D:discuss the application of risk budgeting concepts in portfolio construction;

E:discuss risk measures that are incorporated in equity portfolio construction anddescribe how limits set on these measures affect portfolio construction;

F:discuss how assets under management, position size, market liquidity, andportfolio turnover affect equity portfolio construction decisions;

G:evaluate the efficiency of a portfolio structure given its investment mandate;

H:discuss the long-only, long extension, long/short,and equitized market-neutralapproaches to equity portfolio construction, including their risks, costs, andeffects on potential alphas.



原R32 Monitoring and Rebalancing







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