中国内容观察(China Content Weekly)第38期

中国内容观察(China Content Weekly)第38期
2023年08月29日 20:23 影视产业观察

去年12月,影视产业观察开始上线英文国际版“中国内容观察” (China Content Weekly),每周通过邮件向近3000位海外同行推介由编辑团队精选出的6档国内新节目,覆盖综艺、纪录片、剧集、动画等,让国际市场看到中国内容的成长。






Wild Treasures of China



该4K系列纪录片由总台与ZED、国家地理、Arte France等世界顶尖团队联合制作,前两集《雪豹的冰封王国》和《金丝猴王国:勇者的世界》已在全球多家主流媒体展播,并收获多项国际大奖。该系列深入到人迹罕至之地长期跟踪拍摄,以多种先进的拍摄技术为观众呈现出电影质感、震撼视听的生态大片。从这些珍稀物种的视角出发,悬念迭起的拟人化叙事将它们的真实生活包裹在趣味外壳之中,展现它们独特的家族故事和生存法则。

The 5x50’ documentary zooms in on five emblematic endangered wildlife species of China, capturing their stories of survival and reproduction across the wild landscape of the country.

The 4K-lensed series is a remarkable collaboration between China Media Group and world-renowned teams from ZED, National Geographic, and Arte France. The first two episodes, The Frozen Kingdom of the Snow Leopard and Golden Monkeys: Braving the Impossible, have landed on major broadcasters globally, earning prestigious international awards. It offers a cinematic-level stunning visual experience as it captures untouched landscapes and rare species utilizing cutting-edge filming techniques. With the perspectives of the animals, the storytelling is nothing short of suspenseful and personified, unraveling their unique social dynamics and the intriguing survival strategies in an emotionally engaging narrative.


The Fairy Tales




Ten celebrities are unexpectedly transported into a child-controlled fairy tale realm, where playing is the only rule. To become “permanent residents" and fulfill their childhood wishes, they must navigate various challenges.

In the era filled with uncertainty and stress, this show whisks its audience away to a whimsical and healing fairy tale-like utopia. With its adorable settings, playful rules and games, it's like a nostalgic trip down memory lane to our cherished childhoods. Inside this virtual realm, the reversal of power between adults and children is not just a source of unexpected humor and twists; it also holds up a mirror to the societal norms of the real world, sparking deeper contemplation amidst all the entertainment. Furthermore, watching adults fulfill their childhood dreams and make peace with themselves strikes a resonant emotional chord.


Fake It Till You Make It




It tells an urban love story between a female lawyer and a VP of an investment bank as they gradually remove their posers’ masks of elites, build mutual trust, and rediscover their true self.

Among the myriad of urban romantic dramas, this show has quickly caught attention with its focus on a rarely explored theme of the pretentious "posing" of urban elites. Centered around the main characters and their surroundings, it dissects the vulnerability and reality hidden behind the polished exteriors of urban elites in their love, work, and life. Impressively, it uses a dramatized approach to skillfully present various situations, offering deep, multifaceted, and even absurd insights into pretentiousness. This is a reminder that in an era of rampant consumerism, it is precisely the genuine self and sincere emotions that hold greater value.


Flying Youth




Celebrities and athletes become ambassadors to popularize the sports of frisbee, looking for nine outstanding amateur players who will ultimately compete against the national frisbee team.

Frisbee has recently become one of the trendy sports among the youth, following the sensation on short-form video platforms. Hunan TV and Mango TV have capitalized on this trend, promoting the sport in the midst of the nationwide fitness craze and the excitement of the upcoming Asian Games. The sport brings together people of all ages and genders with its traits including getting close to the nature, strengthening social connections, low intensity, and accessibility. Through the joy, sweat, and sometimes tears of training and competition, the show celebrates sportsmanship of the everyday athletes for their potential, passion, and determination.


In Search of Ancient China: Chronicles of Rice




This 5-part series delves into the origins and development of rice civilization through the latest archaeological research, exploring how Chinese rice has made profound contributions to the world.

As the third installment of In Search of Ancient China, it inherits the production philosophy of combining thoughts, art, and technology, breathing life into history and knowledge in a fresh and youthful tone. Through a dynamic blend of on-site filming, microphotography, and CG reconstructions, it transforms complex concepts and research into visually engaging scenes, offering a tech-savvy archaeological journey. Starting from modern-day interests, it weaves interconnected questions into a puzzle-solving narrative structure that leads to a compelling and immersive experience, unfurling the sweeping saga of the Chinese rice civilization.


The Legend of Zhuohua




A young lady escapes her wedding and becomes an official as she falls in love with the vengeance-seeking god of war. They unite to empower women in the court and better the nation.

This series shines brightly in the summer lineup of costume dramas, with its inspiring portrayal of the female lead's career-driven persona who rebels against traditional marriage norms, chases after independence, and harbors ambitious career aspirations. Through her journey, the show conveys values deeply resonating with modern women, and when set against the backdrop of ancient feudal society, it adds a striking layer of defiance and dramatic tension. Along with her, supporting female characters, such as the power-hungry princess and the pure-hearted maidservant, assert their dominance in different aspects of life, creating a rich tapestry of feminine strength and expression rarely seen in costume dramas.


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