
2019年01月29日 19:12 汇众投智

As the United Kingdom nears closer and closer to exiting the European Union without a deal, drug manufacturers like Novartis are preparing contingencies for how they will continue to provide medications, many of them life-saving, for patients in the U.K.

随着英国在没有达成协议的情况下接近退出欧盟( EU ),诺华( Novartis )等制药商正在为如何继续向英国患者提供药物(其中许多是拯救生命)做准备。

This morning, Swiss pharma giant Novartis said that a no-deal Brexit will have a significant impact on patients, particularly when it comes to the “supply and safety of medicines.” The company said it was building increased inventories of its medicines for the U.K. Novartis said it has made it a priority to ensure that U.K. patients will have access to the medicines it needs that are manufactured by Novartis, Sandoz and Alcon.

今天上午,瑞士药企巨头诺华( Novartis )表示,英国退欧将对患者产生重大影响,尤其是在“药品供应和安全”方面。该公司表示,正在为英国诺华增加药品库存。诺华表示,已将确保英国患者能够获得诺华( Novartis )、 Sandoz 和爱尔康( Alcon )生产的所需药品列为优先事项。

In its statement this morning, Novartis said it will continue to execute contingency plans and “make all preparations possible to ensure continuity of supply to U.K. patients of the over 120 million packs of medicines we import to the UK from Europe each year.”


With the March 29 Brexit deadline looming, Parliament has been unable to come to an agreement on what its relationship with the E.U. will be like in the future. Without a deal in place, the U.K. will break from the EU on March 29, two years after Prime Minister Teresa May executed Article 50. With no deal, there is a good chance that trade coming from Europe will be delayed, which includes medications manufactured abroad.


Novartis noted that a divergence from the “close regulatory and legal cooperation” that has existed between the U.K. and European Union has “far-reaching implications” for the way that the U.K.’s life sciences sector operates. Also, Novartis noted that it will also have a significant impact on that nation’s ability to develop and deliver medicines to patients. Which is why companies like Novartis and its Basel, Switzerland neighbor Roche have been doing.

诺华指出,与英国和欧盟之间存在的“密切监管和法律合作”的散开,对英国生命科学行业的运作方式有着“深远的影响”。此外,诺华指出,这也将对该国开发和向患者提供药品的能力产生重大影响。这就是为什么诺华( Novartis )及其邻国瑞士巴塞尔( Basel )的罗氏( Roche )等公司一直在这么做的原因。



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