你好中国 | 伯牙绝弦:流传两千多年的绝美友谊

你好中国 | 伯牙绝弦:流传两千多年的绝美友谊
2024年01月01日 09:00 文旅中国


Bo Ya Breaking the Strings is also known as Bo Ya Playing the Qin.It tells the story of a rare and cherished friendship. Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi are a timeless model of deep friendship.

伯牙擅长弹琴,锺子期善于倾听琴声。伯牙弹琴的时候,心里想到巍峨的泰山,锺子期听了赞叹道:“好啊!就像巍峨的泰山屹立在我的面前!”伯牙弹琴时,心里想到宽广的长江,黄河,锺子期赞叹道:“好啊,宛如一望无际的长江黄河在我面前流动!” 无论伯牙弹琴的时候心里想到什么,锺子期都会清楚地道出他的心声。

Bo Ya excels at playing the qin, while Zhong Ziqi is skilled at listening to the melodies of the qin.When Bo Ya plays the qin, he envisions the majestic Mount Tai in his heart, and Zhong Ziqi praises, "Excellent!Just like Mount Tai standing tall before me!" When Bo Ya plays the qin and envisions the vast Yangtze River and Yellow River, Zhong Ziqi admires, "Excellent, as if the boundless Yangtze River and Yellow River are flowing before me!" Regardless of what Bo Ya is thinking when playing the qin, Zhong Ziqi always clearly expresses his sentiments.


After Zhong Ziqi's death, Bo Ya believes there will never be another soulmate for him in the world.Consequently, he resolutely smashes his beloved qin, breaks its strings, and never plays the qin again in his lifetime to sever his yearning for Zhong Ziqi.


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