你好!中国 | 不来霞浦看最美滩涂,你糊涂啊!

你好!中国 | 不来霞浦看最美滩涂,你糊涂啊!
2024年06月28日 10:45 文旅中国


Xiapu, a small seaside town in Ningde, Fujian, bathed in a glowing light, is reputed as "the world's most beautiful tidal flats" and is recommended byNational Geographicas a must-visit place in a lifetime.


The colorful sea surface, golden tidal flats, dotted fishing boats, shimmering waves, all create a dreamy scene. You can watch the sunrise and sunset between the mountains and the sea, and enjoy the leisurely and comfortable life by catching crabs and digging for shells on the tidal flats.


This is Xiapu, a place as beautiful as its name, making many people want to settle down after visiting.


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