你好!中国 | 来武汉,腿和胃总有一个不够用!

你好!中国 | 来武汉,腿和胃总有一个不够用!
2024年07月03日 10:00 文旅中国


Wuhan, a major transportation hub of nine provinces, is a city nestled between rivers and lakes. Visiting this magical city means you can't miss its beautiful scenery and delicious food.


Stroll along the Yangtze River Bridge, capturing photos of the Yellow Crane Tower and trains together. Head north from Hankou to explore Jianghan Road, the concession area, and Gude Temple. In the evening, the Zhiyin cruise transforms into a mobile theater, taking you on a night tour of the Yangtze River with a Republic of China theme. It is a wonderful choice to enjoy an immersive performance of the Zenghouyi Chime Bells at the Hubei Provincial Museum or admire cherry blossoms at Wuhan University.


Wuhan's delicacies start with a bowl of hot dry noodles, enjoyed even while walking. Furthermore, for main courses, the city offers specialties like the three classic lake delicacies, Wuchang fish, lotus roots, and crayfish.


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