自贡市,四川省辖地级市。自贡有“千年盐都”的美誉,井盐文化是自贡历史文化名城的根,“自、贡”两个字是由“自流井”和“贡井”两个盐井名字合称而成。盐,是自贡的灵魂,也是自贡美食的精髓。盐帮文化就像一位匠心独运的厨师,精心烹制出了一道道独具风味的自贡佳肴。冷吃兔、冷吃牛肉、火边子牛肉,这些自贡特色美食,每一口都让人回味无穷。Zigong is a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province. It is renowned as the "Millennium Salt Capital". Its 井盐 (brine well) culture forms the historical and cultural foundation of this ancient city. The name "Zigong" combines the names of two famous salt wells: "Ziliujing" and "Gongjing". Salt is the soul of Zigong and the essence of its culinary delights. The city's Salt Guild Culture is like a master chef, crafting unique and flavorful dishes. Local specialties such as cold-spiced rabbit, cold-spiced beef, and fire-edge beef deliver unforgettable tastes in every bite.
穿梭在充满历史感的小巷,能看到许多曾经繁荣的痕迹,时不时就能遇见一座历史百年的精美建筑。Strolling through the historic alleys, you can see traces of its once-thriving past, with elegant century-old buildings appearing here and there.
不同于被封存在景区里的文化古迹,小巷里还居住着许多居民,很有生活气息。只是和诸多老城区、老街一样,年轻人大多都已离开,留在这里更多的是老人和小孩。行走在这里的街道上,你能感受到迷蒙的县城气息,就像是千禧年时光里的记忆。Unlike cultural relics sealed within tourist attractions, these alleys remain alive, home to many residents, giving them a vibrant, lived-in charm. However, like many old districts and streets, most young people have left for other places, leaving behind mainly the elderly and children. Walking through these streets, you can sense a faint atmosphere of a bygone county town—a memory of life from the early 2000s.
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