
2024年05月17日 09:44 投资上海官微


The institutional innovation of the Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) includes fundamental institutional changes such as the national treatment plus negative lists for foreign investment access, the negative list of cross-border service trade, and international trade single window, systematic institutional innovation around customs clearance integration and other fields, and optimization of the whole process system in the fields of engineering construction project approval.


In January 2024, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) released 47 institutional innovations in the Pilot FTZ. Up to now, 349 institutional innovations in the Pilot FTZ have been promoted at the national level.



Shanghai Pilot FTZ lead in implementing

a series of institutional innovations throughout

the country


The institutional innovation achievements of the Pilot FTZ can be divided into eight types: first, investment liberalization and facilitation; second, trade facilitation and integration of domestic and foreign trade; third, financial opening up and innovation; fourth, industrial opening up and development; fifth, multi-field supervision in the whole process; sixth, factor resource guarantee services; seventh, regional linkage innovation; and eighth, management system and mechanism innovation of the Pilot FTZ.


Shanghai Pilot FTZ takes the lead in exploring and implementing institutional innovation in the whole country, including four aspects:


First, take the lead in implementing the national treatment plus negative list management mode before foreign investment access, and promote the historic change of foreign investment management system. Before the establishment of the Pilot FTZ, foreign investment management adopted "case-by-case examination and approval". The procedures for the establishment and change of foreign-invested enterprises were cumbersome, which usually took about three months. In order to strengthen the opening-up stress test, in September 2013, the month when Shanghai Pilot FTZ was established, the first negative list of foreign investment access in China was historically launched, involving 18 industries and 190 special management measures.


Second, take the lead in establishing a trade management mode with international trade single window and efficient and convenient customs supervision as the core. After continuous improvement, international trade single window has covered more than 20 trade supervision departments including customs, inspection and quarantine, maritime affairs, border inspection, commerce, taxation, and foreign exchange, and its functions cover major links of international trade, major inbound and outbound commodities, major inbound and outbound means of transport, finance, tax refund, settlement and payment of foreign exchange, credit insurance services and other fields.


Third, take the lead in implementing a series of government management reforms such as "separating operating permits and business licenses" to promote the improvement of business environment and accelerate the transformation of government functions. From "license before permits" to "separating operating permits and business licenses", to solve the problems of "easy application for license, difficult for permits" and "easy access but no operating permit", the reform method is vividly described as "entering four doors", that is, canceling the examination and approval directly, changing the examination and approval to filing, implementing the notification commitment, and optimizing the access service.


Fourth, take the lead in exploring a number of pioneering measures such as free trade accounts, and made steady breakthroughs in financial opening up and innovation. Shanghai Pilot FTZ took the lead in exploring the pilot free trade account system, and established a cross-border capital flow management mode of "front-line prudent supervision and second-line limited penetration", which opened up overseas financing channels for enterprises and reduced financing costs. In August 2021, the State Council promulgated Several Measures on Promoting the Reform and Innovation of Trade and Investment Facilitation in Pilot Free Trade Zones, which clearly stated that "the pilot of the bank account system integrating local and foreign currencies should be carried out to realize the unification of standards, rules, and procedures in opening, changing, and canceling local and foreign currency accounts", which provided a policy basis for continuing to explore the pilot of the bank account system integrating local and foreign currencies.


Shanghai Pilot FTZ has made remarkable achievements in institutional innovation. As of 2023, the negative list of foreign investment access in the Pilot FTZ, which was first implemented in Shanghai, has been reduced seven times, from 190 items to 27 items at present, and the manufacturing items have reduced to zero, making the opening-up level of foreign investment access to a new level. There are 84,000 new enterprises and over 14,000 new foreign investment projects in Shanghai Pilot FTZ, with accumulated foreign investment of 58.6 billion US dollars. Shanghai Pilot FTZ closely integrate institutional innovation with Shanghai's characteristic and advantageous industries, and promotes the formation of Shanghai's world-class industrial clusters including new energy and intelligent networked automobiles, electronic information, and biomedicine.




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