
2024年09月02日 10:52 科技有分寸

2024年8月31日,IBA(国际拳击联合会)与昆仑决合作的首场“IBA·昆仑决世界杯(IBA KUNLUN FIGHT WORLD CUP”新闻发布会在中国北京钓鱼台大酒店举行。本次新闻发布会由国际拳击联合会(IBA)中俄友好、和平与发展委员会健康生活方式理事会主办,由北京昆仑星文化体育有限公司承办。

国际拳击联合会(IBA)主席乌马尔·克列姆廖夫(Umar Kremlev)、昆仑决创始人姜华先生(Mr. Jiang Hua)、体育局主要领导、中方领导、商界和体育界等嘉宾共同出席了本次新闻发布会现场。



该赛事的总奖金池为 200 万美元。抽签结束后,四分之一决赛的对阵双方成型,比赛以季后赛形式开始。四分之一决赛将进行 6 轮对决,半决赛和决赛将进行 10 轮对决。

已确认参赛的63.5KG级顶尖拳击手,包括三届世锦赛冠军、两届奥运会银牌得主、法国选手索菲安·奥米哈 (Sofiane Oumiha);奥运会冠军、古巴选手埃里斯兰迪·阿尔瓦雷斯(Erislandy Alvarez),世锦赛冠军乌兹别克斯坦选手鲁斯兰·阿卜杜拉耶夫(Ruslan Abdullaev),欧洲冠军、俄罗斯选手加比勒·马梅多夫(Gabil Mamedov),世锦赛铜牌得主塔吉克斯坦选手巴霍杜尔·乌斯莫诺夫(Bakhodur Usmonov),蒙古选手米谢尔特·巴图穆尔(Misheelt Battumur),非洲冠军、摩洛哥选手穆罕默德·哈穆特(Mohamed Hamout)。

71KG级顶尖拳击手方面,确认参赛的运动员包括世锦赛银牌得主、乌兹别克斯坦选手赛义贾姆希德·贾法罗夫(Saidjamshid Jafarov),来自古巴的世锦赛冠军、两届奥运会银牌得主罗尼尔·伊格莱西亚斯(Roniel Iglesias),来自俄罗斯的 IBA 欧洲职业冠军帕维尔·索苏林 (Pavel Sosulin),三届世锦赛铜牌得主、哈萨克斯坦选手阿布莱汗·朱苏波夫(Ablaikhan Zhussupov)。此外,中国也将派出两名拳击手,分别在63.5公斤级和71公斤级出战,与各国豪强争夺冠军荣誉。

国际拳击联合会(IBA)主席乌马尔·克列姆廖夫(Umar Kremlev)表示:“我们很高兴与昆仑决合作,将这一开创性的拳击联赛带到中国。这项赛事代表着拳击运动的新时代,世界上最优秀的运动员将在全球舞台上展示他们的才华。拥有如此强大的参赛阵容和丰厚的奖金,我们相信这个联赛将为拳击运动树立新的标准,并在全世界范围内激励一代又一代新生拳击手。”






国际拳击联合会(IBA)成立于 1946 年,是全球拳击运动的管理机构。作为拳击运动的守护者,国际拳击联合会以“运动员至上”作为核心策略,以在全球范围内促进、支持、发展和团结这项历史悠久的著名运动为明确使命。




昆仑决(Kunlun Fight)是一家知名的国际职业搏击赛事组织。2014年由中国公司原创,掌握核心规则制定权与话语权,全球最顶级的国际化格斗赛事,总部设在中国。它主要以自由搏击、格斗等比赛闻名,吸引了来自世界各地的顶尖选手参与。昆仑决不仅是一场体育赛事,也是体现搏击技术和运动员实力的平台,同时也推广和发展搏击运动文化。

昆仑决由昆尚传媒发起,IDG、洪泰基金、晨兴资本、真格基金、娱乐工场、动域资本、亿润投资、前海梧桐、北极光创投等知名投资机构参与,结合资本、技术、制播等多方优势,打造的国际化赛事联盟。2017年昆仑决完成(B+ )6轮融资,估值超过10亿美元。

IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup Press Conference SuccessfullyHeld in Beijing, China

On 31 August 2024, the first IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup press conference of the

cooperation between IBA (International Boxing Association) and Kunlun Fight was heldatDiaoyutai Hotel in Beijing, China.

The press conference was hosted by the International BoxingAssociation, The Healthy Lifestyle council of Сhina-Russia Committee for Friendship, Peace andDevelopment and organized by Beijing Kunlun star cultural and sports co., Ltd.

Mr. Umar Kremlev, President of the International Boxing Association (IBA), Mr. Jiang Hua, founderof Kunlun Fight, leaders of the Sports Bureau, and guests from the business and sports circlesattended the press conference.

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At this press conference, the IBA and Kunlun Fight announcedthat they will jointly create 10 boxing and kickboxing "IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup"international leagues. The first event will kick off on 16 November2024 at the Beijing NationalIndoor Stadium.

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The IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup brings together the best boxing and kickboxing athletes. Topboxers from all over the world will compete for the titles and generous prize money.For the inaugural event, we have confirmed two initial weight classes: 63.5 kg and 71 kg.The total prize pool of the event is $2 million USD. After the draw, quarterfinals pairs areshaped, and the competition kicks off in playoff format. Quarterfinal bouts are scheduled for 6rounds, semi-finals and finals will last for 10 rounds.

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Among the top boxers confirmed for participation are three-time World Champion and 2-timeOlympic silver medallist Sofiane Oumiha from France, Olympic champion Erislandy Alvarez fromCuba, World champion from Uzbekistan Ruslan Abdullaev, European champion from Russia GabilMamedov, World Championships bronze medallists Bakhodur Usmonov from Tajikistan andMisheelt Battumur from Mongolia, African champion Mohamed Hamout from Morocco, all in63.5kg, as well as World Championships silver medallist from Uzebekistan Saidjamshid Jafarov, World champion and 2-time Olympic champion Roniel Iglesias from Cuba, IBA Pro EuropeanChampion Pavel Sosulin from Russia, 3-time World Championships bronze medallist AblaikhanZhussupov from Kazakhstan, all in 71 kg, and others. Two boxers from China, one per category,are to be confirmed shortly.

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IBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev claimed that ”‘We are thrilled to partner with Kunlun Fight  to bring this groundbreaking boxing league to China. This event represents a new era forboxing, where the world's best athletes will showcase their talents on a global stage. With suchan exceptional lineup of competitors and a significant prize fund, we are confident that thisleague will set new standards for the sport and inspire the next generation of boxers worldwide,’

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Mr. Jiang Hua, founder of Kunlun Fight, also said: "The IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup will usher inits first match at the Beijing National Indoor Stadium. As a peak showdown that we have carefullyplanned, this match not only brings together top boxers, but also continues the usual highstandards of Kunlun Fight's World Max, inviting top fighting stars from all over the world to theevent. They will interpret the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger" with sweat and strengthon this passionate and glorious arena. We are full of confidence and expectations for the future. Kunlun Fight will continue to uphold the development concept of "innovation, openness,cooperation, and win-win", and continuously promote the prosperity and development of China'sfighting sports industry. We will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international fightingorganizations, introduce more high-level international competitions, and enhance theinternational influence of Chinese fighting. At the same time, we will also actively cultivate localfighting talents to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of China's fighting sportsindustry."

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In addition, Mr. Zhang Baoquan, founder of Mangrove Tree Restore, a leading holiday destinationbrand in China and one of the important strategic partners of Kunlun Fight, also attended thepress conference. He said: "Mangrove Tree Restore takes '1+X modern lifestyle' as its coreconcept, integrating the free and enterprising fighting culture and sportsmanship into themodern lifestyle. Since 2016, we have jointly launched a series of cross-border activities ofKunlun Fight in Sanya, Qingdao and other places, bringing a rich and wonderful sports lifestyle. Ibelieve that the holding of the top event IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup will not only enrich thelifestyle, but also play a positive role in promoting urban economic development and enhancingthe city's image."

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In December, the second event of the IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup will be held in Shanghai, and the subsequent eight events will all be held in first-tier cities in China. Through the nationaltour of boxing and kickboxing of the IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup, we hope to further promotethe development of fighting sports in China and bring unprecedented exciting experiences tofighting enthusiasts around the world.

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Within the IBA Kunlun Fight World Cup, the 70kg kickboxing event World Max will take place, where top-16 athletes will standout in the tournament and compete for the first place. Every fighting event that has attracted much attention from the fans, and IBA KunlunFight will continue to create the legendary story of boxing and kickboxing events on the world stage.

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About the International Boxing Association:

The International Boxing Association (IBA) is the worldwide governing body of boxing, establishedin 1946. As the custodian of boxing, the IBA’s strategy is underpinned by an athlete-first approach,with a clear mission to promote, support, develop and unite the prestigious and historic sportworldwide.

About The Healthy Lifestyle council of China-Russia Committee for Friendship,

Peace and Development:

The committee was established in 1997 at the initiative of the two heads of state, and theHealthy Lifestyle Council was established in 2014. It is the main channel for friendly exchangesbetween the peoples of China and Russia. It aims to promote cooperation and exchanges in thefields of culture, sports, and healthy lifestyle between China and Russia, benefit the well-being ofthe people of the two countries, promote friendship between China and Russia from generationto generation, and play a special role in the development of the comprehensive strategicpartnership between China and Russia in the new era.

About Kunlun Fight:

Kunlun Fight was initiated by Kunsun Media, with participation from prominentinvestmentinstitutions such as IDG, Hongtai Fund, Morningside Venture Capital, ZhenFund, EntertainmentWorkhouse, Dongyu Capital, Yirun Investment, Qianhai Wutong, and Northern Light VentureCapital. By leveraging advantages in capital, technology, and production, Kunlun Fighthasdeveloped into an international sports alliance. In 2017, Kunlun Fight completed a Series B+financing round, with a valuation exceeding $1 billion.

Add: Floor 4, Xinyi Tower, No. 1 Andingmen Outer Str., Chaoyang District, Beijing 


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