走进江南水乡 探访老街古建

走进江南水乡 探访老街古建
2024年04月24日 16:47 CGTNculture
【走进江南水乡 探访老街古建】小桥流水、粉墙黛瓦,河道中的乌篷船,弄堂里的评弹声声……跟随Caroline Wu来到江苏省的苏州同里古镇、苏州平江历史文化街区和常州焦溪古镇,听听专家和学者就名城、名镇、古村、古街的修缮与保护进行了哪些有效探索。#文化中国行 #古建筑 #古镇 #老街区Strolling through the ancient towns of Jiangnan, or regions south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, visitors can not only experience the charm of pavilions, small bridges, flowing water and fragrant ancient trees, but also understand the historical context and appreciate traditional Chinese culture through the preserved cultural relics and ancient buildings. Let’s follow Caroline Wu on a walk through some historical and cultural sites and witness the discoveries made by experts in the restoration and protection of these ancient towns.


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