冬季到新疆 来看雪|白桦林间冰挂长廊多梦幻

冬季到新疆 来看雪|白桦林间冰挂长廊多梦幻
2022年03月01日 08:46 人民网英文版
【冬季到#新疆# 来看雪|白桦林间冰挂长廊多梦幻】The Birch Park in Altay city, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has captivated tourists with its enchanting "icicle corridor" during this winter season. Decorated with colored illuminations, the 600-square-meter corridor is designed to appeal to visitors of all ages looking to partake in winter tourism and ice and snow sports in the region. 乘冬奥春风,燃冰雪激情。为推广普及冰雪运动,带动全民参与冰雪活动,“雪都”#阿勒泰市# 桦林公园今冬打造了占地面积600多平方米的冰挂长廊,同时通过装点彩灯增强游客体验,丰富冬季旅游产品形态,提升冰雪旅游产品吸引力。#美好新疆#


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