
2022年03月04日 17:19 人民网英文版
【两会召开,这里有你应该关注的】It’s that time of year again when China’s biggest political event, known as the “Two Sessions” or “lianghui”, kicks off. More than 5,000 deputies of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are gathering in Beijing to provide a road map for China's future development. 又到了全国两会时间!两会是中国政治生活中的一件大事。超过5000名人大代表和政协委员齐聚北京,共同规划中国未来发展蓝图。想了解两会更多信息?敬请关注人民网!#2022看两会# Read more:


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