【今日清明,气清景明】The Qingming solar term comes after the Spring Equinox as the fifth of China's 24 solar terms. It takes place on April 5 this year. As the ancient book Suishibaiwan records, the name originates from the saying "plants start to revive and prosper at Qingming in a clean and bright way." Thus, the day is called Qingming, which means clean and bright. #清明# ,二十四节气之一,春季的第五个节气。太阳到达黄经15°,便为清明。清明时,气清景明,万物皆显,因此得名。清明,既是节气,又是节日。节气的清明,是春耕春种的大好时机;节日的清明,是民间寄放情感和慰劳自己的传统日子。#清明既是节日又是节气#