【内蒙古兴安盟:春日至 候鸟归】The Tumuji National Nature Reserve of the Xing'an League in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has become a "transit station" for many birds on their migratory path, including swans, ruddy shelducks, bean gooses, red-crowned cranes, and oriental storks. In recent days, tens of thousands of migratory birds have arrived at the reserve for a temporary stopover. 天气回暖,#候鸟# 北飞。又是迁徙的时节, 进入#内蒙古# 兴安盟图牧吉国家级自然保护区,鸥鹭齐飞、百鸟云集。随着生态环境日益改善,内蒙古兴安盟图牧吉国家级自然保护区境内吸引了大量的#天鹅# 、#赤麻鸭# 、豆雁、#丹顶鹤# 和#东方白鹳# 等,成为候鸟迁徒途中极为重要的“中转站”。目前,已有数万只北归候鸟抵达图牧吉国家级自然保护区。Read more: