
2024年03月28日 20:54 LearnAndRecord



1. What main challenge does Xiaomi face with the launch of its SU7 model?

A) Lack of brand recognition in the EV market.

B) High production costs leading to expensive retail prices.

C) Intensifying competition and slowing EV sales.

D) Technical issues with the vehicle's acceleration and range.

2. Based on the article, what advantage does Xiaomi potentially hold over its EV competitors?

A) Its established reputation and distribution channels.

B) Lower operational and manufacturing costs.

C) Exclusive access to advanced battery technology.

D) Government subsidies and support.


Xiaomi Set to Launch First Electric Vehicle on March 28

From: The Wall Street Journal

Chinese mobile-phone maker Xiaomi will launch its first electric vehicle this month, a four-door tech-laden sedan that it hopes will capture interest at a time when EV sales are slowing and a host of competitors are cutting prices.

The company, best known for its popular smartphones and domestic appliances, will launch its SU7 model on March 28 in China, Chief Executive Lei Jun said in a post on his Weibo account Tuesday. Xiaomi Motor, the consumer electronics giant's auto unit, said in a separate post on Weibo the car will be available for delivery at the same time.

Xiaomi didn't specify a price for the car. Company shares were up 9.55% by midday in Hong Kong trade, on track for their largest percentage jump since January 2023.

The launch of the SU7 comes three years after Xiaomi said it would enter the car-making business, which Lei said at the time would be “the last big start-up project of my life.”

“This is to fulfill our agreement made three years ago,” he wrote Tuesday. In a separate post, Lei added that he's confident about entering the EV market, despite intensifying competition.

Xiaomi unveiled the SU7 at its technology conference in December, saying it was capable of acceleration speeds faster than Tesla cars and Porsche EVs, with one version capable of hitting 100 kilometers per hour in 2.78 seconds. One version has a driving range of up to 800 kilometers, it added.

The SU7's release comes as EV makers battle for sales in the world's largest auto market. Xiaomi will enter the fray as leading brands like BYD and Tesla are cutting prices aggressively to entice consumers to buy their EVs in an oversupplied market, as economic pressures weigh on demand.

February retail sales of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids dropped 12% on year to 388,000 units, according to data from the China Passenger Car Association. Chinese EV startups including NIO and XPeng, which have been selling EVs for more than five years, are still posting operating losses.

Analysts said the SU7's release will likely cut into Xiaomi's bottom line as marketing and other expenses for the venture rise. Xiaomi posted a net profit of 4.87 billion yuan ($677.9 million) in the third quarter, up 52% from the preceding quarter on the back of improved margins.

The key thing to watch for the launch will be the price, specifically if it's below or above CNY200,000, Huatai Securities equity analyst Leping Huang said. The level serves as a sort benchmark for EVs in the same class as the SU7.

Xiaomi may have some advantages over competitors since it is “already a very well-known brand and may be able to leverage on existing distribution channels,” Morningstar equity analyst Dan Baker said. But “near-term profit forecasts could well be negative.”

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Xiaomi Set to Launch First Electric Vehicle on March 28

From: The Wall Street Journal

Chinese mobile-phone maker Xiaomi will launch its first electric vehicle this month, a four-doortech-laden sedanthat it hopes will capture interest at a time when EV sales are slowing and a host of competitors are cutting prices.



tech-laden = tech-heavy表示“充满科技的,装满技术设备的:含有大量技术或设备的”,英文解释为“used to describe a stock market or investment fund where many of the shares traded or held are those of technology companies”个🌰:The new model is a tech-laden car, offering advanced safety and entertainment features. 新款车型是一款充满技术的汽车,提供高级的安全和娱乐功能。



sedan /sɪˈdæn/ 表示“小轿车;(三厢)四门轿车”,英文解释为“a car with four doors and a boot/trunk (= space at the back for carrying things) which is separated from the part where the driver and passengers sit”如:a five-seater family sedan 五座家庭式轿车。

The company, best known for its popular smartphones anddomestic appliances, will launch its SU7 model on March 28 in China, Chief Executive Lei Jun said in a post on his Weibo account Tuesday. Xiaomi Motor, the consumerelectronics giant's auto unit, said in a separate post on Weibo the car will be available for delivery at the same time.

消费电子产品巨头小米集团的CEO雷军周二在微博上发帖称,3月28日,小米SU7正式发布。子公司小米汽车(Xiaomi Motor)也在微博上发帖称,3月28日,小米SU7正式发布,上市即交付。小米集团以其热门智能手机和家电而闻名。

domestic appliance

domestic appliance /dəˌmes.tɪk əˈplaɪ.əns/ 表示“(尤指厨房用的)家用电器”,英文解释为“a large piece of electrical equipment used in the home, especially in the kitchen”举个🌰:We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers. 我们提供多种家用电器,包括冰箱、冰柜和洗碗机。


electronics /ˌel.ekˈtrɒn.ɪks/ 表示“电子学;电子电路;电子器件”,英文解释为“the scientific study of electric current and the technology that uses it”如:a degree in electronics 电子学学位,the electronics industry 电子工业,a fault in the electronics 电子电路故障。


giant /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。



📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan /ˈtaɪ.tən/表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”

Xiaomi didn'tspecifya price for the car. Company shares were up 9.55% by midday in Hong Kong trade, on track for their largest percentage jump since January 2023.



specify /ˈspes.ɪ.faɪ/ 表示“具体说明;明确指出”,英文解释为“to explain or describe something clearly and exactly”举个🌰:He said we should meet but didn't specify a time. 他说我们应该见见面,但没说具体时间。

The launch of the SU7 comes three years after Xiaomi said it would enter the car-making business, which Lei said at the time would be “the last bigstart-upproject of my life.”



startup / start-up /ˈstɑːt.ʌp/ 表示“刚起步的小企业,新兴小型企业;初创公司”,英文解释为“a small business that has just been started”如:start-up costs 创业成本,举个🌰:Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world. 商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。

“This is tofulfillour agreement made three years ago,” he wrote Tuesday. In a separate post, Lei added that he's confident about entering the EV market, despiteintensifyingcompetition.



英式 fulfil /fʊlˈfɪl/ 美式 fulfill 表示“实现;达到;履行,执行”,英文解释为“to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen”举个🌰:A school fails if it does not fulfil the needs/requirements of its pupils. 学校如果不能满足学生的需求/要求,那它就是失败的。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述中国电动车行业的文章中提到:If those ambitions are fulfilled the firm's EVs will have captured about 5% of the total Chinese car market. 如果这些雄心壮志得偿所愿,那么该公司的电动车将占据中国整个汽车市场5%左右的份额。


Intensifying作为形容词时,意思是“加强的”、“增强的”或“激化的”。它用来描述某事物正在变得更加强烈、更加严重或更加剧烈的过程或状态。这个词常用于描述天气、情绪、竞争、争论等方面的加剧或激化。举个🌰:They are facing intensifying competition in the market. 他们面临着市场竞争的加剧。

intensify /ɪnˈten.sɪ.faɪ/ 作动词,表示“加强,增强;强化”,英文解释为“to become greater, more serious, or more extreme, or to make something do this”举个🌰:I jump, intensifying the pain in all my muscles. 我跳起来,浑身的肌肉更加疼痛了。

Xiaomiunveiledthe SU7 at its technology conference in December, saying it wascapableof acceleration speeds faster than Tesla cars and Porsche EVs, with one version capable of hitting 100 kilometers per hour in 2.78 seconds. One version has a driving range of up to 800 kilometers, it added.



unveil /ʌnˈveɪl/ 1)表示“ 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”,英文解释为“to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time”举个🌰:She unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital. 她主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。

2)表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众”,英文解释为“to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time”举个🌰:They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show. 他们将在汽车大展上首次推出自己的新型汽车。

🎬电影《复仇者联盟1》(The Avengers)中的台词提到:We look beyond the Earth to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil. 而我们则放眼地球之外 那些将被宇宙魔方开启的更广博的世界。

🎬电影《超人高校》(Sky High)中的台词提到:We can't unveil the Stronghold Three without Will. 我们不能在威尔(Will)不在场时 向大家介绍斯特朗霍德三侠(Stronghold Three)。

📍词根“-veil”表示"面纱",前缀“un-”表示“不”。联想宫殿:在宫殿的一个房间,你看到一个被面纱覆盖的新产品即将被“揭露”。近义词:reveal(揭示) 同根词:veil(面纱),常用短语:unveil a plan(公布计划)


capable /ˈkeɪ.pə.bəl/ 表示“有能力的;熟练的;能干的”,英文解释为“able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results”举个🌰:She's a very capable woman/worker/judge. 她是个很能干的女人/很熟练的工人/能力很强的法官。

📍-capable 表示“可…的,有…能力的(加在名次后形成形容词)”,英文解释为“added to nouns to form adjectives that mean able to use the stated thing”举个🌰:These are nuclear-capable aircraft (= they can carry nuclear weapons). 这些飞机可载核武器。

📍capable of sth/doing sth 表示“有能力做…;能做…”,英文解释为“having the ability, power, or qualities to be able to do something”举个🌰:A force ten wind is capable of blowing the roofs off houses. 10级的大风能吹走屋顶。

The SU7's release comes as EV makers battle for sales in the world's largest auto market. Xiaomi willenter the frayas leading brands like BYD and Tesla are cutting pricesaggressivelytoenticeconsumers to buy their EVs in an oversupplied market, as economic pressures weigh on demand.


enter the fray

enter the fray表示“参与争论或竞争:加入某个争论或竞争中,通常指在局势已经紧张或激烈的情况下参与其中,英文解释为“to begin to take part in a competitive situation”

fray /freɪ/  表示“打斗,竞争,争辩,激战,激烈争吵(常指乱糟糟的)干劲十足的努力,充满活力的活动”,英文解释为“a fight, a competition or an argument, especially one that is exciting or seen as a test of your ability;an energetic and often not well-organized effort, activity, fight, or disagreement”如:to enter/join the fray 加入争辩,举个🌰:With a third country about to enter (= take part in) the fray, the fighting looks set to continue. 由于有第三国要加入冲突,战斗看来很可能会继续下去。


aggressively /əˈɡres.ɪv.li/ 1)表示“好斗地;富于攻击性地;挑衅地”,英文解释为“in an angry and violent way”举个🌰:Small children often behave aggressively. 小孩经常会表现得好斗。

2)表示“进取地;有侵略性地”,英文解释为“in a determined and forceful way in order to achieve success or win”举个🌰:They played more aggressively in the second half. 他们在下半场打得更有攻击性。


entice /ɪnˈtaɪs/ 表示“诱惑;诱使;引诱”,英文解释为:to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want,短语:entice sb/sth to do sth,举个🌰:Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy. 我们的特价优惠是为了吸引人们购买。


📍seduce 表示“引诱,诱惑”,英文解释为“to persuade or cause someone to do something that they would not usually consider doing by being very attractive and difficult to refuse”举个🌰:I wouldn't normally stay in a hotel like this, but I was seduced by the fabulous location. 我一般不会住在这样的旅馆,但还是被其地点所诱。

February retail sales of electric vehicles andplug-in hybridsdropped 12% on year to 388,000 units, according to data from the China Passenger Car Association. Chinese EV startups including NIO and XPeng, which have been selling EVs for more than five years, are stillpostingoperating losses.


plug-in hybrid

plug-in hybrid /plʌɡˌɪn ˈhaɪ.brɪd/ 表示“插电式混合动力车”,英文解释为“a vehicle that has both a petrol engine and one or more electric motors that can be charged (= filled with electricity) from the electricity supply of a house or public charging point”举个🌰:A plug-in hybrid can lower emissions of carbon dioxide and smog-causing gases. 插电式混合动力车可以降低二氧化碳和致雾霾气体的排放量。


post /pəʊst/ 1)作名词,表示“职位,职务”,英文解释为“a job in a company or organization”举个🌰:Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper. 星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。

📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到“顽强不屈的坚守”时,原句:holding posts with tenacity. 其中posts指的是岗位,(坚守)岗位。

📍二〇二三年新年贺词中提到:广大干部群众特别是医务人员、基层工作者不畏艰辛、勇毅坚守。Officials and the general public, particularly medical professionals and community workers, have bravely stuck to their posts through it all.

2)此外,经常在网上冲浪的就比较熟悉,post除了作名词,表示“网站上公布的信息;帖子”,英文解释为“something such as a message or picture that you publish on a website or using social media”,也可以作动词,表示“(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)”,英文解释为“to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:Lots of friends have commented on my post. 很多小伙伴给我的帖子评论了。

3)作动词,表示“发布,公布,宣布(尤指财经信息或警告)”,英文解释为“to announce sth publicly or officially, especially financial information or a warning”举个🌰:The oil company posted profits of $25.1 billion. 石油公司公布利润为251亿美元。

Analysts said the SU7's release will likely cut into Xiaomi'sbottom lineas marketing and otherexpensesfor the venture rise. Xiaomi posted anet profitof 4.87 billion yuan ($677.9 million) in the third quarter, up 52% from theprecedingquarter on the back of improvedmargins.


bottom line

1)表示“底线;最重要的事实”,英文解释为“the most important fact in a situation”

2)表示“损益表底线;盈亏一览结算线”,英文解释为“the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss that has been made”举个🌰:How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line? 利率上升对我们的盈亏状况会有什么影响?


expense /ɪkˈspens/ 表示“花钱;支付;耗费”,英文解释为“the use of money, time, or effort”举个🌰:Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense. 事实证明,买辆大点儿的车还是很值得的。

📍expenses复数可以特指“(向雇主报销的)业务费用,开支,花销”,英文解释为“money that you spend when you are doing your job, that your employer will pay back to you”举个🌰:I need to get my expenses approved. 我得去办报销核准手续。

net profit

表示“净利润”,英文解释为“the money made from selling something after all costs, taxes, etc. have been paid”


preceding /prɪˈsiː.dɪŋ/ 表示“在前的,在先的,前面的”,英文解释为“existing or happening before someone or something”举个🌰:The paintings are a development of ideas she explored in the preceding decade. 这些画是她过去10年以来思想探索的成果。


margin /ˈmɑː.dʒɪn/ 1)表示“差数,差额”,英文解释为“the amount by which one thing is different from another”

2)表示“利润”,英文解释为“the profit made on a product or service”举个🌰:Our increased profits are due to improved margins and successful cost control. 我们盈利上涨,是因为改善了利润并成功地控制了开支。

3)表示“边,缘,边沿,边缘”,英文解释为“the outer edge of an area”举个🌰:The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas. 这种植物往往生长在植被较稀疏的林地边缘。

📍on the margins of something 表示“(某人)处于…的边缘,对…稍有涉足”,英文解释为“If someone is on the margins of a group of people, they are part of that group, but different in important ways, and if someone is on the margins of an activity, they are only slightly involved.”举个🌰:He spent the 1980s on the margins of British politics. 20世纪80年代他曾稍稍涉足英国政治。

The key thing to watch for the launch will be the price, specifically if it's below or above CNY200,000, HuataiSecurities equityanalyst Leping Huang said. The level serves as a sortbenchmarkfor EVs in the same class as the SU7.

华泰证券(Huatai Securities)的股票分析师黄乐平说,小米SU7的发布需要关注的关键问题将是价格,尤其是价格是低于人民币20万元还是高于这一水平。这一价格水平经常被认为是与小米SU7同级电动汽车的基准。


复数形式securities,熟词僻义,表示“证券”,英文解释为“documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company”。


equity /ˈek.wɪ.ti/  1)表示“(公司的)股本,股票值;股票”,英文解释为“the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided”举个🌰:He sold his equity in the company last year. 他去年卖掉了这家公司的股票。

2)表示“公平;公正”,英文解释为“the situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally”如:a society based on equity and social justice 建立在公平公正和社会正义基础之上的社会。

📍private equity (PE) 私募股权;私人股本。据百度百科介绍,PE也就是私募股权投资,从投资方式角度看,是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。


benchmark /ˈbentʃ.mɑːk/ 表示“基准(点)”,英文解释为“a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things”举个🌰:Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world. 她的精彩表演为全世界歌手树立了新典范。

Xiaomi may have some advantages over competitors since it is “already a very well-known brand and may be able toleverageon existing distribution channels,” Morningstar equity analyst Dan Baker said. But “near-term profit forecasts could well be negative.”

晨星(Morningstar)的股票分析师Dan Baker说,小米与竞争对手相比可能有一些优势,因为小米已经是一个非常知名的品牌,或许可以利用现有的分销渠道。但近期利润预期很可能是非常负面的。


leverage 英 /ˈliː.vər.ɪdʒ/ 美 /ˈlev.ɚ.ɪdʒ/表示“利用”,英文解释为“to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better”举个🌰:We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our partners. 我们可以利用我们的合作伙伴来获得市场优势。

📍leverage作动词还有“举债经营”的含义,英文解释为“to use borrowed money to buy an investment or company”举个🌰:They can leverage a very small investment into millions of dollars. 他们可以把很小的一笔投资变成数百万美元。


📍Leverage作为动词时,通常意味着“利用”或“借助”。在大多数情况下,当我们说“利用某物”时,并不需要加上“on”。例如,我们会说“leverage technology to improve efficiency”,意为“利用技术提高效率”。然而,在某些情况下,人们可能会在“leverage”后面加上“on”来构成“leverage on”,尤其是在非正式或口语环境中。这种用法可能是为了强调利用的对象或手段。尽管如此,“leverage on”并不被认为是标准用法,在正式写作和沟通中,一般推荐直接使用“leverage”而不加“on”。

- 词汇盘点 -

tech-laden、 sedan、 domestic appliance、 electronics、 giant、 specify、 start-up、 fulfill、 intensifying、 unveil、 capable、 enter the fray、 aggressively、 entice、 plug-in hybrid、 post、 bottom line、 expense、 net profit、 preceding、 margin、 securitie、 equity、 benchmark、 leverage

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

A tech-laden giant in electronics, diversifying into domestic appliances, specified its start-up aim to fulfill intensifying demands. Aggressively entering the fray, it unveiled a capable plug-in hybrid sedan, enticing customers. Posting its bottom line, expenses were offset by net profit growth from the preceding period. Margins improved, securities and equity benchmarks were leveraged, signaling a strategic pivot.

- 推荐阅读 -





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