
2024年06月24日 20:50 LearnAndRecord



1. What is the primary focus of the passage?

A) The financial benefits of earning a college degree.

B) The declining value of a college education.

C) The comparison between different college majors' returns on investment.

D) The skepticism of young adults towards higher education.

2.Why might students from low-income backgrounds be particularly skeptical about the value of a college education?A) They prefer to enter the workforce immediately.

B) They believe the system is designed to benefit the wealthy.

C) They are not interested in higher education.

D) They have access to better career opportunities without a degree.

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College is still worth it, research finds — although these majors have the lowest rate of return

From: CNBC, MAR 14 2024

For decades, research has showed that earning a degree is almost always worthwhile.


Recent college graduates working full-time earn $24,000 more a year than those with just a high schooldiploma, according to newly released data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.



diploma /dɪˈpləʊ.mə/ 表示“学位证书;大学文凭”,英文解释为“a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies”如:a diploma in business studies 商学文凭,a high school diploma 高中毕业证书。

Additionally, finishing college puts workerson trackto earn amedianof $2.8 million over their lifetime, compared with $1.6 million if they only had a high school degree, according to “The College Payoff,” a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

此外,根据乔治城大学教育与就业中心(Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce)的《大学回报》(The College Payoff)报告,大学毕业的员工其一生收入中位数为280万美元,而只有高中文凭的员工则为160万美元。

on track

表示“有望成功;在正轨上”,英文解释为“making progress and likely to succeed”举个🌰:They're on track to make record profits. 他们有望获得创纪录的利润。


median /ˈmiː.di.ən/ 表示“中位数”,英文解释为“the value that is the middle one in a set of values arranged in order of size”

In general,bachelor's degreeholders earn 75% more over their career, the report found — and, in many cases, the higher the level of educational attainment, the larger thepayoff.


bachelor's degree

bachelor /ˈbætʃ.əl.ər/ 表示“独身男子,单身汉”,英文解释为“a man who has never married”

bachelor's degree /ˌbætʃ.əl.əz dɪˈɡriː/ 表示“学士学位”,英文解释为“a first degree at college or university”



payoff /ˈpeɪ.ɒf/ 1)表示“(一系列行动的)结果,成果;(…结束时的)解释;(某行动的)收益”,英文解释为“the result of a set of actions, or an explanation at the end of something”举个🌰:The payoff for years of research is a microscope that performs better than all of its competitors. 多年研究所得的成果是一架性能超过所有竞争对手的显微镜。

2)表示“封口钱,贿赂款”,英文解释为“money paid to someone, especially so that they do not cause trouble or so that they will do what you want”

However, a lot still depends on the choice of major, research also shows.


College majors with the highest and lowest return 回报率最高和最低的大学专业

A recent study published in the American Educational Research Journal found that engineering and computer science majors provide the highest returns in lifetime earnings, followed by business, health, and math and science majors. Education andhumanitiesmajors and arts majors had the lowest returns of the 10 fields of study considered.

最近发表在《美国教育研究杂志》(American Educational Research Journal)上的一项研究发现,工程学和计算机科学专业的终身收入回报率最高,其次是商科、卫生、数学和科学专业。教育和人文专业以及艺术专业在所研究的10个专业中回报率最低。


(the) humanities 表示“人文学科(如文学、语言、历史、哲学等)”,英文解释为“the study of subjects such as literature, language, history, and philosophy”举个🌰:I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences. 我一直对人文学科比对自然科学更感兴趣。

“Our cost-benefit analysis finds that on average a college degree offers better returns thanthe stock market,” said Liang Zhang, a professor of higher education at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and co-author of the study. “However, there are significant differences across college majors.”

“我们的成本效益分析发现,平均而言,大学学历的回报率要高于股票市场。”纽约大学史丹赫文化教育和人类发展学院高等教育教授、本研究的共同作者张亮(Liang Zhang,音译)说。“不过,不同专业之间存在显著差异。”

stock market

stock market /ˈstɒk ˌmɑː.kɪt/ 表示“股票(或证券)交易所;股票(或证券)交易市场”,stock exchange。

Overall, the researchers found that the benefits of higher education haveheld up, even asenrollmenthas declined and the labor market outcomes for those without a college degree have improved, Zhang said.


hold up

1)表示“耽搁”,英文解释为“To hold up a person or process means to make them late or delay them.”举个🌰:Why were you holding everyone up? 你为什么要耽搁大家?

2)表示“保持强壮;保持成功”,英文解释为“to remain strong or successful”举个🌰:Will his alibi hold up (= continue to seem true) in court? 他不在犯罪现场的证据在法庭上会站得住脚吗?I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage. 我希望这样修一下能让我们坚持到修车厂。


英式 enrolment 美式 enrollment /ɪnˈroʊl.mənt/ 表示“登记,入学,注册,登记(人数)”,英文解释为“the act of officially joining a course, school, etc.; the number of people who do this”举个🌰:Enrolment during the school year is limited to about 40 students. 学年招生人数限制在40人左右。

The analysis took into account wagedifferentialsbetween college and high school graduates as well as other factors, includingtuitionand financial aid and the opportunity cost ofdeferringfull-time entry into the workplace.



wage /weɪdʒ/ 作名词,表示“工资,工钱,报酬”,英文解释为“a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education”如:a very low/high wage 非常低/高的工资。

作动词,表示“发动(战争);组织,筹备(活动)”,英文解释为“to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something”举个🌰:They've been waging a long campaign to change the law. 他们为修改这一法律已组织发起了一场持久的运动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇介绍拉美电商平台美卡多的文章中提到:The biggest is Amazon, against which his firm has waged a costly battle in Mexico. 最大的威胁来自亚马逊,美卡多与它在墨西哥展开了一场较量,代价高昂。


differential /ˌdɪf.əˈren.ʃəl/ 表示“差额;差距”,英文解释为“an amount of difference between things that are compared”如:a price differential 价格差距。


tuition /tʃuːˈɪʃ.ən/ /tuːˈɪʃ.ən/ 表示“学费”,英文解释为“the money paid for this type of teaching”


defer /dɪˈfɜːr/ 表示“使延期,使延缓,推迟”,英文解释为“to delay something until a later time”举个🌰:Can we defer making a decision until next week? 我们可以推迟到下周再决定吗?

Students who pursue a major specifically in science, technology, engineering and math — collectively known as STEMdisciplines— areprojectedto earn the most overall, the Georgetown Center also found.



discipline /ˈdɪs.ə.plɪn/ 作名词,表示“知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科,科目,专业”,英文解释为“an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university”,也可以表示“训练;训导;纪律;风纪”,英文解释为“the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behaviour or situation that results from this training”

作动词,1)表示“惩罚,惩罚”,英文解释为“to punish someone”举个🌰:The workman was disciplined by his company but not dismissed. 这名工人被他的公司处罚了,但没有被开除。

2)表示“训练,教导”,英文解释为“to teach someone to behave in a controlled way”,如:a guide to the best ways of disciplining your child 管教子女最佳方法指南。

3)表示“自我控制;严格要求(自己)”,英文解释为“to control the way you behave and make yourself do things that you believe you should do”举个🌰:He disciplined himself to exercise at least three times a week. 他规定自己每周至少锻炼三次。


project /ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ 1)表示“放映;投射(影、像或光)”,英文解释为“to cause a film, image, or light to appear on a screen or other surface”举个🌰:Laser images were projected onto a screen. 激光图像被投射到了屏幕上。

2)表示“预计,推算”,英文解释为“to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known”举个🌰:The spending is projected to rise by three percent next year. 明年支出预计将增加3%。

3)表示“投射(自己的感觉给别人)”,英文解释为“to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way”举个🌰:I suspect he's projecting his fears onto you. 我猜他是把他的恐惧投射到你身上了。

4)表示“向别人表现(某种品质)”,英文解释为“If you project a particular quality, that quality is what most people notice about you.”举个🌰:Recently she has sought to project a much tougher image. 最近她努力塑造一个更强硬的形象。

In addition to STEM, health and business majors are among the highest-paying, leading to average annual wages that are higher at the entry level and significantly greater over the course of a career compared withliberal artsand humanities majors.


liberal arts

liberal arts /ˌlɪb.ər.əl ˈɑːts/ 表示“(大学的)文科”,英文解释为“college or university subjects, such as history, languages, and literature, that develop students' general education rather than preparing them for a particular job”

Liberal arts college 常见翻译“文理学院”,又称“博雅学院”,起源于美国,是美国高校的重要种类之一。但“文理学院”这个翻译并不完全准确,Liberal arts college 通常指的是以博雅教育为核心的本科院校,这些学院提供广泛的学科教育,包括人文学科、社会科学、自然科学和数学等,旨在培养学生的批判性思维、写作和沟通能力。“liberal arts”虽然字面上可以理解为“文科”,但在美国的教育体系中,它涵盖了更广泛的学术领域,不仅限于传统的文科。

For workers with a bachelor's degree, education was the lowest-earning field of study, followed by psychology and social work, and the arts.


“Students need professional guidance on the economic outcomes of college and career pathways before they make one of the biggest decisions of their lives,” Ban Cheah, a senior economist at the Center on Education and the Workforce and co-author of the report, said in a statement.

乔治城大学教育与就业中心高级经济学家、该报告的共同作者班·切亚(Ban Cheah)在声明中说:“学生在做出人生中最重要的决定之一前,需要得到专业指导了解大学教育和职业发展道路的经济回报。”

Students question the value of college 学生质疑大学价值

Between thesky-highcost and student loan burden, more students are taking a closer look at college's return on investment.



sky-high /ˌskaɪˈhaɪ/ 表示“(价格或收费)极高的(地),高昂的(地)”,英文解释为“Sky-high prices or charges are very high.”举个🌰:The price of oil went sky-high when war broke out. 战争爆发后,油价急剧上涨。His confidence is still sky-high. 他依旧信心十足。

Most Americans still agree that a college education is worthwhile when it comes to career goals and advancement. However, only half think the economic benefitsoutweighthe costs, according to a report by Public Agenda, USA Today and Hidden Common Ground — and young adults are particularlyskeptical.

大多数美国人仍然认为,就职业目标和晋升而言,大学教育是值得的。然而,根据《公共议程》(Public Agenda)、《今日美国》(USA Today)和《隐秘共同基础》(Hidden Common Ground)的报告,只有一半的人认为经济收益大于成本,而年轻人尤其对此持怀疑态度。


outweigh /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ 1)表示“(在重要性或意义上)超过”,英文解释为“If one thing outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance, benefit, or significance than the second thing.”举个🌰:The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages. 这笔交易的利远大于弊。

2)表示“比(某人)重”,英文解释为“If you outweigh someone, you are heavier than them.”举个🌰:He outweighed her by about 20 kilograms. 他比她重约20千克。


skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ 表示“怀疑的,持怀疑态度的”,英文解释为“doubting that something is true or useful”举个🌰:Many experts remain skeptical about/of her claims. 很多专家对她的主张仍然持怀疑态度。

The rising cost of college andballooningstudent loanbalanceshave played a large role in changing views about the higher education system, which many think isriggedto benefit the wealthy, the report found.



balloon /bəˈluːn/ 作名词,表示“气球”,作动词,熟词僻义,表示“(在大小、重量或重要性上)激增”,英文解释为“to quickly increase in size, weight, or importance”举个🌰:The rumours soon ballooned into a full-blown scandal. 这些传闻不久就完全演变成了一起丑闻。


balance /ˈbæl.əns/ 1)表示“结存,结余”,英文解释为“the amount of money you have in a bank account, or the amount of something that you have left after you have spent or used up the rest”举个🌰:Once we know how much money we'll need, let's spend the balance (= the amount left). 一旦知道了我们将需要多少钱,就把结余的钱花掉吧。

2)表示“结欠”,英文解释为“an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made”举个🌰:The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days. 500元结欠款必须于90天之内付清。


rig /rɪɡ/ 表示“(欺骗性地)幕后操纵”,英文解释为“If someone rigs an election, a job appointment, or a game, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.”举个🌰:She accused her opponents of rigging the action. 她指责对手幕后操纵了这次行动。

📍类似的一个词:manipulate也都出现很多次了,表示“(常指以不正当手段)操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”举个🌰:Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media. 她在整个职业生涯中非常成功地控制了媒体。

Now only 45% of students from low-income, first-generation or minority backgrounds believe education after high school is necessary, according to a separate study by ECMC Group.


- 词汇盘点 -

diploma、 on track、 median、 bachelor's degree、 payoff、 humanities、 stock market、 hold up、 enrollment、 wage、 differential、 tuition、 defer、 discipline、 project、 liberal arts、 sky-high、 outweigh、 skeptical、 balloon、 balance、 rig

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Skeptical of sky-high tuition, Joe deferred enrollment to balance stock market projects, skeptical the wage differential would outweigh the payoff. Holding up his diploma, the median liberal arts bachelor's degree didn't project sky-high wages but disciplined him in humanities, rigging his future success.

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