
2024年07月04日 10:00 LearnAndRecord



1.Why did the couple decide to proceed with the euthanasia before Els's condition worsened?

A) They wanted to avoid legal complications.

B) They were afraid of living like "zombies" due to medication.

C) They believed it was a better time financially.

D) They wanted to ensure Els could still make the decision for herself.


Husband and Wife, 70 and 71, Die Together Through Euthanasia: 'There Is No Other Solution'

From: People

A couple from the Netherlands opted to end their lives with euthanasia together.

After meeting in kindergarten, Jan Faber, 70, and his wife Els van Leeningen, 71, had a lifelong partnership. The couple was married for nearly five decades. Jan worked as a sports coach while Els was a primary school teacher.

However, Jan struggled for years with back pain and even after surgery in 2003, he saw no improvements. His chronic pain ultimately left him unable to work and he often spoke about euthanasia, telling his family he didn't want to live with his physical limitations.

In November 2022, Els was diagnosed with dementia. “This is very good,” she told BBC, pointing to her body. “But this is terrible,” she added, pointing to her head. With both of their conditions declining, Jan's discussion of euthanasia became more of a reality. The pair ultimately opted for duo-euthanasia — to end their lives together.

The procedure became legal in the Netherlands when the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act was passed in April 2001, taking into effect in April 2002. With its passing, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to make euthanasia legal. The country's official government website states that the procedure is performed by a physician who administers "a fatal dose of a suitable drug to the patient on his or her express request."

"Requests for euthanasia often come from patients experiencing unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement,” the website states. “Their request must be made earnestly and with full conviction. They see euthanasia as the only escape from the situation. However, patients have no absolute right to euthanasia and doctors no absolute duty to perform it.”

The couple made the decision before Els' dementia worsened and she was no longer able to make the decision on her own.

“If you take a lot of medicine, you live like a zombie,” Jan explained. “So, with the pain I have, and Els' illness, I think we have to stop this.”

When he said “stop this,” he told the outlet that he meant stop living. "I've lived my life, I don't want pain anymore,” he continued. “The life we've lived, we're getting old. We think it has to be stopped.”

"There is no other solution," Els said.

Their son, who asked to remain anonymous, told BBC that it was a “strange day” losing both of his parents.

“I remember we were having dinner in the evening, and I got tears in my eyes just watching us all having that final dinner together,” he told the outlet. “The final half hour was difficult. The doctors arrived and everything happened quickly - they follow their routine, and then it's just a matter of minutes.”

Doctors administered the lethal medication to Jan and Els on June 3 and the couple died together at a local hospice.

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Husband and Wife, 70 and 71, Die Together Through Euthanasia: 'There Is No Other Solution'

From: People

A couple from the Netherlandsoptedto end their lives witheuthanasiatogether.



opt /ɒpt/ 表示“选择,挑选;(尤指)优先选择”,英文解释为“to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others”举个🌰:Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other. 根据自己的情况,你可以选择这种或那种方法。


euthanasia /ˌjuː.θəˈneɪ.zi.ə/ 表示“安乐死”,英文解释为“the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more”举个🌰:Although some people campaign for the right to euthanasia, it is still illegal in most countries. 尽管一些人发起运动争取安乐死的权利,但在大多数国家中实施安乐死仍是违法行为。

After meeting in kindergarten, Jan Faber, 70, and his wife Els van Leeningen, 71, had a lifelong partnership. The couple was married for nearly five decades. Jan worked as a sports coach while Els was a primary school teacher.

70岁的简·法伯(Jan Faber)和71岁的妻子艾尔斯·范·莱宁根(Els van Leeningen)在幼儿园相识,后来成为终身伴侣,结婚已近五十年。简曾是一名体育教练,而艾尔斯是一名小学教师。

However, Jan struggled for years with back pain and even aftersurgeryin 2003, he saw no improvements. Hischronicpain ultimately left him unable to work and he often spoke about euthanasia, telling his family he didn't want to live with his physical limitations.



surgery /ˈsɜː.dʒər.i/ 表示“外科手术”,英文解释为“the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part”举个🌰:The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart. 这位病人接受了心脏外科手术。


chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ 1)表示“(疾病)慢性的,长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured”如:chronic arthritis表示“慢性关节炎”。

2)表示“(问题)长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved”举个🌰:There is a chronic shortage of teachers. 长期存在师资短缺的问题。

3)还有一种解释是用来形容人“积习难改”,如“长期酗酒/沉迷赌博等的人”我们就可以用chronic alcoholic/gambler表示。

In November 2022, Els wasdiagnosedwithdementia. “This is very good,” she told BBC, pointing to her body. “But this is terrible,” she added, pointing to her head. With both of their conditions declining, Jan's discussion of euthanasia became more of a reality. The pair ultimately opted forduo-euthanasia — to end their lives together.



diagnose /ˈdaɪəɡˌnəʊz/ 表示“诊断(病症);查出(问题)”,英文解释为“to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it”举个🌰:She was diagnosed with/as having diabetes. 她被查出患有糖尿病。The electrician has diagnosed a fault in the wiring. 电工查出了一处线路故障。

📍可以看出,除了指查出病症,也可以指查出故障或者问题。名词形式:diagnosis /ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs/


dementia /dɪˈmenʃə/ 表示“(尤指老年性)痴呆”,英文解释为“a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing the memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behaviour”


duo /ˈduː.oʊ/ 1)表示“二重奏演奏者;二重唱演唱者;二人组合表演者;(歌手、乐手等的)二人组合,一对搭档”,英文解释为“A duo is two musicians, singers, or other performers who perform together as a pair.”如:a Famous dancing and singing duo. 一个著名的歌舞表演二人组。

2)表示“(有共同点的)一对人”,英文解释为“You can refer to two people together as a duo, especially when they have something in common.”

Theprocedurebecame legal in the Netherlands when theTerminationof Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act was passed in April 2001, taking into effect in April 2002. With its passing, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to make euthanasia legal. The country's official government website states that the procedure is performed by aphysicianwhoadministers"afatal doseof a suitable drug to the patient on his or her express request."



procedure /prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/ 1)表示“程序;步骤;常规”,英文解释为“a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something”举个🌰:The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints. 公司采取了新程序处理投诉事宜。

2)表示“医疗处理;手术”,英文解释为“a medical operation”举个🌰:It's a routine/standard surgical procedure. 这是一个普通的外科手术。


termination /ˌtɜː.mɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“终止;停止”,英文解释为“the act of ending something or the end of something”举个🌰:The termination of the bus service was a severe blow to many villagers. 公交车停驶对许多村民来说是一个严重打击。

📍此外,termination还可以指“终止妊娠”(a medical operation to end the life of a developing child before it is born)。


physician /fɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ 表示“医生;(尤指)内科医生”,英文解释为“a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a surgeon”

📍词根“physic-”与“自然”有关,历史上指“自然科学”,后专指医学。近义词:doctor(医生),同根词:physical(身体的),常用短语:family physician(家庭医生)


administration应该都不陌生,administer /ədˈmɪn.ɪ.stər/ 作动词,用来表示“管理,治理”(to manage the work or money of a company or organization),或者是表示“执行,实施;给予”,英文解释为“to provide or organize something officially as part of your job”举个🌰:It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts. 司法不是警方的职责,而是法院的职责。

然而,此处并不是这个含义,熟词僻义,指的是“施用(药物),给予(治疗),派发(药物)”,英文解释为“to give someone a medicine or medical treatment”举个🌰:Painkillers were administered to the boy. 已给那个男孩服了止痛药。


fatal /ˈfeɪ.təl/ 1)表示“致命的”,英文解释为“A fatal illness, accident, etc. causes death.”举个🌰:This illness is fatal in almost all cases. 这种病几乎是不治之症。

2)示“灾难性的;毁灭性的”,英文解释为“very serious and having an important bad effect in the future”举个🌰:He made the fatal mistake/error of believing what they told him. 他听信了他们的话,犯了致命的错误。


dose /dəʊs/ 1)表示“一剂”(a measured amount of something such as medicine),如:a dose of penicillin 一剂青霉素;

2)表示“一些(糟糕或不愉快的事)”,英文解释为“an amount or experience of something, often something bad or unpleasant”举个🌰:He received a hefty dose of bad news this week. 本周他得到了许多坏消息。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述谷歌的文章中提到:The first route would involve taking a strong dose of managerial medicine to become a more tightly run conglomerate. 第一种解决方法是给它服用一剂管理上的强效药,让它成为管理更严格的企业集团。

"Requests for euthanasia often come from patients experiencing unbearable suffering with noprospectof improvement,” the website states. “Their request must be madeearnestlyand with fullconviction. They see euthanasia as the only escape from the situation. However, patients have no absolute right to euthanasia and doctors no absolute duty to perform it.”



prospect /ˈprɒs.pekt/ 1)表示“(发生好事情的)可能,可能性,机会”,英文解释为“the possibility that something good might happen in the future”举个🌰:Is there any prospect of the weather improving? 天气有可能好转吗?

2)表示“前景;展望;设想”,英文解释为“the possibility of being successful, especially at work: ”举个🌰:She's hoping the course will improve her career prospects. 她希望这门课能改善自己的职业前景。


earnestly /ˈɜː.nɪst.li/ 表示“严肃地;认真地;诚挚地”,英文解释为“in a serious and determined way, often without humour”举个🌰:He stood with his hands on his hips, his head tilted slightly as he listened earnestly to questions. 他双手叉腰,微微仰着头,认真地听取了大家的提问。


conviction /kənˈvɪk.ʃən/ 1)表示“坚定的看法;坚定的信念;坚定的信仰”,英文解释为“a strong opinion or belief”如:a deep/strong/lifelong conviction 深深的/坚定的/终生的信仰。

2)表示“定罪,判罪”,英文解释为“the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty”举个🌰:Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. 由于她是初次犯盗窃罪,对她的量刑不是很重。

🎬电影《玉子》(Okja)中的台词提到:I admire your conviction, Silver, 我敬佩你的决心。

The couple made the decision before Els' dementia worsened and she was no longer able to make the decision on her own.


“If you take a lot of medicine, you live like azombie,” Jan explained. “So, with the pain I have, and Els' illness, I think we have to stop this.”



zombie /ˈzɒmbɪ/ 表示“僵尸,丧尸”,英文解释为“(in stories) a frightening creature that is a dead person who has been brought back to life, but without human qualities. Zombies are not able to think and they are often shown as attacking and eating human beings.”

When he said “stop this,” he told theoutletthat he meant stop living. "I've lived my life, I don't want pain anymore,” he continued. “The life we've lived, we're getting old. We think it has to be stopped.”



outlet /ˈaʊt.let/ 或者outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店,a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。

📍美式英语里还可以表示“电源插座(同 power point)”。

"There is no other solution," Els said.


Their son, who asked to remainanonymous, told BBC that it was a “strange day” losing both of his parents.



anonymous /əˈnɒn.ɪ.məs/ 1)表示“匿名的”,英文解释为“If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it.”举个🌰:An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. 一位匿名捐助人参与进来提供了奖金。

2)表示“不记名的”,英文解释为“Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are.”举个🌰:Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote. 当然,那得是通过不记名投票。

3)表示“没有特色的”,英文解释为“without any unusual or interesting features”,如:long stretches of dull and anonymous countryside 大片大片千篇一律、枯燥平淡的乡村。举个🌰:He has a rather anonymous face. 他相貌平平。

“I remember we were having dinner in the evening, and I got tears in my eyes just watching us all having that final dinner together,” he told the outlet. “The final half hour was difficult. The doctors arrived and everything happened quickly - they follow their routine, and then it's just a matter of minutes.”


Doctors administered thelethalmedication to Jan and Els on June 3 and the couple died together at a localhospice.



lethal /ˈliː.θəl/ 表示“致命的;极其危险的”,英文解释为“able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous”举个🌰:Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes. 起火3分钟后,房子里充满了致命的毒气。


hospice /ˈhɒs.pɪs/ 表示“(尤指癌症晚期患者的)临终医院,安养院”,英文解释为“a hospital for people who are dying, especially from cancer”

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Diagnosed with chronic dementia, the duo opted for euthanasia. In a hospice, their physician administered a fatal dose, earnestly respecting their conviction. Anonymously, they left outlets for grief, warning against the prospects of living like zombies, their termination procedure becoming a lethal liberation.

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