
2024年11月11日 12:03 CGTNGlobalBusiness
#真财实料#【“盲盒目的地挑战”——小城奇遇记】假如有一场说走就走的旅行,你会选择去哪儿?CGTN记者徐一踏上了一场别开生面的“盲盒旅行挑战”,目的地是被誉为“中国最美县城”的浙江省桐庐县,与当地居民一起探索这片土地。她邂逅了珍贵的汗血宝马、偶遇了来自法国巴黎的高中交流团,还在葱郁林间体验了现实版的QQ飞车冒险……在黄公望所描绘的富春江畔,世界各地的旅人在此不期而遇,共同创作出一篇“县城文学”。这座小城有着多少种打开方式?@桐庐发布 本期《真财实料》,跟随CGTN记者徐一走进“中国最美县城”浙江桐庐,感受中国县域旅游如何强劲“出圈”,以及县域消费的蓬勃活力。How does someone decide on their next adventure destination? CGTN reporter Xu Yi embarked on a "blind-box destination" travel challenge to Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province, known as "the most beautiful county in China." In this "hidden-gem" county, she came across adorable horses, a group of high school students from Paris... and many more! In this week's episode of BizFocus, join CGTN as we explore Tonglu, in south China, to experience the vibrant growth of local tourism and the booming county economy.


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