#真财实料#【你脚上的袜子什么样,诸暨都知道!】浙江省诸暨市是全球最大的袜业生产基地,年产袜子超250亿双,袜业产值规模超700亿元,占全球三分之一。在这里,各式各样的小袜子,在加入了科技感、设计感以后,已经从一种消耗品,逐渐发展成为时尚货。戳视频,一起来看看吧!本周《真财实料》,CGTN记者何千里带你感受诸暨市的经济发展和文化魅力。周日(11月17日)中午正片大放送,敬请期待!#美丽奔县#Zhuji City in Zhejiang Province is the world's largest hosiery production base, with an annual output of more than 25 billion pairs of socks and an output value of more than 70 billion yuan ($10 billion), accounting for one-third of the world's total. Here all kinds of fashionable socks are sold all over the world! Check it out! In this week's episode of BizFocus, CGTN's Olivia He explores the economic development and cultural charm of Zhuji City.