#一线经济观察# 【螃蟹“住进”稻田里:盘活一湖水,贯通三产业】安徽蚌埠市五河县素有“皖北水乡”之称,位于淮河、浍河、漴河、潼河、沱河等五条河流的交汇处,水产资源非常丰富。如今,这个曾经安徽省最贫困的县城,依托“物联网+人工智能+5G”的创新理念,发展起了“稻蟹共生”的农业新模式,充分利用水资源实现“一水两用、一地多收”。CGTN记者何静宜@CaelynHER 前往五河县,探访当地人如何通过盘活一湖水,推动农业、工业和旅游业的融合发展。#美丽奔县# @蚌埠发布Wuhe County in Anhui Province, China, known as the "Water Township of Northern Anhui," lies at the convergence of five rivers, rich in aquatic resources. CGTN reporter He Jingyi traveled to Wuhe to see how the county has transformed from one of the poorest in Anhui to a thriving center for agriculture, tourism, and industry—by making the most of its water resources.