本次学习Charlie Munger DuBridge lecture at University of Michigan 2010 (2010年查理芒格密歇根大学演讲),希望有所收获。
And our special guest today is Charles Munger, who for more than three decades has been the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the diversified investment company shared by Warren Buffett. Born in Omaha, He left the university to serve in the Army Air Corps in World War 2 and after military service earned a degree from the Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, and they went to California to practice law. In 1962, he cosplayed the firm that is now known as Munger Tolls at ollison. During this time, he became a serious investor, first running a successful investment partnership in his own in two and joining forces with Warren Buffett. The success . Of Berkshire Hathaway is well known, but behind the headlines are the values by which Charlie has conducted his own professional life.
your really major opportunities in life are going to be few. And when you get a lollop aoos for God's sakes, don't hang by like a timid little rabbit, don't hang back, they aren't that many of the really big good ones.If you take the whole history of herbertshire Hathaway, if you take out the 20 best transactions, our record is a joke. Well, 20 V transactions over 40 some years, that's one every two years. And we work at it all the time. Life is not just bathing you on unlimited opportunities, even if you work at being able to find them and seize them.I saw another hand right here. Undergraduate. Production across.
Patience, hard work, and rational thinking. In short, the principles of his personal hero, benjamin Franklin. And like Franklin, charlie has sought to use his own self andm made resources for the good of others and has had many long-standing charitable involvements in education, health care, and the arts. Another interest that Charlie shares with Benjamin Franklin is that of lifelong learning. He reads several weeks books a week. He remains passionate about learning, teaching, and always problem solving. I suspect that if you're looking for the secret of Charlie's success, you might find it right there, an ongoing quest for knowledge and wisdom that remains central to his life.And I might add that one of Charlie's favorite quotes applies to himself as well. Ability will get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.
Let me start with a qualification. Warren and I have not made our way in life by making successful macroeconomic predictions and betting on our conclusions. Our system is to swimmers competently as we can, and sometimes the tide will be with us and sometimes it will be against us. But by and large, we don't much bother with trying to predict the tides because we plan to play for game for a long time. I recommend to all of you exactly the same attitude. It's kind of a snare and a delusion out gas macroeconomic cycles. Very few people do it successfully and some of them do it by accident. When the game is that tough, why not adopt the other system of swimming as competently as you can and figuring that over a long life you'll have your share of good tides and bad tides?
And some of you are going out into a bad market. My attitude toward that is very simple. I think you should all just say, so what?
There are good tides and there are bad tides. I have a long way to go, and we know from the example of other people that if you constantly stand well by your own generation and cope with competency and grace with whatever life deals you, and just keep doing it, your share of the honors and emoluments of the civilization in due time are very likely to come if you deserve the emoluments. And of course, that's the other advice, the best way to get what you want in life is to deserve what you want. How could it be otherwise? It's not crazy enough so that the world is looking grow out of undeserving people to reward.
There are two things I've found in my long life, when you'd never do one is never feel sorry for yourself if your child is dying of cancer, don't feel sorry for yourself, never, ever feel sorry for yourself. And the other thing you never want to have is envy. That's the only one of the deadly sin.You're never going to have any fun at at all.
why not take these opportunities, hardships, and so forth to make a man of yourself or a person of yourself, to use the modern lingo?And so I know how you should cope with whatever the difficulties are. The president, just keep your head down and do your best. And do some of the people who had the best careers and my age cohort, of the age cohort just before mine were the ones who had the worst club ring in the 30s because they were there when the great boom came.
Look at the write offs, are you really earning money when you put something on your balance sheet that really isn't there? When you reach for it will fade away like mist. What the hell kind of a system is that?
I think it would be a net plus if we were plainly doing the right thing, if we borrowed I think when we just borrow the money and shovel at people, it's dangerous. But I think it is less dangerous when there's something really meritorious you're doing with the money. I think the infrastructure is sure to be very useful. It is sure to be needed. It's going in the right direction. Of course,
If we deferred some of that stuff and saved our energy for the big one, we might got the big one done.
How do you propose to get past that and to shift our system from these short term incentives and planning to a more long term perspective, not just in our focus, but in how we act as well? Well, of course, of course, we have a terrible problem with these very short term incentives.I don't think it is required because the rest of the world cares terribly about the next quarter's earnings. Berkshire doesn't care. So this is everybody that cares.
So when the culture starts to go wrong, we're all susceptible to be dragged along. And therefore, it's a very good habit in life to develop what Kipling to keep your head when all about you are losing theirs. It's not I've been doing it all my life. Everybody's wrong with Charlie. It's caused me some trouble, but it's also created a huge advantage and it's not that bad averaged out.You know, you had a more convenient place right here where there's not a lot of crazy temptation. But if you go to a place where everybody is start craving mad and pushing and crazy, and it's very hard to not get sucked along as my father was almost sucked along and signing a some kind of perjured application for a hunting license in South Dakota, we can all drift into that stuff, but we don't watch it.
所以当文化开始出错时,我们都有可能被拖累。因此,在生活中养成一个很好的习惯是发展 Kipling 所说的保持头脑清醒,当周围的人都失去理智时,你仍能保持冷静。我一生都在这样做。查理的看法都是错误的。这给我带来了一些麻烦,但也带来了巨大的优势,总的来说,这并不坏。你知道,你在这里有一个更方便的地方,那里没有太多的疯狂诱惑。但如果你去一个每个人都开始疯狂渴望、推挤和疯狂的地方,你会发现很难不被卷入其中,就像我的父亲几乎被卷入其中,在 South Dakota 签署了一份某种伪证的狩猎许可证申请一样。
Well, bunter I'd rather own common stocks I'd pick than the government bonds at the present rates. So that's an easy question for me. What you should do with your own life depends on your own opportunity costs, how likely it is you're going to need the money suddenly at an inconvenient time, and a lot of other subjects.
And but what he said over and over again to his grandchildren, including my mother, was the real opportunities that come to you are few. It's a very fortunate life that is just bathe an opportunity all the way. Most people just get a few times when they can make a huge difference by seizing a huge activity. And he said, when you find 1, my dear grandchildren, and you can clearly recognize it, he says, seize it boldly and don't do it small.
And we just better get used to it. And I think part of enjoying life is to just see it like it is and face it like it is and adapt to the reality as it is whether you like it or not, and the reality as it is is that Michigan is not going to dominate the world in autos the way it once did.
Athens is never again going to be the leader of all civilization, nor is Rome, nor is London. The baton passes the iron rule of life in a historical sense is that if you're lucky enough to be in a leadership position, eventually you have to pass the baton. That's the rule of human systems. Biologically, we all have to die. And as successful systems, we eventually have to pass the baton.
It's not such a big deal when you have to part with it in the end. I do not regret. Generally. I only regret is a good, it's like the envy and resentment, a lot of other things. It just it means generally I don't have a lot of regrets.
I could have done it differently that I had a failed marriage or I don't second guess the past. I try and learn from the past and make decisions of the future. Well, i don't gnash my teeth. I expect that any human being is going to make a lot of dumb decisions, and I've certainly made a lot of dumb decisions in my life, but not as many as most people.


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