
2024年05月28日 10:00 LearnAndRecord



1. Why are the bugs attracted to the new yellow shirts of Norwich City?

A) Because the color is similar to what they seek in flowers

B) Because the color is brighter and more noticeable

C) Because the fans are carrying food

D) Because the shirts are made ofoilseed rape flowers

2. Which colors do bedbugs prefer according to the study?

A) Dark red and black

B) Dazzling white and bright yellow

C) Green and yellow

D) Dark red and green

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Football fans plagued by bugs after team switches to 'pollen' yellow shirts

From: Daily Mail, 29 July 2010

Football supporters claim they have beenplaguedby insects since their team switched to brighter yellow shirts.



plague /pleɪɡ/ 1)作名词可表示“瘟疫,疫病”,如:a fresh outbreak of plague 瘟疫的新一轮爆发;

2)作动词表示“不断困扰,折磨,使苦恼”,英文解释为“to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time”,举个🌰 :She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. 她受虚弱、疲劳和眩晕所折磨。

🎬电影《白宫管家》(The Butler)中的台词提到:It's time we take a stand against these injustices that have plagued our community. 现在是时候该表明立场和采取行动来对抗这些已困扰我们很久了的不公。

Fans of Norwich City, known as theCanaries, say they wereengulfedbyswarmsof blackbugsas they walked home from a pre-seasonfriendly.

被称为“金丝雀”的诺里奇城足球俱乐部(Norwich City)球迷说,他们观看完季前友谊赛后,走在回家的路上被成群的黑色虫子包围了。


canary /kəˈneə.ri/ 表示“金丝雀”,英文解释为“a small, yellow bird that is well known for its singing, sometimes kept as a pet”如:She had a canary in a birdcage.


engulf /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ 1) 表示“吞没”,英文解释为“If one thing engulfs another, it completely covers or hides it, often in a sudden and unexpected way.”举个🌰:A boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed an apartment block. 山崩掩埋了一座公寓楼之后,一个男孩被发现遇难。

2)表示“使陷于”,英文解释为“If a feeling or emotion engulfs you, you are strongly affected by it. ”如:the pain that engulfed him 他所陷入的痛苦。


a swarm of/swarms of表示“一大群;一大堆”,可以指蜂拥的人群,也可以指昆虫之类的,如:a swarm of bees/wasps/ants/locusts 一大群蜜蜂/黄蜂/蚂蚁/蝗虫,举个🌰:A swarm of/Swarms of photographers followed the star's car. 成群结队的记者跟在这位明星的车后。


bug /bʌɡ/ 1)表示“(计算机程序中出现的)缺陷,漏洞”,英文解释为“a mistake or problem in a computer program”举个🌰:A bug caused the company's computer system to crash. 程序缺陷导致公司的计算机系统崩溃。

2)表示“小虫子”,英文解释为“a very small insect”

3)表示“(引起小毛病的)细菌;病毒”,英文解释为“a bacteria or a virus causing an illness that is usually not serious”举个🌰:I had a tummy/stomach bug last week. 上周我的肠胃出了点小毛病。


friendly /ˈfrend.li/ 可以直接作名词,表示“友谊赛”,英文解释为“a game that is played for enjoyment and in order to practise, not with the aim of winning points as part of a serious competition”

Now experts have revealed the insects are attracted to thatshadeof yellow because it closelyresembles pollen.



熟词僻义,通常用法a xx shade (of sth),表示“浓淡深浅;色度;色调”,英文解释为“a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is”如:an unusual shade of yellow/an unusual yellow shade 少见的黄色,a delicate/pale shade of red 淡/浅的红色,a rich/soft shade of red 艳/柔和的红色。


resemble /rɪˈzem.bəl/ 作动词,表示“像;看起来像;与…相似”,英文解释为“to look like or be like someone or something”举个🌰:You resemble your mother very closely. 你长得很像你妈妈。


pollen /ˈpɒl.ən/ 表示“花粉”,英文解释为“a powder, produced by the male part of a flower, that causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds. It is carried by insects or the wind.”

The bugs were identified as pollenbeetles, also known as Meligethes aeneus, which are particularly attracted tooilseed rapeanddaffodils.

经鉴定,这些虫子是露尾甲,学名Meligethes aeneus,特别喜欢油菜和黄水仙花。


beetle /ˈbiː.təl/ 表示“甲虫”,英文解释为“an insect with a hard shell-like back”如:a black beetle 黑甲虫。

oilseed rape

oilseed rape /ˌɔɪl.siːd ˈreɪp/ 表示“油菜”,英文解释为“a plant with yellow flowers from which oil and animal food are produced”举个🌰:We pass fields smeared lurid yellow by the oilseed rape. 我们经过被油菜花染得黄灿灿的田野。


daffodil /ˈdæf.ə.dɪl/ 表示“黄水仙(花)”,英文解释为“a yellow, bell-shaped flower with a long stem that is commonly seen in the spring”

But fans are demanding Norwich City changes its 'more Brazilian' coloured shirts back to the less attracting yellow they played in before.


One fan reported on a website: 'Got absolutely engulfed in them today, annoying lot. I suppose a few thousandluminousyellow shirts didn't help either.'



luminous /ˈluː.mɪ.nəs/ 表示“(尤指在黑暗中)发亮的,放光的;夜光的”,英文解释为“producing or reflecting bright light, especially in the dark”如:luminous clothing 夜光服。

And another added: 'When you wear your City shirt it attracts about a million tiny little black bugs.'


Mr Ian Bedford, head ofentomologyat the John Innes Centre in Norwich said: 'Yellow is always a good colour to attract insects and that's why we have yellowsticky trapsin greenhouses to monitor the number ofpestsaround.

英国诺里奇研究园约翰英纳斯中心(John Innes Centre)昆虫学负责人伊恩·贝德福德先生(Mr Ian Bedford)说:“黄色总是很吸引昆虫,这就是我们在温室里使用黄色黏性诱捕器来监测周围害虫数量的原因。”


entomology /ˌen.təˈmɒl.ə.dʒi/ 表示“昆虫学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of insects”


sticky /ˈstɪk.i/ 1)表示“黏性的;黏的;涂有黏胶的”,英文解释为“made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches”如:a sticky mess 黏胶带。

2)表示“(天气)湿热的,闷热的”,英文解释为“If the weather is sticky, it is very hot and the air feels wet.”

3)表示“困难的,棘手的”,英文解释为“difficult”举个🌰:There were a few sticky moments during the meeting, but everything turned out all right in the end. 会议过程中有几处卡壳,但最后总算是一切顺利。


📍tricky /ˈtrɪk.i/ 作形容词,表示“难办的;难对付的;棘手的”,英文解释为“If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill.”举个🌰:I'm in a tricky situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone. 我的处境真有点儿难办——我无论怎么做都会得罪人。


作名词,trap /træp/ 表示“陷阱;夹子;捕捉器”,英文解释为“a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape”举个🌰:The fox got its foot caught in a trap. 狐狸的一只脚被夹子夹住了。

作动词,1)表示“设陷阱(或夹子、捕捉器)捕捉”,英文解释为“to catch an animal in a trap”

2)be trapped表示“被困住;陷入困境”,英文解释为“If someone or something is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation.”举个🌰:Fire officers used cutting equipment to free his legs, which were trapped under a steel beam. 消防队员们用切割设备松开他被压在一根钢梁下的双腿。

3)表示“(尤指为利用而)收集,存住,保存(热量、水等)”,英文解释为“to KEEP something such as heat or water in one place, especially because it is useful”举个🌰:A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun. 温室保持着温暖,因为玻璃吸收了太阳的热量。


pest /pest/ 表示“(破坏庄稼的)有害小动物(或昆虫);害虫”,英文解释为“an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops”如:common pests 常见害虫。

'Obviously in East Anglia a lot of oilseed rape is grown and these insects lay their eggs in flowerbudsof rapeseed flowers before theyhatchinto beetles and fly off to feed on pollen.

“显然,在东英吉利地区(East Anglia)种植了很多油菜,这些昆虫会在油菜花的花蕾中产卵,然后孵化成甲虫,飞出去吃花粉。”


bud /bʌd/ 表示“芽;花蕾”,英文解释为“a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf”


hatch /hætʃ/ 表示“孵出,孵蛋,出壳”,英文解释为“to (cause an egg to) break in order to allow a young animal to come out”举个🌰:The eggs hatch after a week or ten days. 这些蛋1周或10天后孵化。The young disappeared soon after they were hatched. 幼崽孵出后不久就不见了。

'These insects are highly attracted to yellow, because it's a sign to them of food.


'You see them on yellowbed sheetsput out in gardens to dry and on daffodils, and now on yellow football shirts.


bed sheet

bed sheet /ˈbed ʃiːt/ 表示“床单”,英文解释为“a sheet that you put on a bed, that you sleep either on top of or underneath”

‘They are a major pest of oilseed rape, but have become quiteresistanttopesticides.'



resistant /rɪˈzɪs.tənt/ 表示“对…有抵抗能力的;抵抗…的;耐…的”,英文解释为“not harmed or affected by something”如:a stain-resistant carpet 抗污地毯。


pesticide /ˈpes.tɪ.saɪd/ 表示“杀虫剂,农药”,英文解释为“a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other unwanted organisms”

Bedbugs are drawn to certain colors, study finds

From: CNN, April 11, 2017

The next time you're packing for a trip, you might want to reach for your brightest-colored luggage. It could help keep bedbugs away.



bedbug /ˈbed.bʌɡ/ 表示“臭虫,床虱”,英文解释为“a very small insect that lives mainly in beds and feeds by sucking people's blood”

A new study finds that bedbugs – just like flies and other insects – have favorite colors. They really like dark red and black, and theyshun dazzlingwhite and bright yellow.



shun /ʃʌn/ 表示“有意回避;避开;避免”,英文解释为“If you shun someone or something, you deliberately avoid them or keep away from them.”举个🌰:From that time forward everybody shunned him. 从那时起,人人都有意回避他。

🎬电影《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)中的台词提到:Children, I exhort you to shun her, exclude her, shut her out from this day forth. 孩子们,奉劝你们离她远点,排斥她,从今天起与她隔绝。


dazzling /ˈdæz.əl.ɪŋ/  1)表示“光彩夺目的,靓丽的;令人眼花缭乱的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or exciting”如:dazzling good looks 靓丽的容貌,a dazzling smile 灿烂的微笑,a dazzling performance/display 精彩的表演/展示。

2)表示“(光线)刺眼的,耀眼的,眩目的”,英文解释为“A dazzling light is so bright that you cannot see for a short time after looking at it.”如:a dazzling white light 一道刺眼的白光。

Researchers placed bedbugs inPetri dishesthat contained little bug-sized tents made of different colored paper. The bugs quicklycrawledto the shelter, just as you would expect for insects that spend 90% of their lives hiding incracksandcrevices. But when given the chance, theygravitatedtoward the tents that were black and red instead of the white, yellow or green shelters.


Petri dish

Petri dish /ˈpet.ri ˌdɪʃ/ 表示“(尤指用于培养细菌的)皮氏培养皿”,英文解释为“a small, clear, round dish with a cover, used in scientific tests especially for growing bacteria”


crawl /krɔːl/ 表示“缓慢移动;艰难前行;爬行;匍匐前进”,英文解释为“to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees”举个🌰:The child crawled across the floor. 那个孩子爬过了地板。


crack /kræk/ 作动词,1)表示“(使)破裂;(使)裂开;(使)产生裂纹”,英文解释为“to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way”举个🌰:A stone hit the window and cracked the glass. 石块击中窗户,打裂了玻璃。

2)表示“说(笑话);开玩笑,说俏皮话”,英文解释为“If you crack a joke, you tell it.”举个🌰:He drove a Volkswagen, cracked jokes, and talked about beer and girls. 那时他开着一辆大众牌汽车,讲着笑话,谈论着啤酒和女孩。

📰奥巴马卸任后首次重返白宫 和拜登互开玩笑文中提到,INSIDER标题:Obama cracks joke at 'Vice President' Biden during White House event.

作名词,crack /kræk/ 1)表示“裂缝,缝隙;裂口”,英文解释为“a very narrow space between parts of something”举个🌰:Cracks had appeared in the dry ground. 干涸的土地上出现了裂缝。

2)表示“爆裂声;噼啪声”如:the crack of a rifle/whip/breaking branch 步枪/鞭子/树枝断裂的噼啪声。

作形容词,可以表示“优秀的;顶呱呱的;第一流的”,英文解释为“excellent, or of the highest quality”如:a crack regiment 王牌军团,crack troops 精锐部队。


crevice /ˈkrɛvɪs/ 表示“(岩石或墙壁的)裂缝,裂隙,裂口;深的皱纹;身体上的皱痕”,英文解释为“a narrow crack in a rock or wall;a deep line in an old person's face, or a deep fold in someone's body”举个🌰:Sweat poured out of every crevice of the fat man's body. 那个胖子身上的每一条褶皱里都涌出了汗水。


gravitate /ˈɡræv.ɪ.teɪt/ towards/to sth/sb表示“吸引到;受吸引而转到”,英文解释为“to be attracted by or to move in the direction of something or someone”举个🌰:She always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup. 她在幼儿游戏组里总是爱跟比她大的孩子玩。

“We joked that we are all going to buy bright yellow luggage bags because the bedbugs seem not to prefer them, or not to prefer laying eggs on them,” said Roberto Pereira, an urban entomology research scientist at the University of Florida. Pereira was part of the team that carried out the research, which was published Monday in the Journal of Medical Entomology.

“我们开玩笑说,我们都要买亮黄色的行李箱,因为臭虫似乎不喜欢它们,或者不喜欢在上面产卵,”佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)城市昆虫学研究科学家罗伯托·佩雷拉(Roberto Pereira)说。佩雷拉是该研究团队的一员,该研究于周一发表在《医学昆虫学杂志》(Journal of Medical Entomology)上。

One of the most common ways to get bedbugs is when you stay at a hotel that has aninfestation, and the insects or a few of their eggshitch a ridehome with you on your bag, Pereira said. Sunny-colored suitcases could help prevent that, although bedbugs might still be able to find darkfoldsin thefabricin which tostow away, he added.



infestation /ˌɪn.fesˈteɪ.ʃən/ 表示“侵扰,大批出没”,英文解释为“a large number of animals and insects that carry disease, that are present where they are not wanted”如:a flea infestation 一群跳蚤侵扰。


hitch /hɪtʃ/  作名词,表示“临时故障,小问题”,英文解释为“a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay”举个🌰:Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting half an hour late. 由于出了一点小小的技术故障,音乐会将推后半小时开始。表示“(用绳子)系住;

作动词,短语:(用钩子)挂住”,英文解释为“to fasten something to another thing by tying it with a rope or using a metal hook”举个🌰:The horses were hitched to a shiny, black carriage. 马匹被套在一辆黑亮的大车上。

📍hitch a lift/ride 表示“免费搭车;搭便车”,英文解释为“to get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop”举个🌰:They hitched a ride in a truck. 他们搭乘了一辆路过的货车。

📍get hitched 表示“结婚”,英文解释为“to get married”举个🌰:Is LR really getting hitched? LR真的要结婚了吗?(假的。


fold /fəʊld/ 作名词,表示“(纸、布的)褶线,褶痕”,英文解释为“(of a business) to close because of failure”举个🌰:Make a fold across the centre of the card. 在卡片中间折一道线。


fabric /ˈfæb.rɪk/ 表示“织物;布料”,英文解释为“material made by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, curtains, etc. and for covering furniture”如:cotton fabric 棉织物。

📍the fabric of sth 表示“(尤指社会或建筑物的)结构,构造”,英文解释为“the structure or parts of something”如:the fabric of society 社会结构。

stow away

1)stow away 表示“(藏在船只、飞机或其他交通工具上)无票偷乘,偷渡”,英文解释为“to hide on a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle in order to escape from a place or to travel without paying”

2)stow (sth) away 表示“妥善放置,把…收好”,英文解释为“to put something in a safe place so that it can be used in the future”举个🌰:I think I'llstow the camping equipment awayin the loft until next summer. 我想我会把露营装备存放在阁楼里,明年夏天再用。

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