


1. What does the phrase "not out of the woods yet" imply about the Princess of Wales's health?

A) She has recovered from cancer.

B) She is still facing some health challenges.

C) She is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

D) She is afraid of public appearances.

2. What can be inferred about the significance of the trooping the colour ceremony?

A) It is a recent tradition started by King Charles.

B) It is a significant annual event celebrating the sovereign's birthday.

C) It is primarily a military event with much public interest.

D) It was held for the first time in the last decade.


Princess of Wales makes first public appearance since cancer diagnosis

From: The Guardian

The Princess of Wales watched the spectacle of the trooping the colour ceremony from the windows of a major general's office, along with her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, in her first public appearance since revealing her cancer diagnosis.

Catherine, who wore white with navy details, was seen earlier smiling and talking to her children, who were dressed in navy and white, in their carriage before they arrived at Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall. The Princess of Wales, who is the regiment's colonel, also wore an Irish Guards regimental brooch. They were cheered by crowds in the Mall as they left Buckingham Palace.

King Charles and Queen Camilla were riding in a carriage in their royal procession ahead of the Princess of Wales.

The Princess of Wales was photographed prior to that arriving at Buckingham Palace by car before the parade.

Ahead of the event, Kate said in a statement: “I'm looking forward to attending the King's birthday parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet.

“I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. Taking each day as it comes, listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal.”

The Princess of Wales said she was making “good progress” but “there are good days and bad days”. “On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well.” She added that her treatment will continue “for a few more months”.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “His Majesty is delighted that the princess is able to attend tomorrow's events and is much looking forward to all elements of the day.”

The celebration has been held on the sovereign's official birthday for more than 260 years.

In a letter read to the regiment last week, the Princess of Wales, who is undergoing chemotherapy, wrote to the Irish guards to apologise for being unable to take the salute and wished them luck. Lt Gen Sir James Bucknall will take the salute on her behalf.

The king, who is also undergoing treatment for cancer, will not ride on horseback during the ceremony, but will instead review the parade from an Ascot landau carriage. He attended his first trooping at the age of three, riding in a carriage with his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

More than 1,250 soldiers and hundreds of Guardsmen assembled on the parade ground to be inspected by the king from his carriage with Camilla, who is colonel of the Grenadier Guards, and accompanied by the mounted royal colonels.

The stands overlooking the parade ground were filled with about 8,000 family members and partners of the guardsmen and officers on parade.

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Princess of Wales makes first public appearance since cancer diagnosis

From: The Guardian

The Princess of Wales watched thespectacleof thetrooping the colourceremony from the windows of amajor general's office, along with her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, in her first public appearance since revealing her cancer diagnosis.



spectacle /ˈspɛktəkəl/ 1)表示“壮观场面;壮观景象”,英文解释为“a public event or show that is exciting to watch; an exciting appearance”举个🌰:The carnival was a magnificent spectacle. 嘉年华场面十分壮观。

2)表示“不寻常的事;出人意料的情况”,英文解释为“an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval”举个🌰:It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back. 见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。

trooping the colour

军旗敬礼分列式(英语:Trooping the Colour,又译行军旗、掌旗行进、皇家军队检阅典礼、御林军校阅仪式、旌旗操演、皇家军队阅兵、英式阅兵等)是英国和英联邦军队举行的一项传统校阅仪式,别称为国王寿辰阅兵(King's Birthday Parade)。

major general

major general /ˌmeɪ.dʒə ˈdʒen.ər.əl/ 表示“(英军、美军及其他许多军队的)少将”,英文解释为“an officer of high rank in the British Army, the US Army, and many other armed forces”

Catherine, who wore white withnavydetails, was seen earlier smiling and talking to her children, who were dressed in navy and white, in theircarriagebefore they arrived at Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall. The Princess of Wales, who is theregiment'scolonel, also wore an Irish Guards regimentalbrooch. They were cheered by crowds in the Mall as they left Buckingham Palace.

威尔士王妃凯瑟琳身穿白色衣服,配有海军蓝色点缀。早些时候,在抵达白厅街的骑兵卫队阅兵场(Horse Guards Parade)前,人们看到她在马车里微笑着与孩子们交谈,孩子们也穿着海军蓝和白色的服装。身为爱尔兰卫队上校的她还佩戴了爱尔兰卫队的团徽胸针。当他们离开白金汉宫时,沿途的人群欢呼雀跃。


navy /ˈneɪ.vi/ 除了表示“海军”,英文解释为“the part of a country's armed forces that is trained to operate at sea”,还可以表示“深蓝色(的),海军蓝(的)”,英文解释为“dark blue”举个🌰:He was wearing a navy sweater. 他穿着一件深蓝色的毛线衣。


carriage /ˈkær.ɪdʒ/ 表示“(尤指旧时的)四轮马车”,英文解释为“a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in the past”如:a horse-drawn carriage 四轮马车。


regiment /ˈredʒ.ɪ.mənt/ 表示“(军队的)团;大批,大群(事物或人)”,英文解释为“a large group of soldiers, or (more generally) any large number of things or people”举个🌰:Regiments are usually commanded by a colonel and are sometimes made up of soldiers from a particular city or part of the country. 团通常由上校指挥,有时其士兵都来自某个城市或国家的某个特定地区。


colonel /ˈkɜː.nəl/ 的缩写,表示“(陆军或空军)上校”,英文解释为“an officer of high rank in the army or air force”


brooch /brəʊtʃ/ 表示“胸针”,英文解释为“a small piece of jewellery with a pin at the back to fasten to a shirt or jacket, usually worn by women”举个🌰:She wore a small silver brooch. 她戴着银质小胸针。

King Charles and Queen Camilla were riding in a carriage in their royalprocessionahead of the Princess of Wales.



procession /prəˈseʃ.ən/ 表示“行列,队伍”,英文解释为“a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, especially in a formal way as part of a religious ceremony or public celebration”如:a wedding/funeral procession 婚礼/葬礼的行列。

The Princess of Wales was photographed prior to that arriving at Buckingham Palace by car before theparade.



parade /pəˈreɪd/ 表示“(庆祝)游行”,英文解释为“a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something”如:a victory parade 胜利游行。

Ahead of the event, Kate said in a statement: “I'm looking forward to attending the King's birthday parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am notout of the woodsyet.


out of the woods

be out of the woods 表示“脱离险境(或困境)”,英文解释为“to no longer be in danger or difficulty”举个🌰:The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the woods yet. 这个项目又获得了一年的资金,但仍未摆脱困境。

“I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. Taking each day as it comes, listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal.”


The Princess of Wales said she was making “good progress” but “there are good days and bad days”. “On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well.” She added that her treatment will continue “for a few more months”.


A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “His Majestyis delighted that the princess is able to attend tomorrow's events and is much looking forward to all elements of the day.”


His Majesty

Majesty /ˈmædʒ.ə.sti/ 表示“(对国王、女王或王后的尊称)陛下”,英文解释为“the title used to speak to or about a king or queen”举个🌰:I was invited to tea with Her Majesty the Queen. 我受邀与女王陛下共进下午茶。The performance begins at eight o'clock, (Your) Majesty. 演出8点半开始,陛下。

The celebration has been held on thesovereign's official birthday for more than 260 years.



sovereign /ˈsɒv.ər.ɪn/ 作名词,表示“君主;元首;最高统治者”,英文解释为“a king or queen”

作形容词,sovereign /ˈsɒv.ər.ɪn/ 表示“至高无上的;完全独立的”,英文解释为“having the highest power or being completely independent”

In a letter read to the regiment last week, the Princess of Wales, who is undergoingchemotherapy, wrote to the Irish guards to apologise for being unable totake the saluteand wished them luck. Lt Gen Sir James Bucknall will take the salute on her behalf.

上周,正在接受化疗的威尔士王妃致信爱尔兰卫队,为无法接受敬礼道歉,并祝他们好运。詹姆斯·巴克纳尔中将(Lt Gen Sir James Bucknall)将代表她接受敬礼。


chemotherapy /ˌkiː.məʊˈθer.ə.pi/ 表示“化学疗法,化疗”,英文解释为“the treatment of diseases using chemicals”举个🌰:Chemotherapy is often used in the treatment of cancer. 化疗常用于治疗癌症。

📍词根“chemo-”来自希腊语“chemia”,意味着“化学”,“-therapy”来自“therapeia”,意味着“治疗”。整体表示使用化学药物进行的“治疗”。近义词:drug treatment(药物治疗),同根词:chemical(化学的),常用短语:undergo chemotherapy(接受化疗)

take the salute

表示“(高级军官在阅兵时)接受敬礼,行答礼”,英文解释为“When a person of high rank takes the salute, they stand and watch while soldiers march past saluting them.”

The king, who is alsoundergoingtreatment for cancer, will not ride on horseback during the ceremony, but will instead review the parade from an Ascot landau carriage. He attended his first trooping at the age of three, riding in a carriage with his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.



undergo /ˌʌn.dəˈɡəʊ/ 表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化) ”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity. 棋盘游戏正经历着一场复兴。

🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergo this transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...

More than 1,250 soldiers and hundreds of Guardsmenassembledon the parade ground to be inspected by the king from his carriage with Camilla, who is colonel of the Grenadier Guards, and accompanied by themountedroyal colonels.



assemble /əˈsembl/ 1)表示“集合,聚集;收集”,英文解释为“to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group”举个🌰:We assembled in the meeting room after lunch. 午饭后我们在会议室集合。

2)表示“组装;装配”,英文解释为“to make something by joining separate parts”如:furniture that is easy to assemble 易于组装的家具。


mounted /ˈmaʊn.tɪd/ 表示“(士兵或警官)骑马执行任务的”,英文解释为“riding a horse, or involving people riding horses”

Thestandsoverlooking the parade ground were filled with about 8,000 family members and partners of the guardsmen and officers on parade.



熟词僻义,stand /stænd/作名词,1)表示“货摊;售货亭”(a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market),如:a hamburger stand 汉堡包售卖亭;a newspaper stand 报摊。

2)表示“看台”,英文解释为“a large structure at a sports ground, usually with a sloping floor and sometimes a roof, where people either stand or sit to watch a sports event”

3)表示“(尤指公开的)观点,立场,态度”,英文解释为“an opinion, especially one that is public”举个🌰:What's her stand on sexual equality? 她对男女平等持什么态度?

- 词汇盘点 -

spectacle、 trooping the colour、 major general、 navy、 carriage、 regiment、 colonel、 brooch、 procession、 parade、 out of the woods、 His Majesty、 sovereign、 chemotherapy、 take the salute、 undergo、 assemble、 mounted、 stand

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

His Majesty, still undergoing chemotherapy, was not out of the woods yet, but assembled with the navy and regiments for the Trooping the Colour. Mounted in a carriage, the sovereign, and colonel of the major general's regiment, wore a brooch, took the salute, and stood proud during the parade spectacle.

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