
2025年01月08日 11:00 文旅中国


Zhijin Cave, located in Guanzhai Miao Township, Zhijin County, Guizhou, is an underground marvel.

洞内岩溶堆积物丰富,石笋、石柱、石芽等千姿百态。“双狮迎宾” 惟妙惟肖,“日月同辉” 景象壮观,“霸王盔” 威武雄壮,“银雨树” 亭亭玉立。

The cave is rich in karst formations, showcasing a variety of stalactites, stone pillars, and stone buds in countless shapes. The "Double Lions Welcoming Guests" is vividly lifelike, the "Sun and Moon in Harmony" is awe-inspiring, the "King's Helmet" is imposing and majestic, and the "Silver Rain Tree" stands gracefully.

洞道纵横交错,空间宽阔,漫步其中,仿佛置身于梦幻世界。它是 “中国溶洞之王”,集独特喀斯特地貌、奇幻美景、深厚文化底蕴和科研价值于一体,令人心驰神往。

With its labyrinthine paths and expansive spaces, wandering through the cave feels like stepping into a dreamlike world. Dubbed the "King of China's Caves", it combines unique karst landscapes, enchanting scenery, profound cultural heritage, and scientific value, captivating visitors with its allure.


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